US Army to Decide if Traitor Bergdahl Should Receive $300,000 in Back Pay

Bowe Bergdahl, who avoided prison time after deserting his post in Afghanistan in 2009, could now get up to $300,000 in back pay.

As consequence for his desertion, Bergdahl was reduced in rank to E1, given a dishonorable discharge and forced to forfeit pay over the next 10 months as part of his sentence.

However, the ruling did not address the issue of what Bergdahl might be owed since that day in 2009 when he walked away from his post and was captured by the Taliban, according to Fox News.

Bergdahl was freed in 2014 after a swap engineered by the Obama administration that involved terrorists detained at the facility at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba.

Captive soldiers normally receive extra compensation worth around $150,000. However, Bergdahl pleaded guilty to desertion, which makes his status less clear-cut.

At the time of his 2009 disappearance, no one knew he had deliberately left his post.

He was initially categorized as “Whereabouts Unknown” until the Taliban showed a picture of him. At that point, he was classified as “Missing-Captured,” as reported by back in 2014.

“My understanding is there has to be an administrative determination of his duty status at each point, from the time he was captured until now,” an army official told the Army Times.

“In order to figure out what he’s owed, you’re basically going to have to start from that point of captivity.”

The official told the Times that it is possible Bergdahl will be given only his accumulated basic pay, accrued during his captivity.

However, because this is an unusual case, the Army could also determine that because Bergdahl deserted, he should be punished by not being paid for that time, or by having his pay reduced for the time since his 2014 return.

“Based upon the results of trial, the Army is reviewing Sgt. Bergdahl’s pay and allowances,” Lt. Col. Randy Taylor. “His final pay and allowances will be determined in accordance with DoD policy and Army regulation.”

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