Happy New Year and Happy (belated) Hanakkah (sp?).
I didn't come here to start trouble but I realized that I ran like a chicken away from this board because of other's opinions of me. So with this being the New Year and all, I thought it would be great for me to strengthen my backbone and participate in this forum again... but only this forum.
How has everyone been?
Hi Erica, Happy New Year to you. I've been waiting for you to return
How are you? How is your family? Hope all is well. BullCat3
Hi BullCat3. I'm doing great

. I am on the Dean's List at my school...maintaining a 3.50 GPA and will be graduating in September with my degree in Paraprofessional Education. I'm sad that I won't be walking accross the stage to recieve my certificate though, as my husband will be deployed and I have to get my children ready for school...but I'd rather have a certificate in the mail than not have my children in school on time.
My husband and girls are all happy and healthy ...well the kids are happy for now. lol So so far, everything is lovely. How are you and yours?