Author Topic: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?  (Read 24390 times)

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #25 on: October 22, 2007, 11:54:11 AM »
I always carry in n.y.

I dont yet, just waiting for my permit to come through

Muslim groups seem to support ron paul in large numbers, what is his policy on islamic terrorism, will he advocate profiling muslims, not arabs.....MUSLIMS of any shade or race.  I havent paid much attention to him, he doesnt seem to have that good of a chance of getting the nomination.

Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #26 on: October 22, 2007, 12:00:15 PM »
Since when do we have some many Ron Paul sympathisers.... ???
If he is Anti-Israel and Anti-American then he is a Neo-Democrat-Socialist-Pig!

I've heard people call Paul anti-Israel, but anti-U.S.?

Give me evidence that he is anti-Israel and I will stop supporting him.

It sounds to me like Paul is against big government.  What is Socialist about that?

Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #27 on: October 22, 2007, 12:04:16 PM »
I always carry in n.y.

What happened in New York was unconstitutional, how many peoples rights were violated for Guiliani to supposedly clean up NYC? NY has the worst gun restriction on the book. I wouldn't move there if you paid me. I'm sure the liberals would welcome me when I'm toting around my scary black rifles with 100 round beta drum magazines.
I carry everywhere i go in N.Y. no problem i'm serious
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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #28 on: October 22, 2007, 12:05:16 PM »
Paul is Anti-War and puts down our effort in Iraq every chance he gets...
I'm not pro war but since we're there the military should be supported and not bashed at every corner... it causes more hatered of America around the world.

Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #29 on: October 22, 2007, 12:05:58 PM »
I carry everywhere i go in N.Y. no problem i'm serious

As long as you don't get caught, you can carry anywhere!

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #30 on: October 22, 2007, 12:06:33 PM »
C'mon Scriabin.

Paul repeatedly asserts that 9/11 and mooozie terrorism around the globe is a result of America's foreign policy. By that he means support for and friendship with Israel. Get it ?

He's also written stuff claiming the neo-cons (his code word for Jews) control America through the Likud Party in Israel.

He's as anti-Israel as they come.

And if he's anti-Israel, in my book, he's also anti-America.

What about your book ?

Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #31 on: October 22, 2007, 12:08:09 PM »
Paul is Anti-War and puts down our effort in Iraq every chance he gets...

Is Paul anti-war or anti-Iraq War?

Chaim is against the Iraq War too.

Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #32 on: October 22, 2007, 12:09:30 PM »
Oh and for Ron Pauls comments Al Qaida hates us because our support of Israel read this review of Raymond Ibraihams book, he works in the U.S. archives and is an Arab .He is the only person in the U.S. govt who bothered to read osamas letters to the moslems.Yes osama hates us because who we are.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #33 on: October 22, 2007, 12:13:58 PM »
Paul is Anti-War and puts down our effort in Iraq every chance he gets...

Is Paul anti-war or anti-Iraq War?

Chaim is against the Iraq War too.
He called it a criminal act he said you don'nt attack a country rfor what criminals in that country did
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #34 on: October 22, 2007, 12:15:39 PM »
C'mon Scriabin.

Paul repeatedly asserts that 9/11 and mooozie terrorism around the globe is a result of America's foreign policy. By that he means support for and friendship with Israel. Get it ?

He's also written stuff claiming the neo-cons (his code word for Jews) control America through the Likud Party in Israel.

He's as anti-Israel as they come.

If Paul is anti-Israel then I'm anti-Paul.

I simply haven't seen any PROOF that he's anti-Israel.

I understand hating those who are invading your country.

Mexico is invading the United States and NOTHING is being done to stop it.  At the same time, we're spend hundreds of billions of dollars fighting in Iraq?  Why?  To bring democracy to the Middle East?



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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #35 on: October 22, 2007, 12:16:39 PM »
Paul is Anti-War and puts down our effort in Iraq every chance he gets...

Is Paul anti-war or anti-Iraq War?

Chaim is against the Iraq War too.
He called it a criminal act he said you don'nt attack a country rfor what criminals in that country did

Normally thats true, however we are fighing islamic terrorists who come from all over, the only thing they all have in common is islam and the "grand dream" of the islamic ummah.

Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #36 on: October 22, 2007, 12:17:41 PM »
True i agree
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline White Israelite

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #37 on: October 22, 2007, 12:19:43 PM »
If , if, if.

Do you live in the real world ?

Sure it would be great if Israel had built the Lavi.

But what was going to power the Lavi ?

Do you think Israel builds it's own jet engines?

The truth is Israel builds alot of it's own armaments but is still reliant on the USA to supply components and parts even for the stuff it builds on it's own.

In a perfect world the mooozies wouldn't be getting armed by the Soviets and the USA...and it would just be Israel versus the Arabs with no foreign intervention...let the best man win.

Israel would clean their clocks.

But this isn't a perfect world.

And Ron Paul isn't going to make it perfect or stop the arabs from getting arms. Nope. He doesn't have a problem with Iran getting nukes. He's oblivious not only to the danger to Israel but to the USA.

He's a dhimmi fool that doesn't have a clue what his isolationist position means in a modern era threatened by global islamic jihad.

But you go ahead and keep accepting Paul's asinine assertion that mooozies hate us only because of our foreign policy.

Doesn't really matter, because thankfully Ron Paul doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell of winning the Republican nomination or gaining the Presidency.

But if it makes you feel better to be in bed with the candidate that the nazis and moooozies are supporting because Guiliani is a 'gun grabber', then go right ahead and lie down with them.

Just don't complain about the fleas when you wake up. 

That's funny, many of the people complaining about Bush today are the ones who voted for him. I'll be laughing while everyones complaining about Guiliani if he happens to get elected.

You have no consideration about our constitution or our rights. Your primary focus is that America has an obligation to fight terrorism and aid Israel. You don't seem to understand that the fact remains, America is using Israel for it's own agenda. The people in power today are the same people that have been in power for quite some time now. The same ones that used other countries and set up their own governments and dictators in the name of "Democracy". The fact is, we are not a democracy, democracy is a illusion. We are a republic.

How many dictators did we put in power? How about Saddam who we sold weapons to? Aren't we selling to the Egyptians now as well? Whenever there is a dictator we don't like, we go in and overthrow the government and set up a new one. Do you not think that the United States would do the exact same to Israel if a right wing government came to power through elections similar to Meir Kahane? What do you think would happen if Meir Kahane was elected prime minister of Israel at that time? The United States knew he was a threat to their plan of a "American" Middle East. We cannot go around the world drawing lines in the sand, the British did this and look what happened to them? All empires fall, the Soviets fell, the Nazis fell, the British empire fell, the Romans fell. Do you really think America is exempt from this or are you too blind to see this for yourself?

Israel was of use to America at one point, they were of use during the cold war which the Soviets armed the communists in South America, the Middle East, Eastern Europe, chunks of Asia and Africa. We aided countries as well. The Israelis were not only fighting against muslims but also against leftist secular Arabs, many of the worst terrorists in history were leftists or had communist aid. This is why America saw a use in Israel. We did the same thing with Korea and Germany. The soviets took East Berlin and East Germany, we took the west. They took North Korea, we took South Korea. It was all about getting as many allies as we could during that period.

Now the cold war is over officially. Israel is now being used for something else, they are being used as a bargaining chip by the United States to stabilize the middle east. Do you not think every inch of land that is given to the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis by order of King George is part of this so called peace process? It buys the United States time everytime Israel is forced to give up land. It's nothing more than to satisfy the muslims. The only thing foreign aid has done is make Israel dependent on America for weapons, guess what happened to all the other nations who were dependent on other countries for their survival?

Cuba? We placed an embargo on them, that's ok, the Soviet Union funded them and then when the Soviet Union collapsed, their country turned to excrement. You go there, there are all kinds of American cars there from the 50's because of the embargo. They are screwed. All those weapons they have now, at one time they were top of the line technology. What are they now? Pieces of excrement rust buckets that barely work and spare parts are running out.

North Korea? Wow, they were pretty stupid scary at one point. Now look at them, again all that technology has gone to waste.

South Africa? They had embargos placed on them, some say they didn't have television until 30 years after the world did. They got military aid from Israel, R4's (Galils), vehicles, helmets, nuclear weapon program. They couldn't survive with the apartheid system and whites being a minority and after Israel ditched them, the country started producing stuff domestically but it was too late. Israel is headed into a similar direction, Jews will soon become a minority because of this whole illusion of a democratic country in which Arabs will become the majority.

Venezuela? Same things happening now. US won't send them the parts they need for F-16's, they are now getting armed from the Russians.

Unlike these countries, I doubt the Russians are going to help the Israelis, the Chinese may sell them weapons but do you really want to go that route?

You really think it's wise for Israel to be under American aid? If it becomes dependent on America and one day America decides to ditch them, all those pretty F-16's and F-15's, and small arms will be useless rust buckets come 20-30 years from now. That is why it is crucial for Israel to start producing all of it's military gear domestically and get rid of the foreign aid. Instead, get contracts from major American defense companys like Boeing and Lockheed like they have been doing. They don't need this 6 billion dollar aid a year or whatever it is now. Israel was smart to produce their own tanks (Merkava series), they should have stuck with the space program but they retired the shavit launcher and are now using India to launch their satellites, that was stupid. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the LAVI project, yet America told them to cut the funding and send them F-16's instead?

Israel could have also been a major oil producer, who told them to give up the Sinai? There was plenty of oil there.

The United States in specific is not to blame, it's the people in power, the Neocons. These are not real Conservatives, they are nothing more than people who use others for their own gains and benefits. We have gone completely astray from our founding fathers wishes. Yet the situation we're in now, is all because we elected these people to power. We will continue to elect these people into power because they say they support Israel and will fight the war on terror. These people are deceptive and twist their words to get the support they need. They don't give a damn about Israel and they certainly don't give a damn about America. They just want to mold America into their own vision which is closer to a mix of Fascism and Communism.

Ron Paul doesn't hate Israel, he doesn't exactly care for them either. He doesn't hate the muslims but he doesn't really care about them either. Ron Paul is neutral, he doesn't pick sides, and he has stated that. He feels we have no need to get involved with the world yet he is endorsed by Nazis because of the fact he does not specifically support Israel financially. You see this as a threat because he does not want to get involved with Iran, it is not Americas priority to get involved with Iran. The reason most people do not support a war with Iran is they feel it has absolutely nothing to do with America, but to do with Israel. We are Jews, we live by the laws of the land, we do not change countries into our own vision. As we are in exile, we must abide by the laws of the land as long as they don't conflict with our own. Israel HAS the capability to take out Iran therefore it is Israels responsibility to defend themselves, not Americas. Likewise, why didn't you see Israelis in Vietnam? or how about Iraq? I'll answer that, because it wasn't Israels war. Iran is Israels war and this is their obligation to destroy Iran or to take out the nukes. This doesn't make Ron Paul and Anti-Semite as again you are taking out of context what he says. He has never specifically called Israel an enemy, he has never called muslims are friends. He has no stance on the middle east period.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 12:25:25 PM by Cohen »

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #38 on: October 22, 2007, 12:22:45 PM »
Paul is anti-war.

Who isn't ?

Anyone in his right mind is anti-war.

But the reality is sometimes war is unavoidable and necessary.

You think Chaim has a problem waging war on Iraq ?

I don't.

I think he has a problem with how the war is being waged and it's goals.

Does anyone here have a problem with taking out Saddam Insane ?

I doubt it.

All of us should have a problem with trying to establish an 'Islamic democratic' government there though. That's a waste of American lives and sheer fantasy.

We should have a problem with having the goal of getting rid of moooozie WMD in Iraq when Iran is and was the far greater threat.

But Ron Paul isn't the answer to these problems.

Paul would sit idly by while Iran goes nuclear.

And G-d forbid when NYC or Tel Aviv gets nuked, he'll blame US foreign policy and Israel.

I can't believe there's people here that support Ron Paulistinian.

Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #39 on: October 22, 2007, 12:27:32 PM »
Paul is anti-war.

Who isn't ?

Anyone in his right mind is anti-war.

But the reality is sometimes war is unavoidable and necessary.

You think Chaim has a problem waging war on Iraq ?

I don't.

I think he has a problem with how the war is being waged and it's goals.

Does anyone here have a problem with taking out Saddam Insane ?

I doubt it.

All of us should have a problem with trying to establish an 'Islamic democratic' government there though. That's a waste of American lives and sheer fantasy.

We should have a problem with having the goal of getting rid of moooozie WMD in Iraq when Iran is and was the far greater threat.

But Ron Paul isn't the answer to these problems.

Paul would sit idly by while Iran goes nuclear.

And G-d forbid when NYC or Tel Aviv gets nuked, he'll blame US foreign policy and Israel.

I can't believe there's people here that support Ron Paulistinian.

The United States needs to take care of her OWN interests and Israel needs to take care of hers.

The answer is NOT disarming Iran.

Let them have nukes, but make them TERRIFIED to use them!

We need to change OURSELVES...NOT the world around us!

Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #40 on: October 22, 2007, 12:30:47 PM »
How do you terrify a homicide bomber not to blow himself up.
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #41 on: October 22, 2007, 12:32:20 PM »
How do you terrify a homicide bomber not to blow himself up.

You terrify the entire society that the bomber comes from.

A bully picks on the weak because he is WEAK himself.

Offline mord

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #42 on: October 22, 2007, 12:33:59 PM »
You really think it's wise for Israel to be under American aid? If it becomes dependent on America and one day America decides to ditch them, all those pretty F-16's and F-15's, and small arms will be useless rust buckets come 20-30 years from now. That is why it is crucial for Israel to start producing all of it's military gear domestically and get rid of the foreign aid. Instead, get contracts from major American defense companys like Boeing and Lockheed like they have been doing. They don't need this 6 billion dollar aid a year or whatever it is now. Israel was smart to produce their own tanks (Merkava series), they should have stuck with the space program but they retired the shavit launcher and are now using India to launch their satellites, that was stupid. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the LAVI project, yet America told them to cut the funding and send them F-16's instead?
  This part i agree with btw the last sattelite Israel launched on their rocket in Israel
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Offline White Israelite

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #43 on: October 22, 2007, 12:40:22 PM »
Paul is anti-war.

Who isn't ?

Anyone in his right mind is anti-war.

But the reality is sometimes war is unavoidable and necessary.

You think Chaim has a problem waging war on Iraq ?

I don't.

I think he has a problem with how the war is being waged and it's goals.

Does anyone here have a problem with taking out Saddam Insane ?

I doubt it.

All of us should have a problem with trying to establish an 'Islamic democratic' government there though. That's a waste of American lives and sheer fantasy.

We should have a problem with having the goal of getting rid of moooozie WMD in Iraq when Iran is and was the far greater threat.

But Ron Paul isn't the answer to these problems.

Paul would sit idly by while Iran goes nuclear.

And G-d forbid when NYC or Tel Aviv gets nuked, he'll blame US foreign policy and Israel.

I can't believe there's people here that support Ron Paulistinian.

What you are doing is counter productive, it's the same rap sheet. You figure "Hey the nazis are voting for this guy, i'm not going to vote for him, i'm going to vote for the guy completely opposite of him"

You are willing to sacrifice our rights and freedoms because your ego says "this guy is supported by nazis". Why don't you vote for the best candidate for this country period?

During the Nazi era, if you had a choice, would you have supported Stalin or Hitler? I wouldn't have supported either. Your basically supporting the lesser of two evils. The enemy of our enemy is not our friend. Basically in a scenario

yes the soviets [censored] up the Germans, yes the Germans hated Jews but that did not make the soviets our friends. The soviets did some [censored] up stuff to our people.

The same applys here, there are many nazis who hate whats going on in this country like we do, many hates muslims like we do, does that make them our friend? Absolutely not.

The same applys with presidential candidates, these Neocons are NOT friends of Israel. They are deceptive manipulative liars. They aren't doing Israel favors by sending aid, that money has strings attached to it (of course), it's nothing more than bribing money, it's like a pedofile giving a kid a 50 dollar bill or some candy so he'll perform for him. Do you really think the situations any different with Israel? The United States having complete control over Israel saying "heres some money, now give up a chunk of the west bank so we can negotiate with the muslims". That is completely insane, I seriously wonder what caused people to be so backwards to begin with. Maybe it's all those growth hormones that are being injected into our meat supply?

Ron Paul is for America first. You are failing to understand why the nazis support him. There are a lot of things nazis support, does that mean we don't support it as well? Nazis love guns, do we stop buying guns? Nazis love europe and white culture, do we stop supporting white culture and promote black culture? How about white inventions? Nazis love to brag about white inventions, do we stop using everything invented by the whites because Nazis brag about it? Many Nazis hate democrats, liberals, and communists. Should we support communism because Nazis hate it?

You really aren't making any sense, you are saying "Because some nazis endorsed ron paul, lets call him a nazi and not support him".  Didn't the nazis support Regan? Haven't the Nazis supported other republican candidates in the past that we supported?

Offline White Israelite

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #44 on: October 22, 2007, 12:42:30 PM »
You really think it's wise for Israel to be under American aid? If it becomes dependent on America and one day America decides to ditch them, all those pretty F-16's and F-15's, and small arms will be useless rust buckets come 20-30 years from now. That is why it is crucial for Israel to start producing all of it's military gear domestically and get rid of the foreign aid. Instead, get contracts from major American defense companys like Boeing and Lockheed like they have been doing. They don't need this 6 billion dollar aid a year or whatever it is now. Israel was smart to produce their own tanks (Merkava series), they should have stuck with the space program but they retired the shavit launcher and are now using India to launch their satellites, that was stupid. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the LAVI project, yet America told them to cut the funding and send them F-16's instead?
   This part i agree with btw the last sattelite Israel launched on their rocket in Israel

The Shavit has been launched seven times:

    * 1988 - Ofeq 1 - Success - experimental payload.
    * 1991 - Ofeq 2 - Success - experimental payload.
    * 1995 - Ofeq 3 - Success - first operational satellite in orbit.
    * 1998 - Ofeq 4 - Failure.
    * 2002 - Ofeq 5 - Success - second operational satellite in orbit.
    * 2004 - Ofeq 6 - Failure.
    * 2007 - Ofeq 7 - Success - third operational satellite in orbit.

On the fourth and sixth flights, the vehicle failed before reaching space. The September 2004 failure of the Shavit resulted in the destruction of the $100 million Ofeq 6 spy satellite. Israel has announced that it will use the Indian Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle for future Ofeq launches. There was widespread criticism about that decision as some quarters wanted to use only Shavit for launch for reasons of national pride. Israel will use India's PSLV to launch its Techsar SAR satellite in 2007.

Ofek-7, also known as Ofeq 7, is part of the Ofeq family of earth observation satellites designed and built by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) for the Israel Ministry of Defense.

The first Ofek 7 was launched by a Shavit space launch vehicle on June 11, 2007. Equipped with advanced technology and a series of new enhancements to provide improved imagery, it is placed into a elliptical orbit of 300x600 kilometers. Three days after its launch, IAI/MBT Space Division received the first images taken by the satellite. The Ofek 7 is a follow-on spacecraft to Ofek 5 that was placed into orbit in 2002.

The latest Ofek 7 was lauched on September 17, 2007 from Palmahim Air Force Base atop a Shavit missile. It's elliptical orbit reportedly takes it over Iran, Iraq, and Syria every 90 minutes.

India space launcher.
Planned launches
C10    December 2007    Sriharikota    Polaris (Israel) and/or Cartosat-2A    Planned

Israel now plans to use India to launch it's satellites. This is another form of outsourcing and becoming less dependent.
« Last Edit: October 22, 2007, 12:46:07 PM by Cohen »

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2007, 12:47:09 PM »
Quotes from Cohen the Ron Paul supporter:

Ron Paul doesn't hate Israel, he doesn't exactly care for them either. He doesn't hate the muslims but he doesn't really care about them either. Ron Paul is neutral, he doesn't pick sides, and he has stated that.

Iran is Israels war and this is their obligation to destroy Iran or to take out the nukes. This doesn't make Ron Paul and Anti-Semite as again you are taking out of context what he says. He has never specifically called Israel an enemy, he has never called muslims are friends. He has no stance on the middle east period.

Here's the problem with this rational as an endorsement of Ron Paul.

I don't know about you, but I don't want a President that's neutral.

I want a President that's pro-Israel and hates moooozies.

Apparently, you don't.

Your convoluted thinking is that a neutral President that isn't pro-Israel and anti-moooozie will help Israel by forcing Israel to be entirely self-reliant.

Yes, Israel should strive to be self-reliant and independent of foreign influences. That's essential and a given. But in the real world that's not going to happen overnight and Israel's enemies have worldwide support.

You state that Iran is Israel's war. This is true, and Israel should take out Iran's nuke potential.

But here's something you and the rest of the Paul supporters conveniently ignore or are too dumb to understand:

It's also America's war.

Apparently you nitwits think it's a joke when the Iranians and other mooozies are screaming their mantra of 'Death to the great satan America, Death to the little satan Israel'.

No, I'm sorry. Iranian nukes pose a grave threat to not only Israel, but to America and the entire civilized world.

But you Ron Paul supporters have your heads so far up your small intestines that you can't see this.

Truly pathetic. 

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2007, 12:47:44 PM »
I thought the Fred Thompson was awful and sounded like he didn't even have the energy and stamina to finish...
Giuliani sounded good, and gained some ground...
Huckabee also was wonderfully witty and gave great answers.
Romney I think slipped a little, with his socialized healthcare plan and social security reforms
Ron Paul like a typical Nazi and didn't disappoint...
The Best Line of the night belonged to John Mccain! I don't like him but he was very good at one point in the Debate...

I agree about Fred Thompson.  To his supporters, though, he could do no wrong.  He sounds like he has some trouble talking.  McCain who is older than him, seems more animated than Thompson.

What did Romney say about social security that sounded socialized?  I thought he mentioned four potential proposals and then he said which of the four could improve it and which wouldn't.  I think he promoted the idea similar to the one that Bush had proposed a couple years ago.  Huckabee said that he calls it "personal accounts" rather than "private accounts". 

After the debate, each candidate talked with Hannity and Colmes for a little bit.  Hannity pointed out to Huckabee that the main complaint that people have of him are his past comments about "illegal aliens" from as recently as 2006 and 2005. 

Joe Schmo

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2007, 12:50:45 PM »

You state that Iran is Israel's war. This is true, and Israel should take out Iran's nuke potential.

But here's something you and the rest of the Paul supporters conveniently ignore or are too dumb to understand:

It's also America's war.

you nitwits.

No, I'm sorry. Iranian nukes pose a grave threat to not only Israel, but to America and the entire civilized world.

But you Ron Paul supporters have your heads so far up your small intestines that you can't see this.

Truly pathetic. 

Debate will suffice, Muck.  No need for defamtion.

Relax.  Take a deep breath.

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2007, 12:52:33 PM »
I apoligize Scriabin.

I probably wen't overboard there.


But I'm really passionate about this.

Forgive me, my friend.

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: How many People saw the GOP Debate Last Night?
« Reply #49 on: October 22, 2007, 12:54:19 PM »
Ron Paul sounded like his usually whinny self on all the others i agree

To have any chance of defeating Hillary, the troop levels in Iraq will need to be decreased.  According to polls, too many people are unhappy with the current troop level and want them lowered--probably by a lot.  Despite the fact that Hillary will keep troops in Iraq, a greater percentage of people believe that she would withdraw more troops sooner than any of the GOP candidates--not including Ron Paul. 

Hillary has said several times that she would keep troops in Iraq in various roles.  Dick Morris wrote a good analysis related to this in the past.  She refuses to say how many troops she'd keep but it's probably more than 50,000.  So if the troop levels could be reduced to under 100,000 before the election, then Hillary's rhetoric of "If this president doesn't end this war, when I'm president, I will",  will lose credibility because then Hillary's position in Iraq and troop levels would then become identical to Bush's.