So therefore you're willing to back Hussein on the basis that he will forget to have a lobotomy and kill his Islam Bros!
You should be his campaign manager with a message like that!
NO!! Gd forbid!! Huck is the best choice...
However, when Gd protects the righteous and the Jews and are practically invincible, Muslims turn on each other...Listen..the problem Muslims and Blacks have is that they are jealous and envious people (a lot of them)...and envious people don't know how to better what they try to do is destroy those who they envy.
Obama is a black muslim who sides with Jealous sharpton, jealous jessie, Jealous Farrakahn...believe me...if tries to go for the Jews or for anyone righteous, he will fail and will only end up blaming it on his own "friends." Only Muslims are crazy enough to drop nukes on those they disagree with.
We drop nukes when we are in mortal danger.