why did Israel gave back the Sinai in the first place?
Because they got a piece of paper in return.
what does it says?
That they have a piss now with Arab Republic of Egipt; the work of Carter same beast who owerthrowed Israeli friend the Shah in Iran and installed with help of soviets the Khomeini and his merry band of mullah. 
I did not know the Shah was a friend of Israel
Better one than Bush is or rather was:
Mike Wallace interviews the Shah of Iran, in 1974 and '76 In this interview Mike Wallace is trying to be trouble maker create problem between Shah Of Iran and Israelis as the best friend of Israel ... Prince Reza Pahlavi: "
Since when has Israel been a threat to anyone? Israel just wants to be left alone and live in peace side by side with its neighbors. As far as I?m concerned, Israel never had any ambition to territorially go and invade, I don?t know, Spain or Morocco or anywhere else. And let me tell something else about Iran: Unlike the rest of the Islamic or Arab world, the relationship between Persia and the Jews goes back to the days of Cyrus the Great.
We take pride as Iranians of having a history where Cyrus was the most quoted figure in the Torah, as a liberator of Jewish slaves, who went to Babylon and gave them true freedom for them to worship and in fact helped them build a temple. We have a biblical relation with Jews, and we have no problem with modern day Israel. As far as regional politics, I believe, I think many Iranians believe so, that as much as Israel has a right to exist, so should the PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis.
They have to work the problem between each other. And we have no business interfering, and we need to help get as much stability in the region. " History: The history of the Persian Jews has been uninterrupted for over 2,500 years. It is a Mizrahi Jewish community in the territory of today's Iran, the historical core of the former Persian Empire, which began as early as the 8th century BCE, at the time of captivity of the ancient Israelites in Khorasan. Some sources indicate that Iran contains the largest Jewish population in the Middle East outside of Israel, although the number is similar to that of the Jews in Turkey. Subsequent to the Jewish exodus from Arab lands, Iran had the largest Jewish community in a Muslim country. A larger population of Iranian Jews reside in Israel with the President of Israel Moshe Katsav, the former Chief of Staff / Defense Minister Shaul Mofaz, former Chief of staff Dan Halutz, Israeli hip-hop star Kobi Shimoni (Subliminal), and Sacha Baron Cohen (Borat) being the most famous of this group (latter two are Persian on their mother's side).