Wondering if anyone else is into Anime or if I'm the only one?

I'm into more serious type of Anime though I do like humour as well.
Outlaw StarBasically about bounty hunters in space, it is pretty interesting but older.
Cowboy BebopAlso about bounty hunters in space, better than outlaw star
GantzThis is a strange series. Basically a game you have to play if you have died in a alternate reality of earth. Very very gorey and violent.
PlanetesRather unknown anime but very realistic and serious about traveling to space in the future, it is about the problem of space debris and corporations and overall life in the future of 2075.
BerserkMedieval anime, basically lots of blood and overall good series though it was never completed

Jin-RohNot a series but a movie, about post world war II in a alternate reality where the AXIS won the war and Japan is reforming it's economy and government like the nazis, huge protests and revolts. Very good movie.
Platonic ChainA strange unlicensed anime not available in the US. The shows are only about 5 minutes long and it mainly is about cell phone technology/social networking. Interesting but weird.
Stratos 4Unlicensed anime not available in the US. It is about some girls who are part of NASA or something and they fix problems in space. I have not watched the whole series but it has good drawings
YukikazeA more serious series, it has very good dogfights. The series is about some aliens who found a warp into Earth via a cloud from their home planet over Antartica. The government trys to keep it a secret and builds airbases there working on new planes from captured alien technology. I recommend this if you are into anime with lots of pretty explosions and dogfights. Sketchy but realistic drawings.
Macross ZeroUnlicensed anime not found in the US. This is a special edition OVA of 5 episodes, very good dogfights and deals with planes that turn into some kind of mech. It is involved with alien technology and is drawn very well. Uses a lot of CG.
FLAGUnlicensed and not found in the US. A new anime series that is being aired in Japan, it is about a conflict in Tibet and UN troops are trying to calm the situation. The story covers from the background of someone doing documentarys. The whole series is done as you are looking through a photographers camera, it is a very unique style and a good series so far everything is drawn very very realistic. Doubtful it will ever be licensed in the US.
Grave of the firefliesIt is a story about a boy and his sister during World War II, they are caught in firebombings from US planes and try to survive. It is a sad movie and highly recommended. An older movie but drawn to even meet most of todays standards.
Gun slinger girlThis is a great anime for airsoft fans. The animation is superb and the guns are drawn very realisticly down to the trademarks. The story takes place in Rome and has a pretty serious approach to the series. Recommended
ZipangUnlicensed anime not available in the US. It is about a modern advanced Japanese navy ship accidently going back in time after a storm to world war II Japan. This is during the midway battle and they cannot choose a side because they do not want to alter history. They fear Japan could use the technology to their advantage and change history of World War II. A very interesting series and recommended.
now and then here and thereAn anime regarding a young boy who meets a strange girl in his town. Some strange people freeze time and take the girl back but the boy is taken as well on accident to a nearly deserted and dyeing earth as the sun is in a red giant stage, perhaps a billion years into the future. There is a war being fought while a "hitler" type of leader is trying to take over the world, he trains children to fight in his army and pillages citys. A very depressing and emotional anime though highly recommended.
The CockpitFollows the AXIS side of World War II, not a very common anime and hard to find. It's a short 3 episode series following a Nazi pilot and Japanese kamikaze pilots.
BartenderA new strange unlicensed anime only available in Japan. So far i've seen 1 episode and it seems interesting, it's about a bartender who apparently helps people get through life or something like that. Different and interesting.
MonsterUnlicensed anime, it is a medical anime following a murder mystery. It follows a surgeon as the main character and gets stuck in the politics of a hospital, he thinks he is doing the right thing saving a boys life when he is supposed to operate on a high politician instead and ends up screwing up his career, turns out the person he saved is someone that was better off dead. Really good series.
mighty space minersOlder anime, a crew of people have a base on a comet or meteor and they are refineing resources. It's quite realistic unfortunately the company never made more than 2 episodes so it leaves you with a cliffhanger ending right
when the good stuffs about to happen.
Cat SoupVery strange anime, it looks like hello kitty on lots of drugs, kind of violent, disgusting and demented. My guess is you would have to be on a lot of drugs to understand the demented humour