if people want to read chamish, they can sign up to his mailing list..
Chamish was not just right about Rabin. He is right about the CFR and the Vatican too.
Call it american pressure, and vatican pressure if you want. And the vatican does not have anywhere near as much say as america.
Most people are not hooked on believing everything chamish writes. But the main things, one can check up.
He only brought up about Rabin to bring down the israeli government, and also to bring to light how it really operates.. The powers that Israel bends to.
Israeli policy is fed to whichever party is in power. The party leader is just a puppet.
I realised this in 1999 Amram Mitzna vs Ariel Sharon
Mitzna said "I have a plan, built a wall , separation ,......." It was a detailed plan. A friend called and asked what about jerusalem. They even said they`d divide it but hadn`t planned/released details for that yet.
Sharon was asked for a plan, he said "I have a plan" . But it was a secret. People were excited.
Sharon won. He was asked "how did you win?" He was shocked himself, he said "I don`t know!"
(he won because of the people behind mitzna. Mitzna was a new face for the same old guard, peres e.t.c. and the people don`t want peres and co. But anyhow)
What does Sharon do when he gets in power? HE BUILDS A WALL !!! separation, e.t.c. He didn`t speak much, but that was what he did.
**There was only ever one plan.**
When the israelis are reluctant, they vote Netanyahu or "sharon". When they are more willing, they vote "rabin" or Peres. The powers that be prefer that they vote for rabin or peres, because they can go through the plan quicker. But if the people are reluctant, then only a netanyahu or sharon can sell the plan.
That is how it works.
minor point - I also noticed that many israeli politicians that run for power .. Have done the same degree at MIT. Mitzna and I recall maybe Netanyahu. It does look suspicious.. like they rear them for the job.
Chamish mentioned in his book that Henry Kissinger had been meeting with Sharon every year since the 70s (in the 70s sharon might`ve been dealing with roads or something trivial in govt, not important).. He also visited Netanyahu often, and Netanyahu was seen leaving, looking humbled.
And chamish is right about Daniel pipes and richard pipes. CFR. And so he predicted that Daniel Pipes woiuld be a problem.. Supporting a palestinian state, even suggesting that soldiers do not defend settlers. And he got Steven Plaut too.. Plaut write good articles, but we would not have known he was such a swine if it was not for Chamish.
To read chamish, you have to take his skill. He can read from any source, sift out the facts, and what is right, and discard the rest. He may be wrong sometimes, in his hunches.
I still read Steven Plaut at times. He has some classic articles.