Author Topic: AMERICA WILL NOT ATTACK IRAN  (Read 2222 times)

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Offline MarZutra

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« on: November 07, 2007, 06:18:20 PM »
America Will Not Attack Iran
by Eugene Narrett Ph.D.

In the age of Machiavelli, whose dominion is completed in the mass media, in the realm of spin and mis-direction, distraction is one of the primary methods of governance. The principle was familiar to the sophists and has always been essential in war, dueling or chess where it is known as a feint. Attract the attention and energies of the opponent by a show of force or intense concern in one area (or issue) while preparing a critical initiative or assault in another theatre. It is akin to the thesis-antithesis-synthesis game by which the outcome is scripted by the State or, in geopolitics by the powers while empty suits draw the attention of the people to a smokescreen debate of empty slogans about ill-defined ‘issues’ filling our minds with irrelevant or invented ‘facts.’

For instance, serious-looking news persons draw us to debate whether jihad exists while our freedoms are eroded and the masters proceed toward “convergence,” an “alliance of civilizations.”

Distraction, crises, bread and circuses are theatre from the macrocosm of geopolitics to the ‘off-off-Broadway of flirting or salary negotiations. Perhaps the greatest macro-distraction of our twilight times, the twentieth century and its sequel was the staged collapse of the Russian Empire/ Soviet Union, the “fall of Communism” and “the end of the cold war” [1]. The godlike Reagan spoke and the wall came a tumblin’ down; that’s the official truth…

A ‘top ten’ list of such geopolitical feints might be instructive but here I wish to consider one that has taken center stage in the years since the toppling of Saddam Hussein: the ostensibly looming attack by America on the Islamic “Republic” of Iran. The drumbeat for this attack and widespread hysterics about its injustice, waste or effects on our tattered Republic indicate the success of the gamers of diverting attention to a contrived dialectic.

There is unlikely to be any such attack. The perennial regime in Washington and the regime of the mullahs have been effectively allied since 1979 notwithstanding the murder of hundreds of American troops in Lebanon and elsewhere by a branch of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard (Hizbollah). Prior to that America also was allied with Iran but a revolutionary jihadist regime, allied with their longtime Russian enemies suited the crisis managers seeking a world state via “the thesis, antithesis, synthesis of Hegelian philosophy and the Marxist reconciliation [convergence] of opposites” [2]. To be sure this is a violent and death-filled method but Sir Julian S. Huxley who wrote these words was a longtime active member of the Eugenics Society: less people are better.

This should clarify many of the “intractable” conflicts in the post-War world. They are based on “an evolutionary philosophy” using both social and biological means to move toward a World State and its ‘peace’ of the naturally superior [3].

For twenty-eight years since American and French powers took down the Shah and inserted Khomeini into Iran the Iranians have helped our gamers perform another and in some ways worse Vietnam War. By its nature, the shadowy “War on Terror” (which is a war of terror and subjugation on the peoples on whose behalf it supposedly is fought) cannot be won. In a century we have regressed from the Lusitania and the “War to End all Wars” to a war process in the name of security, a world Security State composed of overlapping “peace and prosperity” zones filled with “peace keepers.” “War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength” as individual thought and individuality are suppressed among the “masses.” In the new world social order, “orthodoxy means not needing to think” an apt description of the cliché-clogged heads of the politically correct who have lost courage, knowledge and thus the ability not only to think and discuss but to empathize in “a process of group at-onement” [4]. They are pod people prattling endlessly of “difference” but terrified of any unofficial thought, any genuine inquiry and insight which must be identified and anesthetized and its source “corrected.” Public education has done its job.

The real goals of the carefully modulated rise in tensions between American and Iran are, 1) the expulsion of Jews from the Israeli heartland of Judah, Benjamin, Ephraim and part of Menashe (Judea and Samaria), the consequent separation of all Jews from their holiest sites, the resulting reduction of Judaism to archaism and a demonstration by the powers that the Creator is a myth, His promise reversible; 2) the fragmentation and federative reconfiguration of the Middle East; 3) a giant step toward a new world social order and a world religion with a Nature-goddess as its hypnotic and tutelary anesthetic; 4) the full integration, via NATO of America-UNA with the EU, Russia and the Vatican in “one humanitarian space.” These bedfellows are strange but that too fits the twilight times when treachery, deceit, perverse lusts and hate laugh and rule in cynical triumph.

The distraction-game immerses us in a fog of lies and appearances, in a virtual reality where “Nothing is but what is not” and the disintegration of integrity (post-modernism) is the dogma of the academy, the terror-spectacle of our films, the collapse of our borders and relationships. This is the cult of Culturetainment, the tautly ‘happy face’ masking murder, terror and treachery [5]. The collapse of boundaries and disciplines in every sense of the word, the undoing of the discriminations that are creation (Genesis 1; 17, passim); the undoing of the world and return to chaos define our days from improvised ‘lifestyles’ to weather modification… A new Nimrod stalks the world.

This war process (“diplomacy is war by other means”) now heads to Annapolis for a scripted ‘compromise’ by which Jews may be allowed to remain in the “Jewish Quarter” created by Britain in 1936, the sixth of the old City of Jerusalem Jews have rebuilt while being expelled from most of their heart land. They may even be allowed occasional access to the Temple Mount and Western Wall. The measure of our “progress” is that pogroms and expulsions are now called peace as befits the realm of Machiavelli. The IDF will retain some operational latitude to help the NATO-masters protect their investments in infrastructure and technology in the coastal plain. Dialectical attrition with “the non-nation and vile people” foretold by Moses will “justify” the continuing close involvement of the powers in managing “the cycle of violence in the region,” a cycle they will never allow to be resolved until the friction produces a final solution, the “fusion” savored by Theosophists “when humanity has solved the Jewish problem…in one vast humanitarian situation. Racial fusion will then be possible” and androgyny will be the ideal for the dwindling masses [6]. Thus they fulfill Orwell’s comment on the essence of the Security State: “The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten; the lie became truth” [7].

In betraying their obligation to the Jews, the British Foreign Office re-ignited jihad as embodied in the career of Amin el Husseini, advisor to Hitler and tutor of Arafat and Abu Mazen (“Mahmoud Abbas,” the Bush administration’s “moderate”). In barring and targeting the Jews in their homeland and using first their power, then the UN and world media to bury their crimes and the records of Jewish history, the British “fanned the flames of pan-Islamic nationalism” [8]; in condemning and rolling back every Israeli victory from 1948 the powers kept jihad simmering, funding and rationalizing it so it was ready to fill the “antithesis” role when the Russian Empire made its scripted collapse, the better to achieve “convergence” with its thesis, the West and dissolve its values of individual responsibility and limited government into the supposed needs of “the human family” just as the Jews are to be dissolved.

In 1991, by withholding the IFF (“Identify, Friend or Foe”) codes from the IDF, G.H.W. Bush compelled Israelis to live in shelters while Saddam shelled their nation. There ensued Anglo-America’s aborted strike on Iraq and the Madrid-Oslo process which brought prime antithesis, Arafat with the PLO from Tunisia to the center of the Promised Land. In 2006, Iran’s proxy in Lebanon showered Israel with rockets for five weeks while State Department clerk, Ehud Olmert refused to mobilize Israel’s reserves (it’s a national-guard army, the model of ours) or mount a significant counterstrike, much less wage war. A couple of star turns at the UN for Mr. Ahmadinejad and the Annapolis Conference ensued. With Israeli Jews repeatedly told to move to Austria or Alaska, letting any of them remain in the Promised Land comes to seem a ‘moderate’ position. The pattern of subjugation is clear as is the Hegelian method of the powers.

It also shows in the summoning to Washington of Israel’s chief Rabbis to ‘explain the importance of the Temple Mt to the Jewish people’ [9]. This recalls Britain’s Shaw committee of 1928 which resulted in Arabs driving animals amidst praying Jews and then in massive slaughters enabled by the Brits [10]. One does not make a friend defend his existence, identity and history – especially since it is attested by thirty-five centuries of archaeological and written records from several cultures. This is part of Modernism’s total assault on history and memory. Being political appointees of an anti-Jewish client regime, the Rabbis will no doubt yield, with caveats, as the thumbscrews turn.

The IDF strike September 06 on a Syrian base where missiles were being packed with chemical and nuclear weapons showed that America could demolish Iran’s nuclear capability with minimal loss, if that is what our rulers desired [11]. If Iran was panicky then, the eight ensuing weeks have shown it has little to fear as long as it confines itself to playing the role of complementary pressure-cooker. The focus of America’s NSC continues to be breaking up what remains of Israel and creating another artificial Arab state that will boost the dialectic of jihad and terror and resulting World Security State, the “fusion” or “convergence” with which cultists and rulers alike are obsessed.

Far from being in a state of true contention with Iran, our government and the Quartet have provided photo ops and aid for Mr. Ahmadinejad. Iran’s missile program did not begin in 2003 or 2004; it jumped under his “moderate” successor Ali Khamenei of the Alliance for Civilizations and its fellow travelers Maurice Strong and Mikhail Gorbachev who is helping our gamers perform perestroika on the world.

Review the cast that collaborated on this script. In the mid-1990s, Clinton Administration officials accepted large sums of money through various fronts of the Chinese government. Chinese “scientists” at our labs in New Mexico were able to take computers full of missile and nose-cone technology which they shared with North Korea. Our leaders squashed investigation into the theft and continue to profess consternation and fear of North Korea’s “prowess” which our diplomats use to raise the status of the UN and its commissions, reports and deadlines. North Korea sends its missiles to Iran where they are upgraded with Russian and German assistance. Now in their third stage of development, a whole series of dialectic conflicts have ensued. Iran threatens to obliterate Israel; its arm, Hizbollah, softens up the target. The Conference at Annapolis will “resolve” the conflict by further preparing the ground for a “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi” State.

Despite mass media chaff, the main target and competitor of Iran is not Israel but the House of Saud. When the Shiite rightly guided one (Mahdi) appears it will be in Mecca to destroy his enemies. Then after a battle near Jerusalem, he will reign in Baghdad. American involvement in Mesopotamia feeds Shiite apocalyptic fantasies, checks the House of Saud while our gamers profess dismay. We have pleased both Shiites and Saud by crushing their nemesis Saddam in that fragmenting contraption named “Iraq.” It took the British thirty years (1922-51) to try to put it together and it’s been falling apart ever since. Now, at great cost to Americans and our vanishing liberties we are in dialog with jihad and engaged in “nation-building” where the British failed before us.

Hint: it’s not about “nation-building” but, rather the destruction of nations, not least our own…

Skin-deep media ‘coverage’ about Iran invites people worldwide to “blame the Jews,” the target of the charade. Expelling them from their heartland and holiest sites will midwife the Greater Middle East. As Alfred Lord Milner said in June 1923, Israel “must never become a Jewish state.” The Round Table’s vision of an Arab Federation draws near, interlinked with the Mediterranean Security and Prosperity Zone and thus with the EU and “African Union.” The Mullahs mutter usefully about the “Great Satan,” we strengthen the UN by pleading for “timelines and sanctions” and NATO’s “humanitarian intervention” prepares to advance the unified world system. Taxes impoverish “the masses.”

Germany which underwrites Iran’s trade deficit lets Kurds recruit fighters in Germany to be slipped into Iran. Following “Shock and Awe,” American diplomats interfered in Turkey’s politics, sanitizing the Islamist party that now rules, prepares to invade northern “Iraq” and fulminates against America [12]. NATO powers have many chits, bluffs and the power to back them: every move on the board has many facets. So long as Iran helps the gamers toward their perennial goals, the squabbling will proceed while the world’s root is hacked away. And with this damage proceeds the collapse of a sovereign America.


1. The British earlier performed a similar staged collapse of their Empire into a Commonwealth with Crown colonies that now are controlled by finance. Britons also were the first to perceive civilizational collapse in the West by the mid-nineteenth century. They expressed the relating fears, inter alia in the starved, prettily androgynous neo-Gothic knights and maidens of pre-Raphaelite painting – whose precursor is the emaciated, despairing and moribund “knight at arms” entrapped by “La Belle Dame Sans Merci” (Keats, 1819) and whose successors are rock stars and starlets — and Tennyson’s Idylls of the King in which vanity, pride, breach of faith and appetite make “the realm reel back into the beast.” 
2. Sir Julian Huxley, The Purpose of UNESCO (Washington 1947), 32-60. Huxley is the only person to have given the Society’s annual lecture twice (1936; 1962); he served as President for three years.
3. Ibid. He believed that “only 10-20% of people are capable of profiting from a University course.
4. George Orwell, 1984 (1949), chapters 5; 2; and see note 6, below
5. See Siemens report “Horizon 2020” and my essay, “2020 Vision.” The quote is from Macbeth (1.3.141-2) and expresses the confusion of fantasy and fact, the corruption of faith and duty by ambition and thus of serenity by fear. The cult of terror, fantasy serving appetite which uses will to engorge reason is incorporate in the political correctness of our cultural institutions that display the disintegration of mind embodied in Macbeth. Our ruling cadres have murdered the sovereign and “confusion now has made his masterpiece” [ibid. 2.3.68]; “chaos follows the choking” when degree, deference, tradition go down (Shakespeare, Troilus and Cressida, 1.3.85-127). 
6. Alice Bailey, “The Hidden Source of the Outer Turmoil,” January 1939 makes clear that the Jews and their “separative attitudes” and “greed” and “attachment to the ancient and material” are the enduring problem “deliberately blocking the inflow of new and life-giving energy of the New Age” “which is predominantly the age of synthesis and light,” see “the Immediate Task,” Sept. 28, 1939 [the day Chamberlain delivered the Czechs to Hitler], and “Seed Groups in the New Age,” July 1937 which states that “the newer truths of the Aquarian Age can only be grasped as the result of group endeavor” which is “inevitable as integration of the human family proceeds.” Bailey’s kinship to Huxley, the Round Table and Communism is clear, supra. These essays are collected in Externalization of the Hierarchy (Lucis 1957; 2001). Evolution is “a group activity…the result of group at-onement.” 29-31, 36, 63, 75-8, 615, inter alia. See previous essays on this site for congruence of Bailey’s views with geopolitics.

7. 1984, chapter 7; cf. Deuteronomy 32:21 re the “PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis”; American forces have been training the PLO in warfare since at least the late 1990s as they used Pakistan to create the Taliban by 1994. “Many PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi fighters were trained by the Americans. We hope they will continue to help us.” Khaled Abu Nijmeh of Fatah’s Al-Aksa Martyr Brigades, interview with David Frankfurter, the Outpost, Dec. 2006; see also reports of Aaron Klein on World Net Daily. Thus the dialectic is pushed.
8. Zev Jabotinsky, letter to the London Times, November 30, 1930; see Katz, Lone Wolf, Volume II

9.  “Rabbis in Washington to Discuss Temple Mount”
10. Pierre van Paassen, The Forgotten Ally (1943); Samuel Katz, Lone Wolf (NY 1996), 1119-45
11. Dr. Jack Wheeler, “Silence in Syria, Panic in Iran,” To the Point News 9/19/07  and see archives at
12. Search  “Turkey” for background and the current status of this crisis building.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2007, 04:57:52 PM by MarZutra »
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2007, 08:10:43 PM »
Dr. Narrett's analysis of the world's "War Against The Jews" is quite revealing!

The man has definitely done his homework and is able to cut through "the Matrix" of deceit and lies which pose as "Conservativism vs Liberalism".

He clearly shows that regardless of elections and regardless of who it is that is declared the winner, the "War Against The Jews" will be the only agenda important to the actual powers controlling this planet.

I'm glad I know how the story ends, but it's the interim about which I am decidedly worried.

Thank you Marzutra!

Offline MarZutra

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« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2007, 09:36:02 AM »
I wonder how many people actually will read this article?  I think it is very important, similarly to the "Rainbow Swastika" by Hanah Newman.  There is so much that is going on behind the scenes that have been working against the Jew or the "one G-d" of/since Abraham's day. 

Narrett does write at a level above most peoples understanding...  I remember I sent one of his articles to my Member of Parliament to which he responded “This fellow needs help.”  Or something similar implying that Dr. Narrett is mentally unstable.  I responded to this ignoramus that "it would be wise to pick up a book from time to time and educate yourself to what may not be “politically correct” before placing forward such benighted remarks…  Dr. Narrett’s works are clearly above your wilfully self-limiteded intellectual capacity.  Sincerely…."

I agree with you brother… 
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2007, 10:49:37 AM »
Marzutra:  "...I wonder how many people actually will read this article?..."

There's only one that I know!

And besides, why would anyone here want to read your article?...most all here have never even read any writings of Rabbi Kahane!

Dude, it's the video game generation!

If your concentration endures for any longer than 5 to 10 seconds,, anyways why should anybody to read?  Huh?  Jes' cos' you, like....usin' all of those big words like you think you're smarter than, ...uh, like.....liberal communist Ron Paul f*.. you you 911 truthout you not even on the YouTube!

Offline HiWarp

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« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2007, 11:15:13 AM »
Quote from: MassuhDGoodName link=topic=11035.msg#msg date=
Marzutra:  "...I wonder how many people actually will read this article?..."

There's only one that I know!

And besides, why would anyone here want to read your article?...most all here have never even read any writings of Rabbi Kahane!

Dude, it's the video game generation!

If your concentration endures for any longer than 5 to 10 seconds,, anyways why should anybody to read?  Huh?  Jes' cos' you, like....usin' all of those big words like you think you're smarter than, ...uh, like.....liberal communist Ron Paul f*.. you you 911 truthout you not even on the YouTube!

Very well said.  Sir, the teenagers (and sadly 20-somethings) of today have nothing on you.  ;D

It's a very interesting article and I did read beyond the first paragraph.
"When the people fear their government, there is tyranny;
when the government fears the people, there is liberty.”
---Thomas Jefferson

Offline MarZutra

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« Reply #5 on: November 08, 2007, 05:01:43 PM »
Did you happen to make it to the end?  It is a very good article.  This Narrett fellow is very much on the ball... :)
"‘Vehorashtem/Numbers 33:53’: When you burn out the Land’s inhabitants, you will merit to bestow upon your children the Land as an inheritance. If you do not burn them out, then even if you conquer the Land, you will not merit to allot it to your children as an inheritance." - Ovadiah ben Yacov Sforno; Italian Rabbi, Biblical Commentator, Philosopher and Physician.  1475-1550.