I do not believe Ron Paul is pro Israel at all. I do not trust him.
As an Independent, Tempermental, Fundamental, right-wing,
radical, Baptist, I'll tell you why.
Ron Paul (who claims to be a Christian himself, but I'm not so
sure about that) bashed Mike Huckabee's Christmas message
comparing Christianity to fascism. He basically said,
"When fascism comes, it’ll come bearing a cross".
Ron Paul on Huck’s Christmas ad
Now, I don't know about you, but as a Christian Zionist I
find his comment very, very, offensive. America has been
moving rapidly away from G-d and towards sin, and this
bonehead has the nerve to attack attempts to bring back
Judeo-Christian values to America? There's filth all over TV,
and Paul criticizes something the Founding Fathers honoured.
Ronald Reagan said in 1984, "America needs G-d more than
G-d needs America. If we ever forget that we are One Nation
Under G-d, then we will be a Nation gone under."
I can't see a real Christian saying what Ron Paul did, and so this
leads me to believe he does not believe the Bible when it tells us
we should be for Israel and the Jewish people.