Author Topic: JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy  (Read 1152 times)

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Offline christians4jews

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JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy
« on: January 16, 2008, 09:31:55 AM »
Whoever votes for this piece of trash is also a sodomite...look at this great article from chaim

Unless real conservatives wake up and act now, we will face an unmitigated disaster in the 2008 Presidential election - not from Hillary Clinton or other left-wing Democrats, but from left-wing Republicans who are quickly taking over the Grand Old Party (GOP).

According to polls and pundits, the frontrunners for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination are former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Senator John McCain, two notorious leftists whose positions on the issues are identical to those of the left-wing Democrats.

John McCain with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton and Hanoi John Kerry 

A third possible contender who is being seriously mentioned is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, another hardcore establishment leftist.

Phony Republicans Rudy Giuliani and New York Governor George Pataki - Giuliani and Pataki applauded Democrat-turned-Republican Michael Bloomberg (c.), who as the mayor of New York City has strapped it with the largest tax increases in its history 

The fact that Giuliani, McCain and Rice are currently regarded as the three strongest possible candidates should shock genuine Republicans.

Until recently, a pro-abortion candidate would never be seriously considered
for the Vice Presidency on the Republican ticket, let alone the Presidency.

A supposed Republican, John McCain reacted with approval to Hanoi John Kerry's anti-American rhetoric - McCain criticized the Bush campaign and Republicans for scrutinizing Kerry's exaggerated Vietnam war record and his unsavory assocation with pro-Viet Cong American traitors like Jane Fonda 

In 1996, California Governor Pete Wilson wanted to run for the Republican Presidential nomination but decided not to even try because he knew that his pro-abortion position would never be acceptable to most Republican primary and caucus voters.

Wilson was the Republican Governor of the nation's largest state, and would have been able to easily raise tens of millions of dollars from California donors, but it still would have been futile because Republican voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and other early primary and caucus states would have rejected him overwhelmingly.

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, another pro-abortion Republican, briefly sought the Republican Presidential nomination, but also decided to withdraw from the race before a single vote was cast, because he saw that no one
was willing to back a pro-abortion Republican candidate.

Rudy Giuliani supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion, in which a living, full-grown unborn baby's brain is sucked out of its skull with a vacuum tube 

Yet in 2005, things have deteriorated to the point where all of the three leading Republican candidates are not only pro-abortion, but left-wing on every major issue.

Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion.

But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment.

Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe 

Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion.

Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton.

Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.)

Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton 

Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader 

Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day.

A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II 

Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce.

When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.

John McCain accepts the John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage" award - Also present were self-hating Jewish Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI, second from r.); cocaine addict John F. Kennedy, Jr. (r.), who recklessly killed himself, his wife and another person in a private plane mishap; and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA, l.), whose own "profile in courage" includes the drunken murder of a young female staffer 

How can Republicans who so bitterly condemned the terrible moral example set by Bill Clinton now support for President the equally slimy Rudy Giuliani?

 John McCain - who called righteous Gentiles Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "evil" - says that he would not object to his daughter getting an abortion 

McCain claims to be pro-life, but is actually pro-abortion. In an interview in 2000 with the San Francisco Chronicle, McCain said that if his daughter became pregnant, he would not object to her getting an abortion.

McCain is also fervently pro-Third World immigration. He once told Geraldo Rivera in a television interview that he thought the emerging Hispanic majority in America is "wonderful. It's wonderful."

John McCain was one of the few Republicans in the Senate to vote against all of George Bush's proposed tax cuts 

McCain is a staunch supporter of higher taxes. He was one of the few Republican Senators to vote against all of George W. Bush's proposed tax cuts.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain considered running for the White House with Hanoi John Kerry 

McCain zealously supported Bill Clinton's evil war against the Serb Christians, and actually criticized Clinton for not attacking the Serbs with U.S. ground forces.

Last year, McCain considered running for Vice President on the ticket of left-wing Democrat John Kerry.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain returned to the Republican fold after deciding that Hanoi John Kerry could not reach the White House 

Rice is pro-abortion and predictably pro-affirmative action. Her election would send a terrible signal about the demographic future of America.

Rice is also one of the architects of the disastrous Iraq war, where - as JTF predicted from the start - we are helping to create another Shiite terrorist nation that will be aligned with the murderously anti-American Islamic fanatics of Iran.

 Condoleezza Rice and PLO Arab Muslim terrorist Abu Mazen (February 2005) - The two met in Ramallah, at the compound of the late Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat, under a portrait of Arafat and a photograph of the Dome of the Rock mosque, Islam's symbol for the wished-for annihilation of Israel 

So far no real conservative has emerged as a possible Republican Presidential candidate in 2008. All of the prospective Republican candidates are horrific.

Rudy Giuliani celebrates New Year's Eve with the white-hating Black Muslim draft dodger Mohammed Ali 

Unless conservatives wake up and organize now, there will be no difference whatsoever between the Democrat and Republican candidates for President, and the evil left will have succeeded in completely conquering both major parties.

Rudy Giuliani welcomes black white-hating South African terrorist Nelson Mandela - a supporter of Muslim terrorists like Yasser Arafat and Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafi - to a New York City memorial for the victims of the September 11th Muslim terrorist atrocity 

JTF wants to help organize a potent movement of right-wing righteous Gentiles in America, similar to the strong right-wing Jewish youth movement that we have succeeded in building in Israel.

For the sake of America, Israel and Western civilization, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.

In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.

 In your heart, you know we're right - And in your guts, you know they're nuts. (If the notoriously left-wing John McCain or Rudy Giuliani succeeds in winning the 2008 Republican White House nomination, there will remain no difference whatsoever between America's major political parties.) 

Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference. You can also send cash donations if you wish.

Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy
« Reply #1 on: January 16, 2008, 10:50:14 AM »
Whoever votes for this piece of trash is also a sodomite...look at this great article from chaim

Unless real conservatives wake up and act now, we will face an unmitigated disaster in the 2008 Presidential election - not from Hillary Clinton or other left-wing Democrats, but from left-wing Republicans who are quickly taking over the Grand Old Party (GOP).

According to polls and pundits, the frontrunners for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination are former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Senator John McCain, two notorious leftists whose positions on the issues are identical to those of the left-wing Democrats.

John McCain with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton and Hanoi John Kerry 

A third possible contender who is being seriously mentioned is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, another hardcore establishment leftist.

Phony Republicans Rudy Giuliani and New York Governor George Pataki - Giuliani and Pataki applauded Democrat-turned-Republican Michael Bloomberg (c.), who as the mayor of New York City has strapped it with the largest tax increases in its history 

The fact that Giuliani, McCain and Rice are currently regarded as the three strongest possible candidates should shock genuine Republicans.

Until recently, a pro-abortion candidate would never be seriously considered
for the Vice Presidency on the Republican ticket, let alone the Presidency.

A supposed Republican, John McCain reacted with approval to Hanoi John Kerry's anti-American rhetoric - McCain criticized the Bush campaign and Republicans for scrutinizing Kerry's exaggerated Vietnam war record and his unsavory assocation with pro-Viet Cong American traitors like Jane Fonda 

In 1996, California Governor Pete Wilson wanted to run for the Republican Presidential nomination but decided not to even try because he knew that his pro-abortion position would never be acceptable to most Republican primary and caucus voters.

Wilson was the Republican Governor of the nation's largest state, and would have been able to easily raise tens of millions of dollars from California donors, but it still would have been futile because Republican voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and other early primary and caucus states would have rejected him overwhelmingly.

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, another pro-abortion Republican, briefly sought the Republican Presidential nomination, but also decided to withdraw from the race before a single vote was cast, because he saw that no one
was willing to back a pro-abortion Republican candidate.

Rudy Giuliani supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion, in which a living, full-grown unborn baby's brain is sucked out of its skull with a vacuum tube 

Yet in 2005, things have deteriorated to the point where all of the three leading Republican candidates are not only pro-abortion, but left-wing on every major issue.

Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion.

But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment.

Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe 

Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion.

Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton.

Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.)

Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton 

Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader 

Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day.

A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II 

Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce.

When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.

John McCain accepts the John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage" award - Also present were self-hating Jewish Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI, second from r.); cocaine addict John F. Kennedy, Jr. (r.), who recklessly killed himself, his wife and another person in a private plane mishap; and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA, l.), whose own "profile in courage" includes the drunken murder of a young female staffer 

How can Republicans who so bitterly condemned the terrible moral example set by Bill Clinton now support for President the equally slimy Rudy Giuliani?

 John McCain - who called righteous Gentiles Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "evil" - says that he would not object to his daughter getting an abortion 

McCain claims to be pro-life, but is actually pro-abortion. In an interview in 2000 with the San Francisco Chronicle, McCain said that if his daughter became pregnant, he would not object to her getting an abortion.

McCain is also fervently pro-Third World immigration. He once told Geraldo Rivera in a television interview that he thought the emerging Hispanic majority in America is "wonderful. It's wonderful."

John McCain was one of the few Republicans in the Senate to vote against all of George Bush's proposed tax cuts 

McCain is a staunch supporter of higher taxes. He was one of the few Republican Senators to vote against all of George W. Bush's proposed tax cuts.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain considered running for the White House with Hanoi John Kerry 

McCain zealously supported Bill Clinton's evil war against the Serb Christians, and actually criticized Clinton for not attacking the Serbs with U.S. ground forces.

Last year, McCain considered running for Vice President on the ticket of left-wing Democrat John Kerry.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain returned to the Republican fold after deciding that Hanoi John Kerry could not reach the White House 

Rice is pro-abortion and predictably pro-affirmative action. Her election would send a terrible signal about the demographic future of America.

Rice is also one of the architects of the disastrous Iraq war, where - as JTF predicted from the start - we are helping to create another Shiite terrorist nation that will be aligned with the murderously anti-American Islamic fanatics of Iran.

 Condoleezza Rice and PLO Arab Muslim terrorist Abu Mazen (February 2005) - The two met in Ramallah, at the compound of the late Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat, under a portrait of Arafat and a photograph of the Dome of the Rock mosque, Islam's symbol for the wished-for annihilation of Israel 

So far no real conservative has emerged as a possible Republican Presidential candidate in 2008. All of the prospective Republican candidates are horrific.

Rudy Giuliani celebrates New Year's Eve with the white-hating Black Muslim draft dodger Mohammed Ali 

Unless conservatives wake up and organize now, there will be no difference whatsoever between the Democrat and Republican candidates for President, and the evil left will have succeeded in completely conquering both major parties.

Rudy Giuliani welcomes black white-hating South African terrorist Nelson Mandela - a supporter of Muslim terrorists like Yasser Arafat and Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafi - to a New York City memorial for the victims of the September 11th Muslim terrorist atrocity 

JTF wants to help organize a potent movement of right-wing righteous Gentiles in America, similar to the strong right-wing Jewish youth movement that we have succeeded in building in Israel.

For the sake of America, Israel and Western civilization, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.

In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.

 In your heart, you know we're right - And in your guts, you know they're nuts. (If the notoriously left-wing John McCain or Rudy Giuliani succeeds in winning the 2008 Republican White House nomination, there will remain no difference whatsoever between America's major political parties.) 

Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference. You can also send cash donations if you wish.

Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.

I guess I'm a Sodomite and so is Masterwolf...

Gee, it takes one to know one doesn't it?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline christians4jews

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Re: JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy
« Reply #2 on: January 16, 2008, 10:56:02 AM »
Whoever votes for this piece of trash is also a sodomite...look at this great article from chaim

Unless real conservatives wake up and act now, we will face an unmitigated disaster in the 2008 Presidential election - not from Hillary Clinton or other left-wing Democrats, but from left-wing Republicans who are quickly taking over the Grand Old Party (GOP).

According to polls and pundits, the frontrunners for the 2008 Republican Presidential nomination are former Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Arizona Senator John McCain, two notorious leftists whose positions on the issues are identical to those of the left-wing Democrats.

John McCain with the Traitor-in-Chief Bill Clinton and Hanoi John Kerry 

A third possible contender who is being seriously mentioned is Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, another hardcore establishment leftist.

Phony Republicans Rudy Giuliani and New York Governor George Pataki - Giuliani and Pataki applauded Democrat-turned-Republican Michael Bloomberg (c.), who as the mayor of New York City has strapped it with the largest tax increases in its history 

The fact that Giuliani, McCain and Rice are currently regarded as the three strongest possible candidates should shock genuine Republicans.

Until recently, a pro-abortion candidate would never be seriously considered
for the Vice Presidency on the Republican ticket, let alone the Presidency.

A supposed Republican, John McCain reacted with approval to Hanoi John Kerry's anti-American rhetoric - McCain criticized the Bush campaign and Republicans for scrutinizing Kerry's exaggerated Vietnam war record and his unsavory assocation with pro-Viet Cong American traitors like Jane Fonda 

In 1996, California Governor Pete Wilson wanted to run for the Republican Presidential nomination but decided not to even try because he knew that his pro-abortion position would never be acceptable to most Republican primary and caucus voters.

Wilson was the Republican Governor of the nation's largest state, and would have been able to easily raise tens of millions of dollars from California donors, but it still would have been futile because Republican voters in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and other early primary and caucus states would have rejected him overwhelmingly.

Pennsylvania Senator Arlen Specter, another pro-abortion Republican, briefly sought the Republican Presidential nomination, but also decided to withdraw from the race before a single vote was cast, because he saw that no one
was willing to back a pro-abortion Republican candidate.

Rudy Giuliani supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion, in which a living, full-grown unborn baby's brain is sucked out of its skull with a vacuum tube 

Yet in 2005, things have deteriorated to the point where all of the three leading Republican candidates are not only pro-abortion, but left-wing on every major issue.

Giuliani is completely pro-abortion, and even supports the barbaric practice known as partial birth abortion.

But that is just the beginning of his extreme left-wing positions: Giuliani is pro-Sodomite, pro-Third World immigration and anti-Second Amendment.

Every year as New York's mayor, Giuliani marched in the Sodomite parade down Fifth Avenue with all of the transvestites, the sadomasochistic freaks wearing Nazi helmets, and the child molesters of the National Man Boy Love Association (NAMBLA).

Rudy Giuliani dresses in drag as JFK/RFK mistress Marilyn Monroe 

Giuliani himself dressed in "drag" - he wore a dress, a wig, makeup and lipstick - on more than one occasion.

Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton.

Giuliani married his first cousin and then pulled all types of strings to get the marriage annulled by the Catholic Church. (Catholics are not allowed to divorce, and so "annulment" of a marriage is sometimes used to end an unwanted union.)

Rudy Giuliani's sexual escapades are as bad as those of Bill Clinton 

Giuliani then married his second wife, Donna Hanover, who starred in the evil pornographic and child-molesting play, The Vagina Monologues. In the play, a grown woman has a lesbian, child-molesting relationship with a 13-year-old girl.

An uncaring mother and a cheating husband made for tabloid fodder during the messy Giuliani-Hanover divorce - Television personality Donna Hanover starred in The Vagina Monologues, a play about lesbian pedophilia, and played Jimmy Carter's sister, Ruth Carter Stapleton, in The People vs. Larry Flynt, a loving cinematic tribute to the infamous porn king, depicted in the film as a “free speech” crusader 

Giuliani then openly cheated on his second wife, parading around the city with his adulterous mate, Judith Nathan. Giuliani even wanted to bring his adulterous mate into the Mayor's official residence in Gracie Mansion to openly live with him. He did not care that his young son Andrew was living there and would have seen his father together with his adulterous partner every day.

A supposed Catholic, the openly unfaithful Rudy Giuliani sought a divorce from his second wife Donna Hanover - He is shown with Hanover meeting Pope John Paul II 

Finally, Giuliani sought to divorce his second wife. This time, he did not seek an "annulment," he openly sought a divorce.

When the Giulianis separated, he moved into the apartment of an AIDS-infected homosexual "couple" whom he had befriended.

John McCain accepts the John F. Kennedy "Profile in Courage" award - Also present were self-hating Jewish Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI, second from r.); cocaine addict John F. Kennedy, Jr. (r.), who recklessly killed himself, his wife and another person in a private plane mishap; and Senator Ted Kennedy (D-MA, l.), whose own "profile in courage" includes the drunken murder of a young female staffer 

How can Republicans who so bitterly condemned the terrible moral example set by Bill Clinton now support for President the equally slimy Rudy Giuliani?

 John McCain - who called righteous Gentiles Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson "evil" - says that he would not object to his daughter getting an abortion 

McCain claims to be pro-life, but is actually pro-abortion. In an interview in 2000 with the San Francisco Chronicle, McCain said that if his daughter became pregnant, he would not object to her getting an abortion.

McCain is also fervently pro-Third World immigration. He once told Geraldo Rivera in a television interview that he thought the emerging Hispanic majority in America is "wonderful. It's wonderful."

John McCain was one of the few Republicans in the Senate to vote against all of George Bush's proposed tax cuts 

McCain is a staunch supporter of higher taxes. He was one of the few Republican Senators to vote against all of George W. Bush's proposed tax cuts.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain considered running for the White House with Hanoi John Kerry 

McCain zealously supported Bill Clinton's evil war against the Serb Christians, and actually criticized Clinton for not attacking the Serbs with U.S. ground forces.

Last year, McCain considered running for Vice President on the ticket of left-wing Democrat John Kerry.

Crazy for the camera, John McCain returned to the Republican fold after deciding that Hanoi John Kerry could not reach the White House 

Rice is pro-abortion and predictably pro-affirmative action. Her election would send a terrible signal about the demographic future of America.

Rice is also one of the architects of the disastrous Iraq war, where - as JTF predicted from the start - we are helping to create another Shiite terrorist nation that will be aligned with the murderously anti-American Islamic fanatics of Iran.

 Condoleezza Rice and PLO Arab Muslim terrorist Abu Mazen (February 2005) - The two met in Ramallah, at the compound of the late Arab Hitler Yasser Arafat, under a portrait of Arafat and a photograph of the Dome of the Rock mosque, Islam's symbol for the wished-for annihilation of Israel 

So far no real conservative has emerged as a possible Republican Presidential candidate in 2008. All of the prospective Republican candidates are horrific.

Rudy Giuliani celebrates New Year's Eve with the white-hating Black Muslim draft dodger Mohammed Ali 

Unless conservatives wake up and organize now, there will be no difference whatsoever between the Democrat and Republican candidates for President, and the evil left will have succeeded in completely conquering both major parties.

Rudy Giuliani welcomes black white-hating South African terrorist Nelson Mandela - a supporter of Muslim terrorists like Yasser Arafat and Libyan dictator Moammar Khadafi - to a New York City memorial for the victims of the September 11th Muslim terrorist atrocity 

JTF wants to help organize a potent movement of right-wing righteous Gentiles in America, similar to the strong right-wing Jewish youth movement that we have succeeded in building in Israel.

For the sake of America, Israel and Western civilization, we hope and pray that we can motivate G-d-fearing American patriots to act.

In your heart, you know we're right. And in your guts, you know they're nuts.

 In your heart, you know we're right - And in your guts, you know they're nuts. (If the notoriously left-wing John McCain or Rudy Giuliani succeeds in winning the 2008 Republican White House nomination, there will remain no difference whatsoever between America's major political parties.) 

Every generous check or money order (which can be anonymous) made out to "JTF" (which is political and not tax-deductible) or to "VJA" (which is fully tax-deductible and non-political) makes a huge difference. You can also send cash donations if you wish.

Do not depend on others to do your part! G-d only blesses those who do their own part!
May G-d bless all of our loyal supporters and their loved ones.

I guess I'm a Sodomite and so is Masterwolf...

Gee, it takes one to know one doesn't it?

Im assuming that after this complete debunkage of that immoral disgusting person that is moe left wing than any rupublican, ill asusme you have the witts not to vote for him.

Id rather you voted for duncan hunter, but to vote for this piece of excrement is pure lunacy....

Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy
« Reply #3 on: January 16, 2008, 10:59:59 AM »
actually i'm not voting in any which ever republican wins that who i'm going for..rudy or no rudy.

Out of the three leaders, Huck is my choice

Out of all of the republicans...whatever...i want McCain to lose.

But those who vote for Rudy are not Sodomites.. Sodomites rape people up the behind...So use your words carefully or else a lot of us will wonder if that's what you fantasize about on a daily basis.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

In your heart you know WE are right and in your guts you know THEY are nuts!

"Science without religion is lame; Religion without science is blind."  - Albert Einstein

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: JTF article exposing the evil sodomite ruudy
« Reply #4 on: January 16, 2008, 03:30:29 PM »
Now all the pieces fall into place!

The "squeegeeMen" were all homophobes!