Who are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel ? What became of them ?
We need to Refute and Debunk once and for all the
Anti-Semitic Theory that
Ashkenazi European Jews are descended from the Khazars
Also in the Old Testament
God did NOT command
“Genocide” that’s a Lie , God didn’t command the Israelites to commit Genocide against their enemies
Online articles have explained why the Genocide accusation is a Lie , That the Warfare described in the Old Testament of the Bible may have been harsh, but it wasn’t Genocide , just like Today Modern Day Israel is Falsely accused of Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid, blah , blah, blah ,
It is the Fakestinians and other Arabs who are Guilty of those Crimes
eliyokimcohen.com has an article headlined
“What Israel’s Future Borders Will Look Like” about the Future Enlarged Borders of Israel according to the Bible
Who are the 10 Lost Tribes of Israel ? What became of them ?
We need to Refute and Debunk once and for all the
Anti-Semitic Theory that
Ashkenazi European Jews are descended from the Khazars
Who really killed
Yitzhak Rabin in 1995 ? Is there any truth to the assassination conspiracy theories ?
Also in the Old Testament
God did NOT command
“Genocide” that’s a Lie , God didn’t command the Israelites to commit Genocide against their enemies
Online articles have explained why the Genocide accusation is a Lie , That the Warfare described in the Old Testament of the Bible may have been harsh, but it wasn’t Genocide , just like Today Modern Day Israel is Falsely accused of Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing, Apartheid, blah , blah, blah ,
It is the Fakestinians and other Arabs who are Guilty of those Crimes
firmisrael.org has an article headlined
“8 Biblical Reasons to Stand with Israel Today”
eliyokimcohen.com has an article headlined
“What Israel’s Future Borders Will Look Like” about the Future Enlarged Borders of Israel according to the Bible
The website
wnd.com has an article headlined
“What happens when you mess with Israel?”
By Bill Federer
Published September 7, 2015
factsaboutisrael.uk also has articles about the Future Enlarged Borders of Israel in Bible Prophecy