Author Topic: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?  (Read 24448 times)

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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #75 on: October 22, 2007, 09:18:16 PM »
They are all awful. They all want to continue welfare and want cheap Mexican labor to make the MEGArich get richer.

You know there are a couple candidates who don't fit this description, but debate moderators intentionally neglect them.

Offline Dan

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #76 on: October 22, 2007, 09:19:07 PM »
They are all awful. They all want to continue welfare and want cheap Mexican labor to make the MEGArich get richer.

However, We must Choose the lesser of the Evils...

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #77 on: October 22, 2007, 09:19:30 PM »
An he's Mexican!Go figure!

Offline Dan

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #78 on: October 22, 2007, 09:20:00 PM »
They are all awful. They all want to continue welfare and want cheap Mexican labor to make the MEGArich get richer.

You know there are a couple candidates who don't fit this description, but debate moderators intentionally neglect them.
Like Hunter, Tancredo...

Offline Ari

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #79 on: October 22, 2007, 09:41:37 PM »
I saw a little bit of the debate.  I remember thinking to myself, "is this the best we can do"?

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #80 on: October 22, 2007, 09:59:44 PM »
I saw a little bit of the debate.  I remember thinking to myself, "is this the best we can do"?

Which part of what you saw, in particular, did you dislike? 

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #81 on: October 22, 2007, 10:08:34 PM »
From what I saw ,just how pathetic their attacks on Hillery were.I cant stand her ,but It takes a real man to attack someone not around just to look tough.It is only making her look stronger!

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #82 on: October 22, 2007, 10:24:48 PM »
If , if, if.

Do you live in the real world ?

Sure it would be great if Israel had built the Lavi.

But what was going to power the Lavi ?

Do you think Israel builds it's own jet engines?

The truth is Israel builds alot of it's own armaments but is still reliant on the USA to supply components and parts even for the stuff it builds on it's own.

In a perfect world the mooozies wouldn't be getting armed by the Soviets and the USA...and it would just be Israel versus the Arabs with no foreign intervention...let the best man win.

Israel would clean their clocks.

But this isn't a perfect world.

And Ron Paul isn't going to make it perfect or stop the arabs from getting arms. Nope. He doesn't have a problem with Iran getting nukes. He's oblivious not only to the danger to Israel but to the USA.

He's a dhimmi fool that doesn't have a clue what his isolationist position means in a modern era threatened by global islamic jihad.

But you go ahead and keep accepting Paul's asinine assertion that mooozies hate us only because of our foreign policy.

Doesn't really matter, because thankfully Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination or gaining the Presidency.

But if it makes you feel better to be in bed with the candidate that the nazis and moooozies are supporting because Guiliani is a 'gun grabber', then go right ahead and lie down with them.

Just don't complain about the fleas when you wake up. 

That's funny, many of the people complaining about Bush today are the ones who voted for him. I'll be laughing while everyones complaining about Guiliani if he happens to get elected.

You have no consideration about our constitution or our rights. Your primary focus is that America has an obligation to fight terrorism and aid Israel. You don't seem to understand that the fact remains, America is using Israel for it's own agenda. The people in power today are the same people that have been in power for quite some time now. The same ones that used other countries and set up their own governments and dictators in the name of "Democracy". The fact is, we are not a democracy, democracy is a illusion. We are a republic.

How many dictators did we put in power? How about Saddam who we sold weapons to? Aren't we selling to the Egyptians now as well? Whenever there is a dictator we don't like, we go in and overthrow the government and set up a new one. Do you not think that the United States would do the exact same to Israel if a right wing government came to power through elections similar to Meir Kahane? What do you think would happen if Meir Kahane was elected prime minister of Israel at that time? The United States knew he was a threat to their plan of a "American" Middle East. We cannot go around the world drawing lines in the sand, the British did this and look what happened to them? All empires fall, the Soviets fell, the Nazis fell, the British empire fell, the Romans fell. Do you really think America is exempt from this or are you too blind to see this for yourself?

Israel was of use to America at one point, they were of use during the cold war which the Soviets armed the communists in South America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, chunks of Asia and Africa. We aided countries as well. The Israelis were not only fighting against muslims but also against leftist secular Arabs, many of the worst terrorists in history were leftists or had communist aid. This is why America saw a use in Israel. We did the same thing with Korea and Germany. The soviets took East Berlin and East Germany, we took the west. They took North Korea, we took South Korea. It was all about getting as many allies as we could during that period.

Now the cold war is over officially. Israel is now being used for something else, they are being used as a bargaining chip by the United States to stabilize the middle east. Do you not think every inch of land that is given to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis by order of King George is part of this so called peace process? It buys the United States time everytime Israel is forced to give up land. It's nothing more than to satisfy the muslims. The only thing foreign aid has done is make Israel dependent on America for weapons, guess what happened to all the other nations who were dependent on other countries for their survival?

Cuba? We placed an embargo on them, that's ok, the Soviet Union funded them and then when the Soviet Union collapsed, their country turned to excrement. You go there, there are all kinds of American cars there from the 50's because of the embargo. They are screwed. All those weapons they have now, at one time they were top of the line technology. What are they now? Pieces of excrement rust buckets that barely work and spare parts are running out.

North Korea? Wow, they were pretty stupid scary at one point. Now look at them, again all that technology has gone to waste.

South Africa? They had embargos placed on them, some say they didn't have television until 30 years after the world did. They got military aid from Israel, R4's (Galils), vehicles, helmets, nuclear weapon program. They couldn't survive with the apartheid system and whites being a minority and after Israel ditched them, the country started producing stuff domestically but it was too late. Israel is headed into a similar direction, Jews will soon become a minority because of this whole illusion of a democratic country in which Arabs will become the majority.

Venezuela? Same things happening now. US won't send them the parts they need for F-16's, they are now getting armed from the Russians.

Unlike these countries, I doubt the Russians are going to help the Israelis, the Chinese may sell them weapons but do you really want to go that route?

You really think it's wise for Israel to be under American aid? If it becomes dependent on America and one day America decides to ditch them, all those pretty F-16's and F-15's, and small arms will be useless rust buckets come 20-30 years from now. That is why it is crucial for Israel to start producing all of it's military gear domestically and get rid of the foreign aid. Instead, get contracts from major American defense companys like Boeing and Lockheed like they have been doing. They don't need this 6 billion dollar aid a year or whatever it is now. Israel was smart to produce their own tanks (Merkava series), they should have stuck with the space program but they retired the shavit launcher and are now using India to launch their satellites, that was stupid. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the LAVI project, yet America told them to cut the funding and send them F-16's instead?

Israel could have also been a major oil producer, who told them to give up the Sinai? There was plenty of oil there.

The United States in specific is not to blame, it's the people in power, the Neocons. These are not real Conservatives, they are nothing more than people who use others for their own gains and benefits. We have gone completely astray from our founding fathers wishes. Yet the situation we're in now, is all because we elected these people to power. We will continue to elect these people into power because they say they support Israel and will fight the war on terror. These people are deceptive and twist their words to get the support they need. They don't give a damn about Israel and they certainly don't give a damn about America. They just want to mold America into their own vision which is closer to a mix of Fascism and Communism.

Ron Paul doesn't hate Israel, he doesn't exactly care for them either. He doesn't hate the muslims but he doesn't really care about them either. Ron Paul is neutral, he doesn't pick sides, and he has stated that. He feels we have no need to get involved with the world yet he is endorsed by Nazis because of the fact he does not specifically support Israel financially. You see this as a threat because he does not want to get involved with Iran, it is not Americas priority to get involved with Iran. The reason most people do not support a war with Iran is they feel it has absolutely nothing to do with America, but to do with Israel. We are Jews, we live by the laws of the land, we do not change countries into our own vision. As we are in exile, we must abide by the laws of the land as long as they don't conflict with our own. Israel HAS the capability to take out Iran therefore it is Israels responsibility to defend themselves, not Americas. Likewise, why didn't you see Israelis in Vietnam? or how about Iraq? I'll answer that, because it wasn't Israels war. Iran is Israels war and this is their obligation to destroy Iran or to take out the nukes. This doesn't make Ron Paul and Anti-Semite as again you are taking out of context what he says. He has never specifically called Israel an enemy, he has never called muslims are friends. He has no stance on the middle east period.

These are some strong arguements from Cohen. Interesting ideals...hmmmm

However, Paul doesn't have a chance of
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

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Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #83 on: October 22, 2007, 10:57:05 PM »
NOt a chance for Ron!

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2007, 06:44:59 AM »
From what I saw ,just how pathetic their attacks on Hillery were.I cant stand her ,but It takes a real man to attack someone not around just to look tough.It is only making her look stronger!

Could you explain?  Why do their attacks on Hillary make them look bad?

Offline Dan

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2007, 07:15:40 AM »
Well, They're giving the Democratic nomination to Hitlery before the Primary election even took place... for 1, and
 2 They should talk about their own agenda for the future as President instead of attacking Hitlery, there will be time for that type of reaction after she get elected President. G-d forbid!

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2007, 07:20:57 AM »
Well, They're giving the Democratic nomination to Hitlery before the Primary election even took place... for 1, and
 2 They should talk about their own agenda for the future as President instead of attacking Hitlery, there will be time for that type of reaction after she get elected President. G-d forbid!

I think the moderators of the debates usually ask a question involving Hillary. 

I think Newt Gingrich's suggestion for the format of debates should possibly be used.

Offline Dan

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2007, 07:25:12 AM »
Well, They're giving the Democratic nomination to Hitlery before the Primary election even took place... for 1, and
 2 They should talk about their own agenda for the future as President instead of attacking Hitlery, there will be time for that type of reaction after she get elected President. G-d forbid!

I think the moderators of the debates usually ask a question involving Hillary. 

I think Newt Gingrich's suggestion for the format of debates should possibly be used.

I'm sorry I'm not aware of that format... what is it?

Offline RationalThought110

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