I have found this small booklet in my library. It is printed in the year 1943 from M. Dumont Schauberg in Cologne. The author is count Michael Alexander. Chaim is right. The original Title is:
s-o-s thetis
36 hours between stock exchange and deathThe plot of this nazi-propaganda book is simply told:
In the year 1939 sank a British u-boat with the name THETIS. The poor soldiers are sealed in this u-boat on the ground of the sea. Instead of rescuing the soldiers, the british authorities chaffer for the insurance sum and are afraid of harming the stock-market quotations of the big british companies. Because of the money is more worth for them, as the life of their own soldiers, allready all soldiers have to die. The only one, which escaped are the highest officers and a businessman, who joined the crew.
This is a bad story, that tells the readers, that the British people are greedy and evil.