Author Topic: Obama must be stopped  (Read 19996 times)

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Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #25 on: January 28, 2008, 09:23:45 PM »
I just saw Obama sitting with Kennedy during Bush's speech.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #26 on: January 28, 2008, 09:29:14 PM »
The big question becomes who is worse. McCain or Obama. While I think Obama is worse than McCain, Obama will only have four years if elected. Hilary and McCain both are capable to winning reelection even though they will be bad. At this point in time I really hope that either Huckabee and Rudy manage to pull through tomorrow.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Offline KansasJew

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #27 on: January 28, 2008, 09:31:11 PM »
There is a far greater problem.... in the event that Obama is made President this would give validation to the Islamic World to start whacking away of American Freedoms from within using our own laws to do it.

This in turn will be bad for the Jewish People in the sense we would be kicked out again or worse another Holocaust.
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.


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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #28 on: January 28, 2008, 09:47:44 PM »
There is a far greater problem.... in the event that Obama is made President this would give validation to the Islamic World to start whacking away of American Freedoms from within using our own laws to do it.

This in turn will be bad for the Jewish People in the sense we would be kicked out again or worse another Holocaust.

Youve got that right!
All the debating about if he is or isnt a muslim (he IS) wont be necessary once he takes office, the mask will come off and it will be far far too late :-\

Offline Joe Gutfeld

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #29 on: January 28, 2008, 09:51:15 PM »
All the Jews here in America better move is Israel as soon as Obama gets elected.

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2008, 10:01:42 PM »
There is a far greater problem.... in the event that Obama is made President this would give validation to the Islamic World to start whacking away of American Freedoms from within using our own laws to do it.

This in turn will be bad for the Jewish People in the sense we would be kicked out again or worse another Holocaust.

Youve got that right!
All the debating about if he is or isnt a muslim (he IS) wont be necessary once he takes office, the mask will come off and it will be far far too late :-\

Then hit those message boards, folks! Flood them with all this information ahead of the primary. I have seen very little if any posts against Obama where I have been! 


Barack Hussein Obama and racist close associate, Al Sharpston

Barack Hussein Obama and his favorite 'charity' Project Islamic Hope.
Several of the founders have been indicted for terrorist support.

Barack Hussein Obama and his Kenya relatives- Muslims all, eagerly awaiting
his presidency and free handouts.

Barack Hussein Obama's closest associates and biggest backers are black supremacist/American Muslim activists:

NATION OF ISLAM Louis Farrakhan (head)
Read the ten things they demand from the United States!:

Among the things are demanding from the U.S:
They want the U.S. to establish a separate territory for blacks at the expense of the U.S. for 30 years- where fundamental Islam can be practiced.
They want the government of the United States to exempt blacks/Muslims from ALL taxation.
They want all blacks let out of prisons, etc. !!!

Obama's mentor and pastor, Jeremiah Wright and his church gave this man an award!!

Wright said in his speech during the presentation, "When Minister Farrakhan speaks, Black America listens. His depth on analysis when it comes to the racial ills of this country. Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African American religious experience. His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics.

"G-d will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims....G-d will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor G-d will bestow upon Muslims." – Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

"White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet."– Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2000

According to a journalist's account, "Farrakhan called 'the white man' the 'anti-Christ' to rousing applause."

"White America got their wake-up call after 9-11. White America and the Western world came to realize people of color had not gone away, faded in the woodwork, or just disappeared as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns." Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor and mentor)

"The Israelis have illegally occupied PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis have lived because of Zionism." Jeremiah Wright. Obama's pastor.

"Some in the black community say Bill Clinton was Good to us. That's not true. He did the same thing to us as he did to Monica Lewinsky." Jeremiah Wright


From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race (WHITE) would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart." Barack Hussein Obama

From Dreams Of My Father: "That hate hadn't gone away," he wrote, BLAMING "WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Hussein Obama

From 'Dreams Of My Father', "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,to show your LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT and name names" Barack Hussein Obama

Obama's campaign quickly issued a statement "Senator Obama is proud of his pastor and his church."

Tucker CARLSON: Absolutely. Obama.... has defended this guy. I criticized him on the air a couple of months ago. Got all this hate mail calling me a racist for criticizing this guy. And Barack Obama defended him. I don't see how he can defend this guy.

GRIFFIN: You know what? Barack Obama credits his conversion to Christianity to this man. He studied his speeches while he was at Harvard. He is a student of his pastor.

Look who's hiding behind Louis farrakhan's skirts:


Elijah Muhammad, founder of NATION OF ISLAM, WRITINGS- CHILLING!


THE VETERAN'S DISPATCH- See what THEY have to say:

I'm Barack Obama's cousin says Raila Odinga

By Mike Pflanz in Nairobi
Last Updated: 2:49am GMT 11/01/2008

Kenya's defeated presidential challenger Raila Odinga has claimed to be a cousin of Barack Obama and said that they had discussed his country's post-election violence.

Kibaki offers talks with Kenyan rival Odinga
Obama senses victory as voting begins
Mr Odinga, 63, said that the US senator's father, from western Kenya's Luo tribe, was his maternal uncle.

Mr Odinga (right) says that Senator Obama's late father was his uncle on his mother's side
"He has called me to talk about the destabilising constitutional crisis in this country, despite being in the middle of the very busy New Hampshire primary," Mr Odinga said yesterday.

Mr Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs confirmed that the senator spoke to the Kenyan opposition leader on Monday afternoon for about five minutes before going into a rally in New Hampshire, according to Associated Press.

(Are you aware Raila Odinga, a Muslim radical involved in the disputed Kenya election is Obama's cousin and that he has kept in close contact with him and supported him? Are you aware that in August 2006, Mr. Obama visited Kenya and spoke in support of Mr. Odinga's candidacy at rallies in Nairobi?
Mr. Odinga has an electoral pact with the National Muslim Leaders' Forum — a hardline Islamist organization that represents Kenya's Muslim minority. According to this document, dated August 29, 2007, Mr. ODINGA PROMISED THE MUSLIM LEADERS THAT IF ELECTED, HE WOULD ESTABLISH SHARIA COURTS, not only in the northern and coastal regions where Kenyan Muslims are concentrated, but THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY.
Odinga is reported to be behind such atrocities as the burning of a Christian church with 50 people inside.

Does this not raise some red flags? Obama has told us in his books of his admiration for Islam- and here he is supporting a radical Muslim terrorist. Come on, people. Wake up, for G-d's sake!!)
The Democrat would-be presidential candidate is also understood to have tried to speak to President Mwai Kibaki, whose victory in December 27 elections has been widely questioned.

Mr Obama has not commented on the Kenyan opposition leader's claim to be a relative.

Mr Obama's father, also named Barack Obama, won a scholarship to a university in Hawaii, where he met and married Mr Obama's American mother.

The two separated and Mr Obama's father returned to Kenya, where he worked as a government economist until he died in a car crash in 1982.

Obama visited Kenya in August and made a speech that was televised live in which he touched on themes not normally debated openly in Kenya, criticising the high-level corruption and the tribal politics that have dominated the country since its 1963 independence from Britain.

Since December 27 elections, Kenya has been rocked by tribal clashes which have left at least 600 people dead after President Mwai Kibaki claimed victory and opposition leader Raila Odinga declared the vote had been rigged.

International observers have noted "many irregularities" in the vote.

Mr Obama's uncle, Said Obama, said that his village, Kogela, in western Kenya, had been spared the violence and expressed his excitement as his US relative led polls in New Hampshires Democrat primaries.

"Ah, that's wonderful, but I don't want to jump just yet," Said Obama told AP.

(Why are his African relatives so happy?- Wouldn't be expecting big U.S. handouts if BO gets pres, huh?)

If Barack Obama were in Kenya today, he would "work with the leadership to bring them to a round table and find a solution to the problems that have been ravaging the country", his uncle said.

(I just BET he would! Billions to Africa, U.S troops to Africa!)

Said Obama said his nephew "has proved to be a beacon of hope here and shown that even in difficult circumstances you can make it to the highest height of achievement with just determination and hard work".

Hopes that Kenya's two main political rivals would meet to stem the bloodshed were dashed last night when Mr Odinga rejected calls for talks without outside mediation.

He has dismissed an invitation to meet Mr Kibaki who has begun announcing his cabinet.[/b][/SIZE

I cannot believe this stranger has come out of nowhere and duped the American public with his flowery, lofty retoric- that they follow without question, like sheep. (to the slaughter). His machine has the weak-minded so pumped up that it is laughable. If you dare say one uncomplimentary thing, you are shouting down with screams of racist and bigot and called a spreader of lies and filth!! Even if you present facts that are indisputable- like his books and what he says in his speeches, they call you liar.
They refuse to believe. Absolutely amazing- and very, very frightening- the power behind this man.
He has the money of the black radicals and Muslim radicals behind him to put out a pristine resume, and to hide his Islamic past- and present.
They are working day and night to white wash him and to stop criticism. They are even scrubbing the net of detrimental material.
You who do not believe this information had best get your heads out of the sand and wake up to who this man is and just what his agenda might be.
Read his books. Go to YouTube and listen to his speeches. Educate yourselves!
« Last Edit: January 28, 2008, 10:08:33 PM by Cyberella »

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #31 on: January 28, 2008, 10:36:47 PM »
"Among the things are demanding from the U.S:
They want the U.S. to establish a separate territory for blacks at the expense of the U.S. for 30 years- where fundamental Islam can be practiced."

-Good idea!  Let them have the territory of the ocean floor.

"They want the government of the United States to exempt blacks/Muslims from ALL taxation."

-Another great idea!  Let's exempt them all from breathing too!

"They want all blacks let out of prisons, etc. !!!"

-Best idea yet!  Let them all out into a giant vat full of sulfphuric acid!

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #32 on: January 28, 2008, 10:38:14 PM »
I believe that the muslim Barak Obama should be stopped from becoming president.  I hope that the white racists in the south all vote against him.

Why are they racists?

Maybe because they want black people DEAD.  ::)

Offline Matthias Corvinus

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #33 on: January 29, 2008, 01:24:24 AM »

Senator Barack Obama (Ill): “Reverend Sharpton is a voice for the voiceless, and a voice for the dispossessed. What National Action Network has done is so important to change America, and it must be changed from the bottom up.”
It would have taken no great effort for the reporters covering the Apollo debate to have walked across 125th Street from the theater to visit Freddy's Fashion Mart, where in 1995 eight people died in a murderous rampage inspired by Mr. Sharpton. Mr. Sharpton is best-known for the Tawana Brawley hoax, in which he insisted that a 15-year-old black girl had been abducted and raped by a band of white men practicing Irish Republican Army rituals. In fact she had made up the story to protect herself from her violent stepfather. But at Freddy's, Mr. Sharpton was even more malevolent. He turned a landlord-tenant dispute between the Jewish owner of Freddy's and a black subtenant into a theater of hatred. Picketers from Mr. Sharpton's National Action Network, sometimes joined by "the Rev." himself, marched daily outside the store, screaming about "bloodsucking Jews" and "Jew bastards" and threatening to burn the building down. After weeks of increasingly violent rhetoric, one of the protesters, Roland Smith, took Mr. Sharpton's words about ousting the "white interloper" to heart. He ran into the store shouting, "It's on!" He shot and wounded three whites and a Pakistani, whom he apparently mistook for a Jew. Then he set the fire, which killed five Hispanics, one Guyanese and one African-American--a security guard whom protesters had taunted as a "cracker lover." Smith then fatally shot himself.
But the torching, so to speak, continued. In 1995-four years into the putative New Sharpton-there was another, fatal case in which Sharpton had a guilty hand: Freddy’s Fashion Mart. In Harlem, a white store owner — no, worse: a Jewish one — was accused of driving a black store owner out of business. At one of the many rallies meant to scare the Jewish owner away, Sharpton charged that “there is a systemic and methodical strategy to eliminate our people from doing business off 125th Street. I want to make it clear . . . that we will not stand by and allow them to move this brother so that some white interloper can expand his business.” Sharpton’s colleague, Morris Powell, said of the Jewish owner — Sharpton’s “white interloper” — “We’re going to see that this cracker suffers. Reverend Sharpton is on it.”

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #34 on: January 29, 2008, 03:59:58 AM »
There is a far greater problem.... in the event that Obama is made President this would give validation to the Islamic World to start whacking away of American Freedoms from within using our own laws to do it.

This in turn will be bad for the Jewish People in the sense we would be kicked out again or worse another Holocaust.

Youve got that right!
All the debating about if he is or isnt a muslim (he IS) wont be necessary once he takes office, the mask will come off and it will be far far too late :-\

Then hit those message boards, folks! Flood them with all this information ahead of the primary. I have seen very little if any posts against Obama where I have been! 


Barack Hussein Obama and racist close associate, Al Sharpston

Barack Hussein Obama and his favorite 'charity' Project Islamic Hope.
Several of the founders have been indicted for terrorist support.

Barack Hussein Obama and his Kenya relatives- Muslims all, eagerly awaiting
his presidency and free handouts.

Barack Hussein Obama's closest associates and biggest backers are black supremacist/American Muslim activists:

NATION OF ISLAM Louis Farrakhan (head)
Read the ten things they demand from the United States!:

Among the things are demanding from the U.S:
They want the U.S. to establish a separate territory for blacks at the expense of the U.S. for 30 years- where fundamental Islam can be practiced.
They want the government of the United States to exempt blacks/Muslims from ALL taxation.
They want all blacks let out of prisons, etc. !!!

Obama's mentor and pastor, Jeremiah Wright and his church gave this man an award!!

Wright said in his speech during the presentation, "When Minister Farrakhan speaks, Black America listens. His depth on analysis when it comes to the racial ills of this country. Minister Farrakhan will be remembered as one of the 20th and 21st century giants of the African American religious experience. His integrity and honesty have secured him a place in history as one of the nation’s most powerful critics.

"G-d will destroy America by the hands of the Muslims....G-d will not give Japan or Europe the honor of bringing down the United States; this is an honor G-d will bestow upon Muslims." – Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan

"White people are potential humans…they haven’t evolved yet."– Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan
Philadelphia Inquirer, March 2000

According to a journalist's account, "Farrakhan called 'the white man' the 'anti-Christ' to rousing applause."

"White America got their wake-up call after 9-11. White America and the Western world came to realize people of color had not gone away, faded in the woodwork, or just disappeared as the Great White West kept on its merry way of ignoring black concerns." Jeremiah Wright (Obama's pastor and mentor)

"The Israelis have illegally occupied PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi territories for over 40 years now. Divestment has now hit the table again as a strategy to wake the business community and wake up Americans concerning the injustice and the racism under which the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis have lived because of Zionism." Jeremiah Wright. Obama's pastor.

"Some in the black community say Bill Clinton was Good to us. That's not true. He did the same thing to us as he did to Monica Lewinsky." Jeremiah Wright


From 'Dreams of my Father', "The emotion between the races could never be pure, even love was tarnished by the desire to find in the other some element that was missing in ourselves. Whether we sought out our demons or salvation, the other race (WHITE) would always remain just that: menacing, alien, and apart." Barack Hussein Obama

From Dreams Of My Father: "That hate hadn't gone away," he wrote, BLAMING "WHITE PEOPLE — some CRUEL, some IGNORANT, sometimes a single face, sometimes just a faceless image of a system claiming power over our lives." Barack Hussein Obama

From 'Dreams Of My Father', "There were enough of us on campus to constitute a tribe, and when it came to hanging out many of us chose to function like a tribe, staying close together, traveling in packs," he wrote. "It remained necessary to prove which side you were on,to show your LOYALTY TO THE BLACK MASSES, TO STRIKE OUT and name names" Barack Hussein Obama

Obama's campaign quickly issued a statement "Senator Obama is proud of his pastor and his church."

Tucker CARLSON: Absolutely. Obama.... has defended this guy. I criticized him on the air a couple of months ago. Got all this hate mail calling me a racist for criticizing this guy. And Barack Obama defended him. I don't see how he can defend this guy.

GRIFFIN: You know what? Barack Obama credits his conversion to Christianity to this man. He studied his speeches while he was at Harvard. He is a student of his pastor.

Look who's hiding behind Louis farrakhan's skirts:


Elijah Muhammad, founder of NATION OF ISLAM, WRITINGS- CHILLING!


THE VETERAN'S DISPATCH- See what THEY have to say:

I'm Barack Obama's cousin says Raila Odinga

By Mike Pflanz in Nairobi
Last Updated: 2:49am GMT 11/01/2008

Kenya's defeated presidential challenger Raila Odinga has claimed to be a cousin of Barack Obama and said that they had discussed his country's post-election violence.

Kibaki offers talks with Kenyan rival Odinga
Obama senses victory as voting begins
Mr Odinga, 63, said that the US senator's father, from western Kenya's Luo tribe, was his maternal uncle.

Mr Odinga (right) says that Senator Obama's late father was his uncle on his mother's side
"He has called me to talk about the destabilising constitutional crisis in this country, despite being in the middle of the very busy New Hampshire primary," Mr Odinga said yesterday.

Mr Obama's spokesman Robert Gibbs confirmed that the senator spoke to the Kenyan opposition leader on Monday afternoon for about five minutes before going into a rally in New Hampshire, according to Associated Press.

(Are you aware Raila Odinga, a Muslim radical involved in the disputed Kenya election is Obama's cousin and that he has kept in close contact with him and supported him? Are you aware that in August 2006, Mr. Obama visited Kenya and spoke in support of Mr. Odinga's candidacy at rallies in Nairobi?
Mr. Odinga has an electoral pact with the National Muslim Leaders' Forum — a hardline Islamist organization that represents Kenya's Muslim minority. According to this document, dated August 29, 2007, Mr. ODINGA PROMISED THE MUSLIM LEADERS THAT IF ELECTED, HE WOULD ESTABLISH SHARIA COURTS, not only in the northern and coastal regions where Kenyan Muslims are concentrated, but THROUGHOUT THE COUNTRY.
Odinga is reported to be behind such atrocities as the burning of a Christian church with 50 people inside.

Does this not raise some red flags? Obama has told us in his books of his admiration for Islam- and here he is supporting a radical Muslim terrorist. Come on, people. Wake up, for G-d's sake!!)
The Democrat would-be presidential candidate is also understood to have tried to speak to President Mwai Kibaki, whose victory in December 27 elections has been widely questioned.

Mr Obama has not commented on the Kenyan opposition leader's claim to be a relative.

Mr Obama's father, also named Barack Obama, won a scholarship to a university in Hawaii, where he met and married Mr Obama's American mother.

The two separated and Mr Obama's father returned to Kenya, where he worked as a government economist until he died in a car crash in 1982.

Obama visited Kenya in August and made a speech that was televised live in which he touched on themes not normally debated openly in Kenya, criticising the high-level corruption and the tribal politics that have dominated the country since its 1963 independence from Britain.

Since December 27 elections, Kenya has been rocked by tribal clashes which have left at least 600 people dead after President Mwai Kibaki claimed victory and opposition leader Raila Odinga declared the vote had been rigged.

International observers have noted "many irregularities" in the vote.

Mr Obama's uncle, Said Obama, said that his village, Kogela, in western Kenya, had been spared the violence and expressed his excitement as his US relative led polls in New Hampshires Democrat primaries.

"Ah, that's wonderful, but I don't want to jump just yet," Said Obama told AP.

(Why are his African relatives so happy?- Wouldn't be expecting big U.S. handouts if BO gets pres, huh?)

If Barack Obama were in Kenya today, he would "work with the leadership to bring them to a round table and find a solution to the problems that have been ravaging the country", his uncle said.

(I just BET he would! Billions to Africa, U.S troops to Africa!)

Said Obama said his nephew "has proved to be a beacon of hope here and shown that even in difficult circumstances you can make it to the highest height of achievement with just determination and hard work".

Hopes that Kenya's two main political rivals would meet to stem the bloodshed were dashed last night when Mr Odinga rejected calls for talks without outside mediation.

He has dismissed an invitation to meet Mr Kibaki who has begun announcing his cabinet.[/b][/SIZE

I cannot believe this stranger has come out of nowhere and duped the American public with his flowery, lofty retoric- that they follow without question, like sheep. (to the slaughter). His machine has the weak-minded so pumped up that it is laughable. If you dare say one uncomplimentary thing, you are shouting down with screams of racist and bigot and called a spreader of lies and filth!! Even if you present facts that are indisputable- like his books and what he says in his speeches, they call you liar.
They refuse to believe. Absolutely amazing- and very, very frightening- the power behind this man.
He has the money of the black radicals and Muslim radicals behind him to put out a pristine resume, and to hide his Islamic past- and present.
They are working day and night to white wash him and to stop criticism. They are even scrubbing the net of detrimental material.
You who do not believe this information had best get your heads out of the sand and wake up to who this man is and just what his agenda might be.
Read his books. Go to YouTube and listen to his speeches. Educate yourselves!
There is nothing wrong with his speeches. And as far as passing out information about Obama being a muslim, more and more I see those statements as threats of propaganda. Go ahead, when he wins the election, allbeit honestly you'll realize how much time you wasted concentrating on whether or not YOU THINK he's muslim.


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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #35 on: January 29, 2008, 04:03:48 AM »
I heard he's promising a "Free KFC" program in the inner cities.

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #36 on: January 29, 2008, 04:17:53 AM »
I heard he's promising a "Free KFC" program in the inner cities.

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #37 on: January 30, 2008, 11:17:47 PM »
"There is nothing wrong with his speeches. And as far as passing out information about Obama being a muslim, more and more I see those statements as threats of propaganda. Go ahead, when he wins the election, allbeit honestly you'll realize how much time you wasted concentrating on whether or not YOU THINK he's muslim. "

All anyone has to do is read and follow the links- any intelligent person, that is.

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #38 on: January 31, 2008, 12:38:38 AM »
"There is nothing wrong with his speeches. And as far as passing out information about Obama being a muslim, more and more I see those statements as threats of propaganda. Go ahead, when he wins the election, allbeit honestly you'll realize how much time you wasted concentrating on whether or not YOU THINK he's muslim. "

All anyone has to do is read and follow the links- any intelligent person, that is.
In the end, no matter what this man accomplishes, he'll never gain the respect of those who hate him for having the nerve to run for president (win or lose). Good blacks don't make you happy. I get it  now. In order for you to be happy, you need to bash someone or a race of people whom  you believe to be inferior. If that makes you happy...go right ahead.

Offline takebackourtemple

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #39 on: January 31, 2008, 07:59:00 AM »
   My big question is whether Osama will do more damage to this country in four years than McCain will do in eight. If Osama is elected in office, he will do to this country what Dinkins did to New York City. The difference is that voters probably will come to their senses at the end of four years. A choice between McCain and Osama is not a good one, but at least with Osama we know to invest in gold.
Does it bother you that you have to face the dome and the rock to say the sh'ma?

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #40 on: January 31, 2008, 08:43:25 AM »
   My big question is whether Osama will do more damage to this country in four years than McCain will do in eight. If Osama is elected in office, he will do to this country what Dinkins did to New York City. The difference is that voters probably will come to their senses at the end of four years. A choice between McCain and Osama is not a good one, but at least with Osama we know to invest in gold.
And this is an opinion strictly based on the fact that OBAMA is black.  ::)

Offline MasterWolf1

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #41 on: January 31, 2008, 01:51:37 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.

Offline Cyberella

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #42 on: January 31, 2008, 08:17:56 PM »

From the Unity Coalition for Israel site:

Jeremiah Wright, Jr., is pastor of Chicago's Trinity United Church of Christ, where as a 26-year-old, Barack Obama walked down the aisle and publicly committed himself to G-d. But in two separate interviews, Pastor Wright has revealed his concerns about Obama's pro-Islamic leanings. Jan Markell, founder and director of Olive Tree Ministries, is saluting Wright for expressing his concerns.

"He warned the senator that association [with the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis] could pose political problems partly because of his history of supporting PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazi causes," notes Markell. "Barack Obama has made the statement that the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis are the most oppressed people on earth."
And Markell commends the pastor for his concerns about a 1984 trip Obama made to Libya, where he met with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan. "Wright states a lot of [Obama's] Jewish support will dry up quicker than a snowball in Hades [because of that meeting]," she suggests. She believes that Pastor Wright, in issuing the warning, "was speaking out of genuine concern for Obama and perhaps even America. So I salute him."

Markell fears that if Obama becomes president, the United States will "blatantly" turn its back on Israel -- and suffer the consequences later.

« Last Edit: January 31, 2008, 08:35:21 PM by Cyberella »

Offline KansasJew

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #43 on: January 31, 2008, 08:33:35 PM »
Voting for or aganist someone based on skin color is immoral...However I could care less if he is black...Some of my co workers and friends are black...I do not want him in the White House due to his Family Muslim Connections in Africa....This family will have some influence on Obama's decisions on domestic and foregin policies. That is enough for me to say ...... "STAY OUT OF MY WHITE HOUSE!"
Remember there has to be strong silent men on the walls at night to protect the people. Be Strong but not aggressive. Be Peaceful but not weak. Defend the Jewish People at all cost.

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #44 on: January 31, 2008, 08:45:11 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.
Just so we're clear Masterwolf, Louis Farrakhan believes all whites are evil. Obama doesn't. Louis Farrakhan is with the Nation of Islam... Obama isn't.

Tell me, (anyone) has anyone in Obama's family ever bombed anyone? Don't give me made-up bs either. I want facts. If it comes out that his family has no connections with Al Queda or terrorist groups, leave them and Obama alone. I think that since 911, people have lost their minds. Just because some crazy SOB's who claim being Muslim as their religion, killed over 2,000 of our citizens doesn't mean the rest of the Muslim population in the U.S. has to pay for their sin.

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #45 on: January 31, 2008, 08:47:22 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.
Just so we're clear Masterwolf, Louis Farrakhan believes all whites are evil. Obama doesn't. Louis Farrakhan is with the Nation of Islam... Obama isn't.

Tell me, (anyone) has anyone in Obama's family ever bombed anyone? Don't give me made-up bs either. I want facts. If it comes out that his family has no connections with Al Queda or terrorist groups, leave them and Obama alone. I think that since 911, people have lost their minds. Just because some crazy SOB's who claim being Muslim as their religion, killed over 2,000 of our citizens doesn't mean the rest of the Muslim population in the U.S. has to pay for their sin.
Muslims must die or convert.
No talking with terrorists, only shooting.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

Just Erica

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #46 on: January 31, 2008, 08:51:56 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.
Just so we're clear Masterwolf, Louis Farrakhan believes all whites are evil. Obama doesn't. Louis Farrakhan is with the Nation of Islam... Obama isn't.

Tell me, (anyone) has anyone in Obama's family ever bombed anyone? Don't give me made-up bs either. I want facts. If it comes out that his family has no connections with Al Queda or terrorist groups, leave them and Obama alone. I think that since 911, people have lost their minds. Just because some crazy SOB's who claim being Muslim as their religion, killed over 2,000 of our citizens doesn't mean the rest of the Muslim population in the U.S. has to pay for their sin.
Muslims must die or convert.
No talking with terrorists, only shooting.
That's like me saying that Jews must die or convert to Christianity. What kind of bs is that? You are making absolutely no sense. You can no more force anyone to become a Jew than I can make anyone convert to Christianity.  You're not God.  You're a human being...with some hellified issues. You need some anger management therapy.

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #47 on: January 31, 2008, 09:07:11 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.
Your so right MasterWolf. This guy reminds me exactly of screwy Louie. I am watching the debate now and Hillery is bad enough but Obama is a ultra Socialist. This guy will destroy the American Middle Class.
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

A light on to the nations for 60 years

Offline Ambiorix

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #48 on: January 31, 2008, 09:10:19 PM »
I can give a damn if Obama was green with purple dots all over, the fact that he is a MUSLIM.. A carbon copy of Calypsso Louis Farrakhan is enough reason to stop him.
Just so we're clear Masterwolf, Louis Farrakhan believes all whites are evil. Obama doesn't. Louis Farrakhan is with the Nation of Islam... Obama isn't.

Tell me, (anyone) has anyone in Obama's family ever bombed anyone? Don't give me made-up bs either. I want facts. If it comes out that his family has no connections with Al Queda or terrorist groups, leave them and Obama alone. I think that since 911, people have lost their minds. Just because some crazy SOB's who claim being Muslim as their religion, killed over 2,000 of our citizens doesn't mean the rest of the Muslim population in the U.S. has to pay for their sin.
Muslims must die or convert.
No talking with terrorists, only shooting.
That's like me saying that Jews must die or convert to Christianity. What kind of bs is that? You are making absolutely no sense. You can no more force anyone to become a Jew than I can make anyone convert to Christianity.  You're not G-d.  You're a human being...with some hellified issues. You need some anger management therapy.
We need to destroy Islam before it destroys us.
If people want to stick with mohammed allah and koran, let them burn ,....
Their "god" demands them to annihilate us.
We must defend.
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Obama must be stopped
« Reply #49 on: January 31, 2008, 09:15:33 PM »
He is a muslim the enemy within that alone is a major reason to stop him.. They can not wait to put a muslim in the white house and he is their shinning.