Author Topic: What's wrong with Ron Paul?  (Read 12445 times)

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Offline EagleEye

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #50 on: January 07, 2008, 10:50:52 PM »
A few gentiles and a few jews acted on their own initiative to get involved in the Bush administration.  Gentiles and Jews shouldn't be collectively blamed, is Paul doing this?  I don't see him doing it.  By using the term neo-con, Paul is blaming neither Jews nor Gentiles, he's instead blaming a small group of elite leaders.

I hate to break the bad news, but some of the neo-cons at the top were indeed atheistic non-orthodox Jews.   As long as Paul doesn't collectively blame the Jewish people, but only blames those who were involved, I don't see how he's at fault.  Of course it would be ridiculous to say that there are not also gentile neo-cons.

As far as I know, Paul has never came out and said there were no gentile neo-cons, or that every single Jew is a neo-con.  If he's stating that some people in the Bush administration happened to be Jewish, then I don't see the error.  The problem is that they are liberal, the Gentiles too, it has nothing to do with them being Jewish.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 11:21:36 PM by EagleEye »

Offline JTFFan

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #51 on: January 07, 2008, 10:52:10 PM »
I hate to break the bad news, but some of the neo-cons at the top were indeed atheistic non-orthodox Jews.  As long as Paul doesn't collectively blame the Jewish people, but only blames those who were involved, I don't see how he's at fault.

Well, that doesn't surpise me. ;)

Offline EagleEye

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #52 on: January 07, 2008, 11:46:57 PM »
The sane sensible stance on this issue is to blame the leaders, Jewish or Gentile, who were involved in the administration.  Its insane to blame all Jews, its also insane to defend whatever jews were in the administration.  One position is ultra-aggressive, the other is ultra-defensive.  Both are insane.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2008, 11:49:17 PM by EagleEye »

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul? (Nothing! Whats Wrong with CHAIM???)
« Reply #53 on: January 08, 2008, 04:32:38 AM »
Do you have any REASONS for saying I'm wrong? Sorry, but its an inconvenient TRUTH that Chaim is a terrorist, and theres just no way around it:

Doomsday Cultist    View profile
  More options Dec 21 2007, 10:29 am 

Newsgroups: soc.culture.jewish, soc.culture.israel, alt.revisionism, alt.non.racism
From: "Doomsday Cultist" <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, 21 Dec 2007 13:29:57 -0500
Local: Fri, Dec 21 2007 10:29 am
Subject: Violent, racist moron Chaim Ben Pesach and the Jewish Task Force
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 JTF Chairman Chaim Ben Pesach.....was JDL Chairman in The 1980's and lead a
successful bombing campaign .....

 In 2001, the FBI called the Jewish Defense League (JDL), "a violent
extremist Jewish organization."

A message to JTF members from a Jewish racist extremist woman.;wap2

Chaim Ben Pesach was born on Tuesday, 21 Tevet, 5717, December 25, 1956. In
1971, at the age of 14, he joined the Jewish Defense League. He eventually
became the JDL National Chairman in September 1978. He had to step down in
December, 1978 after he went to jail for bombing Egyptian targets in an
effort to stop the Israeli retreat from the Sinai Peninsula. After his
release and upon the completion of his probation in July, 1983, he rejoined
JDL. In 1984, he eventually became Chairman again and, in an effort to
influence the USSR to allow Jewish emigration, in the 1980s, he bombed
Soviet diplomatic targets in New York and tear-gassed a ballet performance
at Lincoln Center that featured Soviet performers. He continued as JDL
Chairman until his arrest in 1987. He pleaded guilty in connection with six
bombings and was sentenced to 10 years but served five and a half before
being released on probation. According to Chaim, while he was in jail, he
became very thin because they wouldn't give him any kosher food until
Republican Senator Jesse Helms intervened on his behalf. Upon his release in
1991, he started JTF.

Chaim is banned from entering Israel because of his support of the late
Rabbi Meir Kahane's Kach Party, which has been outlawed in Israel. In 1996,
he tried to emigrate to Israel, but was immediately detained at Ben-Gurion
International Airport upon his arrival, and was placed in administrative
detention in a cell in the airport. He was not allowed to speak to an
attorney nor an American Embassy official, despite the fact that he is an
American citizen. He was subsequently deported to the U.S., where he now
lives in the New York metropolitan area.

Chaim is an Orthodox Jew. He is the son of an Ashkenazic Jewish father,
Pesach Ben Dov, and an Egyptian Sefardic Jewish mother, Malkah Bat Meir.

lunetic don't ask me why becose you allready know the answer!
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Offline Ultra Requete

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #54 on: January 08, 2008, 04:57:22 AM »
1) He is supported overly by SF shitlerites. so he can't be any good.
2) He's weak on foreign policy, immigration and Islamic terrorism he's paleocon isolationism is as stupid as neocon democratic imperialism.
3) He's not gonna win anyway so supporting and voting him is waste of time and money. Even if he'll win the democratic congress won't allow him to do anything positive (ie. do some pro contitution changes).
Besides that he's  just perfect... ::)

Paleocons and neocons are just two wings of republican party the isolationists and wilsonians, it has nothing to do with Jews or codewords.
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 05:02:24 AM by Ultra Requete »
Jeremiah 8:11-17

11 They dress the wound of my people as though it were not serious. Peace, peace, they say, when there is no peace.

12 Are they ashamed of their loathsome conduct? No, they have no shame at all; they do not even know how to blush. So they will fall among the fallen; they will be brought down when they are punished, says the LORD.

13 'I will take away their harvest, declares the LORD. There will be no grapes on the vine. There will be no figs on the tree, and their leaves will wither. What I have given them will be taken from them.'

14 Why are we sitting here? Gather together! Let us flee to the fortified cities and perish there! For the LORD our God has doomed us to perish and given us poisoned water to drink, because we have sinned against him.

15 We hoped for peace but no good has come, for a time of healing but there was only terror.

16 The snorting of the enemy's horses is heard from Dan; at the neighing of their stallions the whole land trembles. They have come to devour the land and everything in it, the city and all who live there.

17 See, I will send venomous snakes among you, vipers that cannot be charmed, and they will bite you, declares the LORD.

Love your Enemy
And Heap Burning Coals on his Head!!!

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul? (Nothing is- Whats wrong with CHAIM?)
« Reply #55 on: January 08, 2008, 05:02:11 AM »
There is nothing wrong with Ron Paul. He is absolutely the BEST and ONLY choice for President for any THINKING person to even consider. Chaim is out of his mind, foaming at the mouth crazy- a total lunatic who spent time in Federal Prison because he's a terrorist. In addition, when it comes to Ron Paul, he has about a much discernment as a flea!

Our country is being intentionally deconstructed and forced into a North American Union Dictatorship thats being modelled after the EU Dictatorship, and Ron Paul is the only candidate who opposes this. The EU was originally conceived by the Nazi High Command during the waning hours of WW2 as a long range means for Germany to get the control of Europe that had eluded them militarily via economic and political means. Germany and France politically dominate the EU Parliament. For some historical perspective on the EU Dictatorship which the North American Union Dictatorship is being modelled on (and which is being foisted off on us under the false pretense that we "NEED" it to "protect us from terrorists, watch THE REAL FACE OF THE EU:

The NAU is being foisted off on us by the same people who created the EU, and the Neocons are directly behind the effort along with the Council on Foreign Relations which published a white paper titled "Building the North American Community."

By opposing Ron Paul, Chaim has shown his true colors. He is a Nazi, a Neocon supporter, a Zionist swine who is in league with those who seek to microchip us all. Watch Alex Jones Film END GAME:



Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #56 on: January 08, 2008, 05:08:56 AM »
Nopharma is calling our moderator ~*Mills*~ a << Jewish racist extremist woman. >>

and calls Chaim a 666 - microchip-planter-friend , a zionist swine, a nazi, a neocon-supporter ....

and links him to Bilderberger-conspiracies...

Nopharma is a Jew-hater and must be banned!

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline JTFFan

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #57 on: January 08, 2008, 05:12:43 AM »
Nopharma is calling our moderator ~*Mills*~ a << Jewish racist extremist woman. >>

and calls Chaim a 666 - microchip-planter-friend , a zionist swine, a nazi, a neocon-supporter ....

and links him to Bilderberger-conspiracies...

Nopharma is a Jew-hater and must be banned!

He's also a BolsheviKKK Troll! >:(

Ban this Trollitarian piece of garbage! >:(
« Last Edit: January 08, 2008, 05:16:58 AM by JTFFan »

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #58 on: January 08, 2008, 08:53:19 AM »
Nopharma is calling our moderator ~*Mills*~ a << Jewish racist extremist woman. >>

and calls Chaim a 666 - microchip-planter-friend , a zionist swine, a nazi, a neocon-supporter ....

and links him to Bilderberger-conspiracies...

Nopharma is a Jew-hater and must be banned!

He's also a BolsheviKKK Troll! >:(

Ban this Trollitarian piece of garbage! >:(

Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline firster555

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #59 on: January 08, 2008, 08:42:47 PM »
After the abandonment of Tancredo I was without a candidate so I looked much deeper into the rest, including Paul.
I actually can support many of his domestic issues but he is so far off base with islam it is scary. The thought that US foreign policy is what causes muslims to hate us is beyond absurd. Another politician who obviously never read the quran or hadiths. I guess it was our foreign policy back in the early 1800's that caused those upset muslims to enslave American merchants in the Barbary states that the US marines were created for to go rescue. I do agree we should not be involved in any nation building other than our own, and yes, this even includes allies.
I would even welcome getting the hell out of all their cesspool countries, on the condition that they all get the hell out of ours.
He(Paul) did say something that made sense. Whether he was being deceiving or not I don't know. He claimed our support for Israel actually hurts them with their muzzie enemies. Not that they hate them because of American support, we all know they(muzzies) will always hate Israel, and everyone else, whether there is American support or not. The point that he made is that Israel will often hold back from taking aggressive actions because of the wishes and whims of the US leadership. Their deferment to the US does and will hurt  them when necessary retaliation or just self defense is needed. This was kind of proven during the Gulf War when Israel did not respond to incoming missiles at the US request. Again, whether he was sincere in this or not I do not know but it is an extremely valid point.
With all that said, even though I support many of his domestic issues, I can never support a candidate who is totally naive when it comes to islam. The problem with this is I still do not have a candidate. After seeing the debate last night I am even more disappointed, as every one of them that mentioned islam all had the usual disclaimers,(a small minority, hijackers of religion, etc.).
Huckabee? I must be missing something here. I have absolutely no confidence in him.
Let em all in McCain, can't make up my mind Romney, muslim apologist staffers Thompson, domestically liberal Rudy, I don't know why I'm here Richardson, populist in a mansion Edwards, satanic Clinton and Obama the muslim.
This country is in deep trouble.
SerbChicago, I will listen to what Chaim has to say just as anyone else here will but to vote for someone just because he tells you to, or to vote for anyone just because someone, anyone, tells you to, is very frightening. This is a big resaon we are in the mess we are in, too many people do not think for themselves.
As for Paul being a nazi or not, honestly I would not know, it seems many here seem to believe so. If there are reasons to back this claim up then I guess he might be. If the reason is just because he was seen in a photo with some neo-nazi or was sent contributions from such a group is not really a valid argument. The black man in Long Island that shot a white teen who was at his house with a small mob looking to do harm to his son and then shot and killed the white teen in a scuffle was just convicted for murder is having his conviction protested by black groups such as NOI and Al Sharpton. As hard as it is for me to say this, in this instance, NOI and Sharpton are right. I would have done the same thing in a similar situation. Does that make me a NOI member or a sharpton supporter?
OK, before I get attacked here I am in no way defending Ron Paul, his idiotic view on our islamic enemies is enough to turn me off even if he was right on every other single issue, I am just trying to make a few points that I was not sure were being made here.

listen to me i know in my guts that you are rons man.first i have look all candidates and i am greatly invalved in this issues and i have to agree with mr.chaim that ron is a disaster for america,europe,middle east and whole world with his opinions about forigen policys even one domestic!just people,like your self,think that we follow like sheep,but you self youare free thinker ( in my opinion like paul).aren't you the one that is on wrong side of street?aren't you the one who think like liberal(ron paul is ultimatly liberal,it just apear to happend that he have R next to his name,just like mc'caine)?i am member of family reasrch program(i don't kno have you heard from them,but if you didn't google them and you will find out that they support republicans,pro-life,pro-marredge,pro-israel and they are evangelical organizacion)and they have run a poll and in first lace was mitt romney second was huckabee.3.we are(as jtf)movement,just like political party and if our president(mr.chaim)says that JTF supports huckabee,then that is it!we can not have as a movement diferences among our self,becose of that we will faul a part with in!!!!!!!i don't know do you know that Iowa is a evangelical state and thet is a reason why huckabee won,romney second!he is a pastor,don't you think that would save america from liberals,hollywood and gay activist?!most of people belive in G-d(in G-d we trust)and this is our man(for jews and like my self orthodox).4.JTF is only organization who is trying to save my country(save kosovo forum)and if mr.chaim says huckabee(i think he is more wiseer than you in this matter,him self is invalved in this greatly) then i am for him too.5. and most of us are for huckabee and who are you to tell me something!how old are you anyway?!6.i am listener of radio talk show savage nation(michael savage,whohim self is a jew and support my contry)and he is for romney,so in any case all people i support are for huckabee or romney,so if any of them wins i didn't loose!6.if you wont to be JTF-er this is the time to get in this wagone of ours or you will be left on station strangled with others just like Ron paul of yours and others lierals as michae savage says LIBERALIZAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER and my friend my diagnose is you got it!!!!!!   that is all from me!p.s.some of this shoul open mind to Daniel too!

Wow, you have obviously greatly misunderstood everything I have said.
1. I am not a Paul supporter, not by a long shot. I was a Tancredo supporter and know I am not very satisfied with any of the candidates. I thought I made that clear. I almost hurt myself laughing being called a liberal as anyone that knows me will know how amusing that is. Believe me, you gut is lying to you.
2. Yes, I have heard of the Family Research council, I have also listened to and read Michael Savage. I have also heard of and listened to many other organizations and people. I guess I am only supposed to listen to the ones that you deemed qualified?
3. Republican only because they have an R next to their name. I couldn't agree more, not only Paul but just about every Republican today. Go visit and see how much of a liberal letter R republican I am according to you.
4. Just so you know, I am also very involved, have been for over 30 years. I am also betting I am older than you, just a hunch.
5. I never told you what to do. In fact, just the opposite, I was stating that people should not automatically do what someone else tells them to without doing their own investigation first, no matter who is telling you to do it.
6. Huckabee will save us from gay activists, hollywood, etc. because he is a pastor? Wasn't Carter considered a very holy man? He did a whole lot of good, didn't he? Just because someone is, or isn't, a pastor/preacher/reverend, rabbi, etc. is not a reason I support or not support someone.
7. Maybe JTF is the only forum trying to save "your" country of Kosovo, and I wish them and Kosovo luck. My country is the USA and has been my families country for many many generations and that is the country I am most concerned with saving.
8. As for getting on the wagon as you call it, the only wagon I am on is the one that is headed for what is best for America. That includes a muslim exclusion act, declassifying islam as a religion, securing our borders, preserving our second amendment rights, true choice in education, death penalty for murderers and pedophiles, penalties for those who hire and or rent to illegal aliens, English as the official language of the land, rebuilding our military and treating them with the respect they deserve, ending affirmative action, lowering taxes, drilling in ANWR and so much more. I guess this makes me a liberal according to you because I do not like the same candidate you do. I am sure I have also been way more involved in the last 30 years than you have so "who are you to tell me something"!
9.I am still pretty amused here at being called a liberal. My diagnosis is that you are actually more of a nazi that you claim Ron Paul to be, who let me make this perfectly clear, I will never support because of his idiotic views on our islamic enemies, because you cannot bear to have anyone not to totally agree with everything you say.
10. Now, if you want to vote for Huckabee because Chaim tells you to, go ahead, that is your right. I will vote for the best candidate of what is available, it might be Huckabee, it might not, it won't be Paul.
11. I am not sure of what movement you are referring to. The only movement I am concerned with is the movement to secure a free,secure, islamic free and constitutional America for my children and their children's future. If the JTF movement is in line with this I support it, if not, I won't.
12. You should try not to assume you know someone when you obviously don't have a clue, just becasue they don't agree with everything you say.
13. Now forget about Daniel, hopefully this will open your mind, but somehow I seriously doubt it.

I will try this one last time because it seems I am writing in one language and you are reading in another.
I do not and will not support Ron Paul, most especially because of his idiotic views that we are hated by the islamic world because of our foriegn policies.
I am not comfortable with any other candidate as of yet either because the only one I did support, Tancredo, had dropped out, I am still undecided.
I never disrespected Chaim. I simply stated that I would not vote for someone just because he said so. I would listen to and respect his reasons for his conclusion and take them into consideration, but ultimately I will make my own choice, not quite sure how this is disrespectful.
Yes, Paul is right on some domestic issues. Balanced budget, gold standard, eliminating income tax, fighting the NAU, pro second amendment rights. It is possible for there to be someone you cannot support overall but is right on some issues. This is supposed to make you a liberal? Huckabee is soft on crime and you support him, does this make you a liberal?
I guess stating an opinion other than yours means not liking other JTF members. So anyone that disagrees with you about anything does not belong here and is on "the wrong side of the street" ?  After what you just said I am not sure if there is more proof that paul is nazi, he might be, he might not be, but it seems in your case you are supplying plenty of proof.
Why am I here? I have personally met some great JTF members and decided to check out the forum. For the most part, whether in agreement or disagreement, there is intelligent debate here, and also very much humor. I guess there will always be a few exceptions.
I guess at first I was too young to dare even question you, when you realized just the opposite is probably the case I am senile for not agreeing with you. So, make me the same exact age as you, same religion, same gender, same ethnicity, etc. This way we can just discuss what you accuse me of losing touch with, reality.
Now, the reason as I said before i will never support Paul, and am not happy with any candidate, is because they do not get the truth of islam. This reality as you call it, here in NYC I breathed in that reality on 9/11, I went to funerals of family members and friends of that reality, I am living here daily with all the crap of that islamic reality, I worry about my kids being blown up on the subway because of that reality, so don't tell me about reality, and i will go on any damn side of the street that I want.
Now if you still don't understand we are probably more overall in agreement than disagreement and still want to make an arguement of something that does not even exist in reality you will have to continue by yourself because you are obviously missing something here.
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #60 on: January 08, 2008, 09:35:44 PM »
nopharma:  "...Chaim has shown his true colors. He is a Nazi, a Neocon supporter, a Zionist swine who is in league with those who seek to microchip us all..."

Well, none of that means that Chaim isn't a nice person!


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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #61 on: January 09, 2008, 08:02:36 AM »
nopharma:  "...Chaim has shown his true colors. He is a Nazi, a Neocon supporter, a Zionist swine who is in league with those who seek to microchip us all..."

Well, none of that means that Chaim isn't a nice person!

Do i miss the point , or are you just ironic?
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #62 on: January 11, 2008, 02:11:41 PM »
After the abandonment of Tancredo I was without a candidate so I looked much deeper into the rest, including Paul.
I actually can support many of his domestic issues but he is so far off base with islam it is scary. The thought that US foreign policy is what causes muslims to hate us is beyond absurd. Another politician who obviously never read the quran or hadiths. I guess it was our foreign policy back in the early 1800's that caused those upset muslims to enslave American merchants in the Barbary states that the US marines were created for to go rescue. I do agree we should not be involved in any nation building other than our own, and yes, this even includes allies.
I would even welcome getting the hell out of all their cesspool countries, on the condition that they all get the hell out of ours.
He(Paul) did say something that made sense. Whether he was being deceiving or not I don't know. He claimed our support for Israel actually hurts them with their muzzie enemies. Not that they hate them because of American support, we all know they(muzzies) will always hate Israel, and everyone else, whether there is American support or not. The point that he made is that Israel will often hold back from taking aggressive actions because of the wishes and whims of the US leadership. Their deferment to the US does and will hurt  them when necessary retaliation or just self defense is needed. This was kind of proven during the Gulf War when Israel did not respond to incoming missiles at the US request. Again, whether he was sincere in this or not I do not know but it is an extremely valid point.
With all that said, even though I support many of his domestic issues, I can never support a candidate who is totally naive when it comes to islam. The problem with this is I still do not have a candidate. After seeing the debate last night I am even more disappointed, as every one of them that mentioned islam all had the usual disclaimers,(a small minority, hijackers of religion, etc.).
Huckabee? I must be missing something here. I have absolutely no confidence in him.
Let em all in McCain, can't make up my mind Romney, muslim apologist staffers Thompson, domestically liberal Rudy, I don't know why I'm here Richardson, populist in a mansion Edwards, satanic Clinton and Obama the muslim.
This country is in deep trouble.
SerbChicago, I will listen to what Chaim has to say just as anyone else here will but to vote for someone just because he tells you to, or to vote for anyone just because someone, anyone, tells you to, is very frightening. This is a big resaon we are in the mess we are in, too many people do not think for themselves.
As for Paul being a nazi or not, honestly I would not know, it seems many here seem to believe so. If there are reasons to back this claim up then I guess he might be. If the reason is just because he was seen in a photo with some neo-nazi or was sent contributions from such a group is not really a valid argument. The black man in Long Island that shot a white teen who was at his house with a small mob looking to do harm to his son and then shot and killed the white teen in a scuffle was just convicted for murder is having his conviction protested by black groups such as NOI and Al Sharpton. As hard as it is for me to say this, in this instance, NOI and Sharpton are right. I would have done the same thing in a similar situation. Does that make me a NOI member or a sharpton supporter?
OK, before I get attacked here I am in no way defending Ron Paul, his idiotic view on our islamic enemies is enough to turn me off even if he was right on every other single issue, I am just trying to make a few points that I was not sure were being made here.

listen to me i know in my guts that you are rons man.first i have look all candidates and i am greatly invalved in this issues and i have to agree with mr.chaim that ron is a disaster for america,europe,middle east and whole world with his opinions about forigen policys even one domestic!just people,like your self,think that we follow like sheep,but you self youare free thinker ( in my opinion like paul).aren't you the one that is on wrong side of street?aren't you the one who think like liberal(ron paul is ultimatly liberal,it just apear to happend that he have R next to his name,just like mc'caine)?i am member of family reasrch program(i don't kno have you heard from them,but if you didn't google them and you will find out that they support republicans,pro-life,pro-marredge,pro-israel and they are evangelical organizacion)and they have run a poll and in first lace was mitt romney second was huckabee.3.we are(as jtf)movement,just like political party and if our president(mr.chaim)says that JTF supports huckabee,then that is it!we can not have as a movement diferences among our self,becose of that we will faul a part with in!!!!!!!i don't know do you know that Iowa is a evangelical state and thet is a reason why huckabee won,romney second!he is a pastor,don't you think that would save america from liberals,hollywood and gay activist?!most of people belive in G-d(in G-d we trust)and this is our man(for jews and like my self orthodox).4.JTF is only organization who is trying to save my country(save kosovo forum)and if mr.chaim says huckabee(i think he is more wiseer than you in this matter,him self is invalved in this greatly) then i am for him too.5. and most of us are for huckabee and who are you to tell me something!how old are you anyway?!6.i am listener of radio talk show savage nation(michael savage,whohim self is a jew and support my contry)and he is for romney,so in any case all people i support are for huckabee or romney,so if any of them wins i didn't loose!6.if you wont to be JTF-er this is the time to get in this wagone of ours or you will be left on station strangled with others just like Ron paul of yours and others lierals as michae savage says LIBERALIZAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER and my friend my diagnose is you got it!!!!!!   that is all from me!p.s.some of this shoul open mind to Daniel too!

Wow, you have obviously greatly misunderstood everything I have said.
1. I am not a Paul supporter, not by a long shot. I was a Tancredo supporter and know I am not very satisfied with any of the candidates. I thought I made that clear. I almost hurt myself laughing being called a liberal as anyone that knows me will know how amusing that is. Believe me, you gut is lying to you.
2. Yes, I have heard of the Family Research council, I have also listened to and read Michael Savage. I have also heard of and listened to many other organizations and people. I guess I am only supposed to listen to the ones that you deemed qualified?
3. Republican only because they have an R next to their name. I couldn't agree more, not only Paul but just about every Republican today. Go visit and see how much of a liberal letter R republican I am according to you.
4. Just so you know, I am also very involved, have been for over 30 years. I am also betting I am older than you, just a hunch.
5. I never told you what to do. In fact, just the opposite, I was stating that people should not automatically do what someone else tells them to without doing their own investigation first, no matter who is telling you to do it.
6. Huckabee will save us from gay activists, hollywood, etc. because he is a pastor? Wasn't Carter considered a very holy man? He did a whole lot of good, didn't he? Just because someone is, or isn't, a pastor/preacher/reverend, rabbi, etc. is not a reason I support or not support someone.
7. Maybe JTF is the only forum trying to save "your" country of Kosovo, and I wish them and Kosovo luck. My country is the USA and has been my families country for many many generations and that is the country I am most concerned with saving.
8. As for getting on the wagon as you call it, the only wagon I am on is the one that is headed for what is best for America. That includes a muslim exclusion act, declassifying islam as a religion, securing our borders, preserving our second amendment rights, true choice in education, death penalty for murderers and pedophiles, penalties for those who hire and or rent to illegal aliens, English as the official language of the land, rebuilding our military and treating them with the respect they deserve, ending affirmative action, lowering taxes, drilling in ANWR and so much more. I guess this makes me a liberal according to you because I do not like the same candidate you do. I am sure I have also been way more involved in the last 30 years than you have so "who are you to tell me something"!
9.I am still pretty amused here at being called a liberal. My diagnosis is that you are actually more of a nazi that you claim Ron Paul to be, who let me make this perfectly clear, I will never support because of his idiotic views on our islamic enemies, because you cannot bear to have anyone not to totally agree with everything you say.
10. Now, if you want to vote for Huckabee because Chaim tells you to, go ahead, that is your right. I will vote for the best candidate of what is available, it might be Huckabee, it might not, it won't be Paul.
11. I am not sure of what movement you are referring to. The only movement I am concerned with is the movement to secure a free,secure, islamic free and constitutional America for my children and their children's future. If the JTF movement is in line with this I support it, if not, I won't.
12. You should try not to assume you know someone when you obviously don't have a clue, just becasue they don't agree with everything you say.
13. Now forget about Daniel, hopefully this will open your mind, but somehow I seriously doubt it.

I will try this one last time because it seems I am writing in one language and you are reading in another.
I do not and will not support Ron Paul, most especially because of his idiotic views that we are hated by the islamic world because of our foriegn policies.
I am not comfortable with any other candidate as of yet either because the only one I did support, Tancredo, had dropped out, I am still undecided.
I never disrespected Chaim. I simply stated that I would not vote for someone just because he said so. I would listen to and respect his reasons for his conclusion and take them into consideration, but ultimately I will make my own choice, not quite sure how this is disrespectful.
Yes, Paul is right on some domestic issues. Balanced budget, gold standard, eliminating income tax, fighting the NAU, pro second amendment rights. It is possible for there to be someone you cannot support overall but is right on some issues. This is supposed to make you a liberal? Huckabee is soft on crime and you support him, does this make you a liberal?
I guess stating an opinion other than yours means not liking other JTF members. So anyone that disagrees with you about anything does not belong here and is on "the wrong side of the street" ?  After what you just said I am not sure if there is more proof that paul is nazi, he might be, he might not be, but it seems in your case you are supplying plenty of proof.
Why am I here? I have personally met some great JTF members and decided to check out the forum. For the most part, whether in agreement or disagreement, there is intelligent debate here, and also very much humor. I guess there will always be a few exceptions.
I guess at first I was too young to dare even question you, when you realized just the opposite is probably the case I am senile for not agreeing with you. So, make me the same exact age as you, same religion, same gender, same ethnicity, etc. This way we can just discuss what you accuse me of losing touch with, reality.
Now, the reason as I said before i will never support Paul, and am not happy with any candidate, is because they do not get the truth of islam. This reality as you call it, here in NYC I breathed in that reality on 9/11, I went to funerals of family members and friends of that reality, I am living here daily with all the crap of that islamic reality, I worry about my kids being blown up on the subway because of that reality, so don't tell me about reality, and i will go on any damn side of the street that I want.
Now if you still don't understand we are probably more overall in agreement than disagreement and still want to make an arguement of something that does not even exist in reality you will have to continue by yourself because you are obviously missing something here.
my iq is 121 so do not insolt my intelegent,ok!i don't support huckabee becose chaim just sad so i find him,in my opinion him and romney,the best candidate!if you think i am some kid you are wrong i am 30 years old,well lett me just say in case you if you say i am older then you,it dosen't make any diference.just becose he have some "good" idea on domestic policys it doesn't make him good candidate for anything when overall he is a nazi (i don't know if you have heard for letter that he wrote,it was on news)antisamatic and raceist.i don't know why you even defending him in first place,that is what raised my flag!i don't want to say anything bad to you(but you did call me a nazi),wish you luck to you and your kids,we disagree on this issue,i am no exeption in any case,just look it up,so havea good time in jtf.
The truth,justice and Serbian way

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #63 on: January 12, 2008, 08:37:03 PM »
After the abandonment of Tancredo I was without a candidate so I looked much deeper into the rest, including Paul.
I actually can support many of his domestic issues but he is so far off base with islam it is scary. The thought that US foreign policy is what causes muslims to hate us is beyond absurd. Another politician who obviously never read the quran or hadiths. I guess it was our foreign policy back in the early 1800's that caused those upset muslims to enslave American merchants in the Barbary states that the US marines were created for to go rescue. I do agree we should not be involved in any nation building other than our own, and yes, this even includes allies.
I would even welcome getting the hell out of all their cesspool countries, on the condition that they all get the hell out of ours.
He(Paul) did say something that made sense. Whether he was being deceiving or not I don't know. He claimed our support for Israel actually hurts them with their muzzie enemies. Not that they hate them because of American support, we all know they(muzzies) will always hate Israel, and everyone else, whether there is American support or not. The point that he made is that Israel will often hold back from taking aggressive actions because of the wishes and whims of the US leadership. Their deferment to the US does and will hurt  them when necessary retaliation or just self defense is needed. This was kind of proven during the Gulf War when Israel did not respond to incoming missiles at the US request. Again, whether he was sincere in this or not I do not know but it is an extremely valid point.
With all that said, even though I support many of his domestic issues, I can never support a candidate who is totally naive when it comes to islam. The problem with this is I still do not have a candidate. After seeing the debate last night I am even more disappointed, as every one of them that mentioned islam all had the usual disclaimers,(a small minority, hijackers of religion, etc.).
Huckabee? I must be missing something here. I have absolutely no confidence in him.
Let em all in McCain, can't make up my mind Romney, muslim apologist staffers Thompson, domestically liberal Rudy, I don't know why I'm here Richardson, populist in a mansion Edwards, satanic Clinton and Obama the muslim.
This country is in deep trouble.
SerbChicago, I will listen to what Chaim has to say just as anyone else here will but to vote for someone just because he tells you to, or to vote for anyone just because someone, anyone, tells you to, is very frightening. This is a big resaon we are in the mess we are in, too many people do not think for themselves.
As for Paul being a nazi or not, honestly I would not know, it seems many here seem to believe so. If there are reasons to back this claim up then I guess he might be. If the reason is just because he was seen in a photo with some neo-nazi or was sent contributions from such a group is not really a valid argument. The black man in Long Island that shot a white teen who was at his house with a small mob looking to do harm to his son and then shot and killed the white teen in a scuffle was just convicted for murder is having his conviction protested by black groups such as NOI and Al Sharpton. As hard as it is for me to say this, in this instance, NOI and Sharpton are right. I would have done the same thing in a similar situation. Does that make me a NOI member or a sharpton supporter?
OK, before I get attacked here I am in no way defending Ron Paul, his idiotic view on our islamic enemies is enough to turn me off even if he was right on every other single issue, I am just trying to make a few points that I was not sure were being made here.

listen to me i know in my guts that you are rons man.first i have look all candidates and i am greatly invalved in this issues and i have to agree with mr.chaim that ron is a disaster for america,europe,middle east and whole world with his opinions about forigen policys even one domestic!just people,like your self,think that we follow like sheep,but you self youare free thinker ( in my opinion like paul).aren't you the one that is on wrong side of street?aren't you the one who think like liberal(ron paul is ultimatly liberal,it just apear to happend that he have R next to his name,just like mc'caine)?i am member of family reasrch program(i don't kno have you heard from them,but if you didn't google them and you will find out that they support republicans,pro-life,pro-marredge,pro-israel and they are evangelical organizacion)and they have run a poll and in first lace was mitt romney second was huckabee.3.we are(as jtf)movement,just like political party and if our president(mr.chaim)says that JTF supports huckabee,then that is it!we can not have as a movement diferences among our self,becose of that we will faul a part with in!!!!!!!i don't know do you know that Iowa is a evangelical state and thet is a reason why huckabee won,romney second!he is a pastor,don't you think that would save america from liberals,hollywood and gay activist?!most of people belive in G-d(in G-d we trust)and this is our man(for jews and like my self orthodox).4.JTF is only organization who is trying to save my country(save kosovo forum)and if mr.chaim says huckabee(i think he is more wiseer than you in this matter,him self is invalved in this greatly) then i am for him too.5. and most of us are for huckabee and who are you to tell me something!how old are you anyway?!6.i am listener of radio talk show savage nation(michael savage,whohim self is a jew and support my contry)and he is for romney,so in any case all people i support are for huckabee or romney,so if any of them wins i didn't loose!6.if you wont to be JTF-er this is the time to get in this wagone of ours or you will be left on station strangled with others just like Ron paul of yours and others lierals as michae savage says LIBERALIZAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER and my friend my diagnose is you got it!!!!!!   that is all from me!p.s.some of this shoul open mind to Daniel too!

Wow, you have obviously greatly misunderstood everything I have said.
1. I am not a Paul supporter, not by a long shot. I was a Tancredo supporter and know I am not very satisfied with any of the candidates. I thought I made that clear. I almost hurt myself laughing being called a liberal as anyone that knows me will know how amusing that is. Believe me, you gut is lying to you.
2. Yes, I have heard of the Family Research council, I have also listened to and read Michael Savage. I have also heard of and listened to many other organizations and people. I guess I am only supposed to listen to the ones that you deemed qualified?
3. Republican only because they have an R next to their name. I couldn't agree more, not only Paul but just about every Republican today. Go visit and see how much of a liberal letter R republican I am according to you.
4. Just so you know, I am also very involved, have been for over 30 years. I am also betting I am older than you, just a hunch.
5. I never told you what to do. In fact, just the opposite, I was stating that people should not automatically do what someone else tells them to without doing their own investigation first, no matter who is telling you to do it.
6. Huckabee will save us from gay activists, hollywood, etc. because he is a pastor? Wasn't Carter considered a very holy man? He did a whole lot of good, didn't he? Just because someone is, or isn't, a pastor/preacher/reverend, rabbi, etc. is not a reason I support or not support someone.
7. Maybe JTF is the only forum trying to save "your" country of Kosovo, and I wish them and Kosovo luck. My country is the USA and has been my families country for many many generations and that is the country I am most concerned with saving.
8. As for getting on the wagon as you call it, the only wagon I am on is the one that is headed for what is best for America. That includes a muslim exclusion act, declassifying islam as a religion, securing our borders, preserving our second amendment rights, true choice in education, death penalty for murderers and pedophiles, penalties for those who hire and or rent to illegal aliens, English as the official language of the land, rebuilding our military and treating them with the respect they deserve, ending affirmative action, lowering taxes, drilling in ANWR and so much more. I guess this makes me a liberal according to you because I do not like the same candidate you do. I am sure I have also been way more involved in the last 30 years than you have so "who are you to tell me something"!
9.I am still pretty amused here at being called a liberal. My diagnosis is that you are actually more of a nazi that you claim Ron Paul to be, who let me make this perfectly clear, I will never support because of his idiotic views on our islamic enemies, because you cannot bear to have anyone not to totally agree with everything you say.
10. Now, if you want to vote for Huckabee because Chaim tells you to, go ahead, that is your right. I will vote for the best candidate of what is available, it might be Huckabee, it might not, it won't be Paul.
11. I am not sure of what movement you are referring to. The only movement I am concerned with is the movement to secure a free,secure, islamic free and constitutional America for my children and their children's future. If the JTF movement is in line with this I support it, if not, I won't.
12. You should try not to assume you know someone when you obviously don't have a clue, just becasue they don't agree with everything you say.
13. Now forget about Daniel, hopefully this will open your mind, but somehow I seriously doubt it.

I will try this one last time because it seems I am writing in one language and you are reading in another.
I do not and will not support Ron Paul, most especially because of his idiotic views that we are hated by the islamic world because of our foriegn policies.
I am not comfortable with any other candidate as of yet either because the only one I did support, Tancredo, had dropped out, I am still undecided.
I never disrespected Chaim. I simply stated that I would not vote for someone just because he said so. I would listen to and respect his reasons for his conclusion and take them into consideration, but ultimately I will make my own choice, not quite sure how this is disrespectful.
Yes, Paul is right on some domestic issues. Balanced budget, gold standard, eliminating income tax, fighting the NAU, pro second amendment rights. It is possible for there to be someone you cannot support overall but is right on some issues. This is supposed to make you a liberal? Huckabee is soft on crime and you support him, does this make you a liberal?
I guess stating an opinion other than yours means not liking other JTF members. So anyone that disagrees with you about anything does not belong here and is on "the wrong side of the street" ?  After what you just said I am not sure if there is more proof that paul is nazi, he might be, he might not be, but it seems in your case you are supplying plenty of proof.
Why am I here? I have personally met some great JTF members and decided to check out the forum. For the most part, whether in agreement or disagreement, there is intelligent debate here, and also very much humor. I guess there will always be a few exceptions.
I guess at first I was too young to dare even question you, when you realized just the opposite is probably the case I am senile for not agreeing with you. So, make me the same exact age as you, same religion, same gender, same ethnicity, etc. This way we can just discuss what you accuse me of losing touch with, reality.
Now, the reason as I said before i will never support Paul, and am not happy with any candidate, is because they do not get the truth of islam. This reality as you call it, here in NYC I breathed in that reality on 9/11, I went to funerals of family members and friends of that reality, I am living here daily with all the crap of that islamic reality, I worry about my kids being blown up on the subway because of that reality, so don't tell me about reality, and i will go on any damn side of the street that I want.
Now if you still don't understand we are probably more overall in agreement than disagreement and still want to make an arguement of something that does not even exist in reality you will have to continue by yourself because you are obviously missing something here.
my iq is 121 so do not insolt my intelegent,ok!i don't support huckabee becose chaim just sad so i find him,in my opinion him and romney,the best candidate!if you think i am some kid you are wrong i am 30 years old,well lett me just say in case you if you say i am older then you,it dosen't make any diference.just becose he have some "good" idea on domestic policys it doesn't make him good candidate for anything when overall he is a nazi (i don't know if you have heard for letter that he wrote,it was on news)antisamatic and raceist.i don't know why you even defending him in first place,that is what raised my flag!i don't want to say anything bad to you(but you did call me a nazi),wish you luck to you and your kids,we disagree on this issue,i am no exeption in any case,just look it up,so havea good time in jtf.

OK, first I was too young to question you, then I was too senile, you said in your own words that whatever Chaim said was good enough for you. I apologize for calling you a nazi but you were accusing me of a few things also and I guess I am pretty much the same as you in the fact I will not take crap from anyone. Now you say Huckabee or Romney are the best candidates in your opinion. That's fine. I am still undecided and I would love to hear your reasons for this opinion as it could help me decide on a candidate as I am sure there are things I don't know about every candidate, such as the letter that Paul wrote that you mentioned,I don't know about that, what was that? I never defended Paul, if it appeared that way I apologize, but again, just because I cannot support
 someone overall does not mean that they cannot be right on some issues. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If it matters, I am 49, have not taken any IQ tests lately. I really don't think we disagree, I think we just might have been a little confused as to what each other were trying to say, we are probably more in agreement politically than you might think, we might have slightly different ways of going about things but I think we are on the same side.
Thanks for the good wishes for my kids, they are doing great, one will be going to college next year and good news is coming in every day and one is three years away. Hope all is well with your family.
I do enjoy my time at JTF though my time here is limited due to not getting the computer away from my kids that often and Friday night and Saturday morning when the forum is closed is when I do get a chance to use the computer, I am not Jewish so using the computer then is ok for me.
Now that we figured out in a confusing roundabout way that we are on the same side let's roll up our sleeves and continue fighting the real enemies, islam and liberalism.
In the beginning of a change, the patriot is a scarce man. Brave, hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds however, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.

Offline SerbChicago

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Re: What's wrong with Ron Paul?
« Reply #64 on: January 12, 2008, 10:13:48 PM »
After the abandonment of Tancredo I was without a candidate so I looked much deeper into the rest, including Paul.
I actually can support many of his domestic issues but he is so far off base with islam it is scary. The thought that US foreign policy is what causes muslims to hate us is beyond absurd. Another politician who obviously never read the quran or hadiths. I guess it was our foreign policy back in the early 1800's that caused those upset muslims to enslave American merchants in the Barbary states that the US marines were created for to go rescue. I do agree we should not be involved in any nation building other than our own, and yes, this even includes allies.
I would even welcome getting the hell out of all their cesspool countries, on the condition that they all get the hell out of ours.
He(Paul) did say something that made sense. Whether he was being deceiving or not I don't know. He claimed our support for Israel actually hurts them with their muzzie enemies. Not that they hate them because of American support, we all know they(muzzies) will always hate Israel, and everyone else, whether there is American support or not. The point that he made is that Israel will often hold back from taking aggressive actions because of the wishes and whims of the US leadership. Their deferment to the US does and will hurt  them when necessary retaliation or just self defense is needed. This was kind of proven during the Gulf War when Israel did not respond to incoming missiles at the US request. Again, whether he was sincere in this or not I do not know but it is an extremely valid point.
With all that said, even though I support many of his domestic issues, I can never support a candidate who is totally naive when it comes to islam. The problem with this is I still do not have a candidate. After seeing the debate last night I am even more disappointed, as every one of them that mentioned islam all had the usual disclaimers,(a small minority, hijackers of religion, etc.).
Huckabee? I must be missing something here. I have absolutely no confidence in him.
Let em all in McCain, can't make up my mind Romney, muslim apologist staffers Thompson, domestically liberal Rudy, I don't know why I'm here Richardson, populist in a mansion Edwards, satanic Clinton and Obama the muslim.
This country is in deep trouble.
SerbChicago, I will listen to what Chaim has to say just as anyone else here will but to vote for someone just because he tells you to, or to vote for anyone just because someone, anyone, tells you to, is very frightening. This is a big resaon we are in the mess we are in, too many people do not think for themselves.
As for Paul being a nazi or not, honestly I would not know, it seems many here seem to believe so. If there are reasons to back this claim up then I guess he might be. If the reason is just because he was seen in a photo with some neo-nazi or was sent contributions from such a group is not really a valid argument. The black man in Long Island that shot a white teen who was at his house with a small mob looking to do harm to his son and then shot and killed the white teen in a scuffle was just convicted for murder is having his conviction protested by black groups such as NOI and Al Sharpton. As hard as it is for me to say this, in this instance, NOI and Sharpton are right. I would have done the same thing in a similar situation. Does that make me a NOI member or a sharpton supporter?
OK, before I get attacked here I am in no way defending Ron Paul, his idiotic view on our islamic enemies is enough to turn me off even if he was right on every other single issue, I am just trying to make a few points that I was not sure were being made here.

listen to me i know in my guts that you are rons man.first i have look all candidates and i am greatly invalved in this issues and i have to agree with mr.chaim that ron is a disaster for america,europe,middle east and whole world with his opinions about forigen policys even one domestic!just people,like your self,think that we follow like sheep,but you self youare free thinker ( in my opinion like paul).aren't you the one that is on wrong side of street?aren't you the one who think like liberal(ron paul is ultimatly liberal,it just apear to happend that he have R next to his name,just like mc'caine)?i am member of family reasrch program(i don't kno have you heard from them,but if you didn't google them and you will find out that they support republicans,pro-life,pro-marredge,pro-israel and they are evangelical organizacion)and they have run a poll and in first lace was mitt romney second was huckabee.3.we are(as jtf)movement,just like political party and if our president(mr.chaim)says that JTF supports huckabee,then that is it!we can not have as a movement diferences among our self,becose of that we will faul a part with in!!!!!!!i don't know do you know that Iowa is a evangelical state and thet is a reason why huckabee won,romney second!he is a pastor,don't you think that would save america from liberals,hollywood and gay activist?!most of people belive in G-d(in G-d we trust)and this is our man(for jews and like my self orthodox).4.JTF is only organization who is trying to save my country(save kosovo forum)and if mr.chaim says huckabee(i think he is more wiseer than you in this matter,him self is invalved in this greatly) then i am for him too.5. and most of us are for huckabee and who are you to tell me something!how old are you anyway?!6.i am listener of radio talk show savage nation(michael savage,whohim self is a jew and support my contry)and he is for romney,so in any case all people i support are for huckabee or romney,so if any of them wins i didn't loose!6.if you wont to be JTF-er this is the time to get in this wagone of ours or you will be left on station strangled with others just like Ron paul of yours and others lierals as michae savage says LIBERALIZAM IS A MENTAL DISORDER and my friend my diagnose is you got it!!!!!!   that is all from me!p.s.some of this shoul open mind to Daniel too!

Wow, you have obviously greatly misunderstood everything I have said.
1. I am not a Paul supporter, not by a long shot. I was a Tancredo supporter and know I am not very satisfied with any of the candidates. I thought I made that clear. I almost hurt myself laughing being called a liberal as anyone that knows me will know how amusing that is. Believe me, you gut is lying to you.
2. Yes, I have heard of the Family Research council, I have also listened to and read Michael Savage. I have also heard of and listened to many other organizations and people. I guess I am only supposed to listen to the ones that you deemed qualified?
3. Republican only because they have an R next to their name. I couldn't agree more, not only Paul but just about every Republican today. Go visit and see how much of a liberal letter R republican I am according to you.
4. Just so you know, I am also very involved, have been for over 30 years. I am also betting I am older than you, just a hunch.
5. I never told you what to do. In fact, just the opposite, I was stating that people should not automatically do what someone else tells them to without doing their own investigation first, no matter who is telling you to do it.
6. Huckabee will save us from gay activists, hollywood, etc. because he is a pastor? Wasn't Carter considered a very holy man? He did a whole lot of good, didn't he? Just because someone is, or isn't, a pastor/preacher/reverend, rabbi, etc. is not a reason I support or not support someone.
7. Maybe JTF is the only forum trying to save "your" country of Kosovo, and I wish them and Kosovo luck. My country is the USA and has been my families country for many many generations and that is the country I am most concerned with saving.
8. As for getting on the wagon as you call it, the only wagon I am on is the one that is headed for what is best for America. That includes a muslim exclusion act, declassifying islam as a religion, securing our borders, preserving our second amendment rights, true choice in education, death penalty for murderers and pedophiles, penalties for those who hire and or rent to illegal aliens, English as the official language of the land, rebuilding our military and treating them with the respect they deserve, ending affirmative action, lowering taxes, drilling in ANWR and so much more. I guess this makes me a liberal according to you because I do not like the same candidate you do. I am sure I have also been way more involved in the last 30 years than you have so "who are you to tell me something"!
9.I am still pretty amused here at being called a liberal. My diagnosis is that you are actually more of a nazi that you claim Ron Paul to be, who let me make this perfectly clear, I will never support because of his idiotic views on our islamic enemies, because you cannot bear to have anyone not to totally agree with everything you say.
10. Now, if you want to vote for Huckabee because Chaim tells you to, go ahead, that is your right. I will vote for the best candidate of what is available, it might be Huckabee, it might not, it won't be Paul.
11. I am not sure of what movement you are referring to. The only movement I am concerned with is the movement to secure a free,secure, islamic free and constitutional America for my children and their children's future. If the JTF movement is in line with this I support it, if not, I won't.
12. You should try not to assume you know someone when you obviously don't have a clue, just becasue they don't agree with everything you say.
13. Now forget about Daniel, hopefully this will open your mind, but somehow I seriously doubt it.

I will try this one last time because it seems I am writing in one language and you are reading in another.
I do not and will not support Ron Paul, most especially because of his idiotic views that we are hated by the islamic world because of our foriegn policies.
I am not comfortable with any other candidate as of yet either because the only one I did support, Tancredo, had dropped out, I am still undecided.
I never disrespected Chaim. I simply stated that I would not vote for someone just because he said so. I would listen to and respect his reasons for his conclusion and take them into consideration, but ultimately I will make my own choice, not quite sure how this is disrespectful.
Yes, Paul is right on some domestic issues. Balanced budget, gold standard, eliminating income tax, fighting the NAU, pro second amendment rights. It is possible for there to be someone you cannot support overall but is right on some issues. This is supposed to make you a liberal? Huckabee is soft on crime and you support him, does this make you a liberal?
I guess stating an opinion other than yours means not liking other JTF members. So anyone that disagrees with you about anything does not belong here and is on "the wrong side of the street" ?  After what you just said I am not sure if there is more proof that paul is nazi, he might be, he might not be, but it seems in your case you are supplying plenty of proof.
Why am I here? I have personally met some great JTF members and decided to check out the forum. For the most part, whether in agreement or disagreement, there is intelligent debate here, and also very much humor. I guess there will always be a few exceptions.
I guess at first I was too young to dare even question you, when you realized just the opposite is probably the case I am senile for not agreeing with you. So, make me the same exact age as you, same religion, same gender, same ethnicity, etc. This way we can just discuss what you accuse me of losing touch with, reality.
Now, the reason as I said before i will never support Paul, and am not happy with any candidate, is because they do not get the truth of islam. This reality as you call it, here in NYC I breathed in that reality on 9/11, I went to funerals of family members and friends of that reality, I am living here daily with all the crap of that islamic reality, I worry about my kids being blown up on the subway because of that reality, so don't tell me about reality, and i will go on any damn side of the street that I want.
Now if you still don't understand we are probably more overall in agreement than disagreement and still want to make an arguement of something that does not even exist in reality you will have to continue by yourself because you are obviously missing something here.
my iq is 121 so do not insolt my intelegent,ok!i don't support huckabee becose chaim just sad so i find him,in my opinion him and romney,the best candidate!if you think i am some kid you are wrong i am 30 years old,well lett me just say in case you if you say i am older then you,it dosen't make any diference.just becose he have some "good" idea on domestic policys it doesn't make him good candidate for anything when overall he is a nazi (i don't know if you have heard for letter that he wrote,it was on news)antisamatic and raceist.i don't know why you even defending him in first place,that is what raised my flag!i don't want to say anything bad to you(but you did call me a nazi),wish you luck to you and your kids,we disagree on this issue,i am no exeption in any case,just look it up,so havea good time in jtf.

OK, first I was too young to question you, then I was too senile, you said in your own words that whatever Chaim said was good enough for you. I apologize for calling you a nazi but you were accusing me of a few things also and I guess I am pretty much the same as you in the fact I will not take crap from anyone. Now you say Huckabee or Romney are the best candidates in your opinion. That's fine. I am still undecided and I would love to hear your reasons for this opinion as it could help me decide on a candidate as I am sure there are things I don't know about every candidate, such as the letter that Paul wrote that you mentioned,I don't know about that, what was that? I never defended Paul, if it appeared that way I apologize, but again, just because I cannot support
 someone overall does not mean that they cannot be right on some issues. Remember, even a broken clock is right twice a day.
If it matters, I am 49, have not taken any IQ tests lately. I really don't think we disagree, I think we just might have been a little confused as to what each other were trying to say, we are probably more in agreement politically than you might think, we might have slightly different ways of going about things but I think we are on the same side.
Thanks for the good wishes for my kids, they are doing great, one will be going to college next year and good news is coming in every day and one is three years away. Hope all is well with your family.
I do enjoy my time at JTF though my time here is limited due to not getting the computer away from my kids that often and Friday night and Saturday morning when the forum is closed is when I do get a chance to use the computer, I am not Jewish so using the computer then is ok for me.
Now that we figured out in a confusing roundabout way that we are on the same side let's roll up our sleeves and continue fighting the real enemies, islam and liberalism.
The truth,justice and Serbian way