ABU DHABI—Peaceful relations between Muslims and Christians stand as one of the central challenges of this century, according to leading Christian leaders.
Muslims and Christians have not always shaken hands in friendship; their relations have sometimes been tense, even characterized by outright hostility. Since Jesus Christ says, “First take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your neighbour’s eye” (Matthew 7:5), we want to begin by acknowledging that in the past (e.g. in the Crusades) and in the present (e.g. in excesses of the “war on terror”) many Christians have been guilty of sinning against our Muslim neighbours. Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world.
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.....Yeah, and that's why, according to the Kuran, all non believers (rest of the world) should either be converted or eliminated, women should be treated as slaves with no personal rights whatsoever, amputating body parts?
In the Balkans, Ottomans conquered and ruled for over Christians for 500 years. During those 500 years, those who declined to be muslimized were treated as slaves. Those that did become muslims ended up treating their own christian brethren even worse than the turks themselves so that they can show how they have accepted Islam as their faith?
Islam is not a tolerant religion as its followers might claim. Last 1400 years have shown that without any doubt.
I will respect Islam the day that they respect my judeo-christian beliefs. I will respect it the day that muslims realize that we are not living in the stone age where women are shown no respect, where it is not ok to have 10 wives and 30 children (after which they claim that they are living poorly because christians and jews are taking advantage of them)?
I will respect Islam the day that its followers do not ask for any special priviledges simply because of their faith. This is very well documented in West Europe, especially in UK, Holland and Denmark where muslims get to have their own schools or and are segregated from others. How about killing a Dutch journalist because he made a video showing mistreatment of women in Islamic countries?
Largest number of conflicts in the world today are involing muslims. There is either something wrong with Islam or rest of the world.
I hear all the time about how Muslims say that they are not seen as equals. I am yet to hear about Christians, jews and hindus who want to live in Islamic countries such as Iran and Saudi Arabia. Yet, so many muslims migrate to Western countries. If you come to a western countries, you should respect all of their personal rights. That is how you gain respect. You do not gain respect by dressing up as if you are still in the Middle East and doing the same thing to your children because such things indimidate people. It shows them that you are not respecting them but rather asking them to dislike you.
For example, Saudi Arabian rulers claim that they are fighting the terrorism. However, that is not really the truth. Why? Because Saudi Government does not dare offend it's people because they know that if they really tried to crush these terrorist movements, they would get overthrown by their own people who share a common idea of the hatred toward anyone not muslim.
Putting C4 on one's body, then blowing themselves and killing innocent bystanders also does not help. i do not see many non-muslims doing the same thing.
To say that not all muslims are terrorists, yet almost all terrorists are muslims?
In the western world, people are given the right to chose to live and say what they wish, without worrying about being stoned to death for speaking against certain religious movements.
I personally respect every religion in the world, EXCEPT FOR ISLAM. Maybe someday I will, but only when muslims prove beyond any resonable doubt that they can respect those around them.
My best wishes to you.
George V.