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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #25 on: February 03, 2008, 11:16:56 AM »
JTF is now opposed to Ann Coulter.

Great.  Now you go and tell that to all the tens of thousands of brainwashed jtf minions that vancier, in his insane megalomaniacal fashion, has convinced otherwise.

What were his exact words when he was bashing Ron Paul last month "We love ann coulter"

Yes, I was a loyal follower of JTF long before kikes like you ever heard of the show.

I can tell you personally, after carefully reading and listening to the show and site for years, I was one of those who actually "got my pencil and paper", wrote things down.

JTf is inconsistant.  JTF has come to appoint where it is NOT in American's best interest to support Israel.  That's why I personally have chosen Israel over America.

You can't have dual loyalties.  Vancier makes a good point.  Paul is a terrible candidate for Israel but great for America.

Yes, he's a closet antisemite, but I'd rather have a closet antisemite than hillary rhodam soddom or barrack osama.

Another thing, Vancier's prediction in 2002 was that Jeb Bush would get the Republican nomination after Jorgé was done with his fascistic reign.  He was wrong.

We have to keep in mind that Vancier (Ben Pesach) could be working for someone else now.  His views are not nearly as consistent as they used to be when I used to listen to him years ago.  It's possible that he has been subverted.

Thank  you lisa for not deleting my post like you did last time.  Either you're asleep, or you've been fired.

By the way, I saw coulter for what she was a long time ago.

Last I looked, Paul is out of contention...BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

ban this troll...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dexter

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #26 on: February 03, 2008, 11:18:02 AM »
שב שמעתע(sp?)
Huh ?
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #27 on: February 03, 2008, 11:18:23 AM »
I also call Jews i don'nt like Kikes and i'm Jewish
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #28 on: February 03, 2008, 11:18:50 AM »
Honestly you must be kidding. What exactly are you trying to say here. Its plain to see your only mission here is to insult Chaim. Find yourself some other place to play. Unless you have a better argument we are not buying your garbage.

You're a disgrace to Judaism and Jews.  I believe it was one of the founding fathers who said that a patriot is a hard thing to come by in the begining and then everyone joins him once his cause becomes popular.

I spent many a night, after a long trek home from work, in the freezing cold, on my computer, debating, fighting, fighting the information war for Israel, debunking Moslems.  I must have made at least 10,000 individual posts on the internet defending Israel from eurotrash nazis and their moslem cohorts.

Now I see kike judenrat left wing Jews suddenly as "The voice" for this movement.  These rotten kikes.  They don't know what a republic is, they don't know what emancipation is, they don't know what "we the people" means, and lastly, they don't know jack excrement about Judaism.

Go and read the American constitution and the bill of rights.  Then go and read a little about Jewish history.  Learn a little bit about your people from an historical point of view.

How are Americans supposed to give a excrement about Israel?  The fight is not for the shetachim!!!  The fight is for the very FREEDOMS of the people of Israel.  You can give a billion dollars to the settlers, the deep rooted marxist fascist government of Israel is going to give it away.

You keep feeding the beast, and you will not win.  No, Israel is not the Or La'Amim, the American constitution is.  You will never have a strong Israel if you do not have a strong America.  Untill people like you and vancier get your heads out of your donkeys and realize this, than you are carrying on a futile war.

Yes, support Israel.  But only if you are going to move there.  If you are going to stay in America, then America comes first, and Israel second.

This jerk gets on here about once every 2/3 months. The last time he raved on about all the 'millions' Chaim makes out of JTF!

No.  I posted once a year ago.  A post to the tune of this one but it was immediately deleted by 'lisa' and I was subsequently banned.

Thanks for banning me.  Next time try banning my IP address, you might have more luck, temporarily.

It's funny that someone who promoted JTF in it's internet infancy, someone who was the person responsible for spreading it accross message boards (Vancier started with his "post us on message boards" tirade after I, a very respected member of a large message board, advertised there on a constant basis), should now be banned from the long overdue jtf message board.

What's next, you're going to hire scientology's lawyers to stalk me?

BAHAHHAHAHAHAHA..another frustrated troll!!!!  Ooooo, I'm scared.....oooooo I'm so hurting my feelings....awww you hate JTF...awww poor're coming with a fever..let me get my thermometer and stick it up your @ss! You will feel better afterwards.
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #29 on: February 03, 2008, 11:20:08 AM »
Why post on JTF GUTB?
It seems like you have a bad case of Sour Grapes.
If I believed what you do...I'd be a million miles away from here.

You'd better believe it.  If you like, I can direct you to my countless usenet posts supporting JTF back in the day, and with more difficulty, my forum posts.

You should be a million miles away from here.  JTF practices nothing of what it preaches.  JTF's forums are like stalinist russia, if they don't like what you say it's a post delete plus ban.

I understand a need for moderation, I've been on the internet for quite a while, and rarely do you come across such a suppressive forum.  The only thing JTF is good for is supporting the No'Ar Ha'Givaot financially, and for this I applaud them, but they are losing their core supporters such as myself because of megalomaniacal narcissism, failure to adapt, and a generally inadequate understanding of Jewish history.

I have to admit, I did learn quite a bit back from JTF, back in the day.  JTF introduced me to Ben Hecht's Perfidy, and a lot of underlying causes of evil in the world.  And that's why I am back here.  I want to give back.  But at the same time, I have supported JTF throughout this time, and I have received nothing but digested dog food in return.

Quit your shït.  It's time for this movement to show it's balls.  I've had enough of this maniacal screaming and yelling at stupidity.  We need action now.  The problems Israel face is caused by a much broader scope.  The new world order.  They manipulate us through our religion.  Read about Jewish history.

Do you think circumcision is the same now as we did it originally?  Hmm...  Maybe the Herodian puppet régime of rome had something to do with it.  You can start your history lesson by reading about a fellow named John Kellogg and then you can move on to Morris Fishbein.

The Constitution is of utmost importance but to compare it to the Torah the word of G-D is evil.And to call chaim a bogad is is shamefull

And you just prove my point by showing your ignorance.  The constitution is BASED on the Torah.  It was probably founded on deep talmudic understanding.  The constitution is based on the basic definition of property.

Being the kind person that I am, I will foward you to a 5 hour lesson on the constitution by a gentleman named Michael Badnarik who was the candidate for the Libertarian Party way back when...  Here you will learn about things like Allodial Titles, Automobile's Manufacturers Statements of Origin, and a lot of other things that might just save your little ignorant mind in the future:

Here is a link to a playlist I made for Windows Media Player for all seven parts, so they will play seamlessly, and you won't have to click on the next part once the first one finishes:

And here is a direct link to the site, in case you don't trust my link:

Thank you for unbanning my IP.  I could have bypassed it with a proxy server, but I have become sick as of late from all this fighting I have been doing over tha past ten years, and quite frankly, I just don't have the energy today as I used to.

Awwww AnusT isn't over us...awww..poor baby...

Watch out the IRS and the FBI is on to you...RUN FOR THE HILLS!!!
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #30 on: February 03, 2008, 11:21:35 AM »
You seem to have quite a bit of energy to insult JTF. JTF allows people to speak on their forum at times far longer than they should. I have seen forums ban people for far less then you have said already. If you have something you feel is worth discussing you should do it in a civil way. People here will debate almost anything that is presented in a reasonable manor. Whats with all the smoke and mirrors (redundant accounts)? You say you were here in the past tell us who you were. JTF despite what you claim is one of the best forums around. The fact that you are overworking yourself trying to post here only proves that point.

To quote an infamous talmudic commentator who's name escapes me at this moment, you have the logic of a donkey.  I thought fot a moment that it was the שב שמעתע(sp?), but it isn't.

Why you don't like JTF (or you do) ?

I don't like JTF anymore because it has turned into an emulation of some crazed fascistic cult.  Judaism is about exploring the torah and not just the written torah but learn the sciences.  Learn history, and learn about Jewish archaeology.  Watch Simcha Jacobivici (Jacobivici conclusively proves that the first phonetic language was invented by the Jews, not the "Phoenicians" a barbaric sea-warring nation.  American scientists fail to accept this for reasons known to us, my people.  It's one of the episodes of The Naked Archaeologist and I can tell you witch one), study theories.  Evolution....

I was born and raised ultra orthdox Lubavitch, btw.

The way I see it, one can't be both good for America and bad for Israel. Policies that are bad for Israel will eventually be detrimental to America as well. We are told: "I will bless them that bless you and curse them that curse you." A country that supposedly "defends it national interests" to the detriment of Israel is on the wrong track. G-d will punish it sooner or later. Any country's national interests should be in agreement with G-d's plan that involves Israel. People who talk about a supposed conflict between Israel's and America's interests must be secular. A national policy based on secularist reasoning will ultimately fail, I am sure.

You fail to understand a basic concept.  You have a bunch of lab rats in America in a cage with a lynx and a bunch of labrats in a cage in Israel with a fox.  Americans cannot support Israel when war veterans are coming back and being forced to live in homeless shelters.  Get this through your thick skull.

Americans are fighting for their gulps of air just as we are.  DO YOU UNDERSTAND THIS????

Why should an American Jew sacrifice his family's life to support Israel while the Israeli elitist billionaires will end up with that money and use it to destroy Israel even more.

We need a more constructive plan other than dealing with uneducated absolutisms.

raised ultra orthodox who's comment escapes you at this moment and his name...BAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHHA :::D
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #31 on: February 03, 2008, 11:22:11 AM »

Offline Gruzinit

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #32 on: February 03, 2008, 11:28:28 AM »
I think the point Coulter was trying to make was that If McCain recieves the Republican nomination there not gonna be a huge difference between him and Clinton....
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 01:01:51 PM by Gruzinit »
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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #33 on: February 03, 2008, 12:56:55 PM »
GUTB is most likely a Bnei Elim or Revava troll.

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #34 on: February 03, 2008, 12:58:45 PM »
I think the point Coulter was trying to make was that If McCain the the Republican nomination there not gonna be a huge difference between him and Clinton....
And I agree 100% with Coulter on this. I WILL vote for Hitlery over that devil McCain.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #35 on: February 03, 2008, 01:08:30 PM »
Is there a way to IP ban this guy?

He clearly has no reason to be here other than to troll around the forum and attack Chaim and JTF senselessly.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #36 on: February 03, 2008, 01:10:13 PM »
Is there a way to IP ban this guy?

He clearly has no reason to be here other than to troll around the forum and attack Chaim and JTF senselessly.
you don't want to ban C.F. do you  :-\
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #37 on: February 03, 2008, 01:13:34 PM »
Is there a way to IP ban this guy?

He clearly has no reason to be here other than to troll around the forum and attack Chaim and JTF senselessly.
you don't want to ban C.F. do you  :-\

Ha ha, Ambiorix.  I was talking about GUTB.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #38 on: February 03, 2008, 01:19:20 PM »
Is there a way to IP ban this guy?

He clearly has no reason to be here other than to troll around the forum and attack Chaim and JTF senselessly.
you don't want to ban C.F. do you  :-\

Ha ha, Ambiorix.  I was talking about GUTB.
I was chocked at first :o
Turkey must get out of NATO. NATO must get out of Kosovo-Serbia. Croats must get out of Crajina. All muslims must get out of Christian and Jewish land. Turks must get out of Cyprus. Turks must get out of "Istanbul". "Palestinians" must get out of Israel. Israel must become independent from USA.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #39 on: February 03, 2008, 01:27:14 PM »
Romney is a pragmatist, but I don't think he has the stomach to be a leftist. I think if elected he would be decent--an improvement over Bush.

McCain, on the other hand, is a pure leftist Nazi. I see zero difference between him and Hitlery, except that the former is a lot more popular.

I would DEFINITELY vote for her over that Vietcong-loving war "hero".

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #40 on: February 03, 2008, 01:44:58 PM »

Coulter is right, have you read the article she wrote on the subject?
Her whole point is that McCain is worse than Hillary, for the following reason, he will do all the same left wing liberal crap that Hillary will do; But at least with Hillary in power, these disasterous policies and their inevitible consiquences will be blamed on the left wing Democrats, with McCain in power, those same disasterous policies will be blamed on the conservatives, even though they are absolutely not conservative policies, they are the left wing RINO McCain policies.
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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #41 on: February 03, 2008, 01:58:16 PM »
I think the point Coulter was trying to make was that If McCain the the Republican nomination there not gonna be a huge difference between him and Clinton....
And I agree 100% with Coulter on this. I WILL vote for Hitlery over that devil McCain.

That's pretty low.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #42 on: February 03, 2008, 02:20:46 PM »

Coulter is right, have you read the article she wrote on the subject?
Her whole point is that McCain is worse than Hillary, for the following reason, he will do all the same left wing liberal crap that Hillary will do; But at least with Hillary in power, these disasterous policies and their inevitible consiquences will be blamed on the left wing Democrats, with McCain in power, those same disasterous policies will be blamed on the conservatives, even though they are absolutely not conservative policies, they are the left wing RINO McCain policies.

Hillary is a socialist...McCain is a liberal...but he definately isn't a socialist...
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #43 on: February 03, 2008, 02:22:59 PM »
I see Romney and McCain as opposite sides of the same coin--phony conservatives, but both much better than Hillary who is unabashedly far-left.  That would be insane if Ann Coulter actually campaigns for her.  It would be funny if the situation weren't so dire.  Huckabee is the only one left in the race that is anywhere close to being a conservative.  No matter what happens now, the next president will be worse than Bush.
How can you say this? What makes Juan McPhony "better" than Hitlery? How do you figure that she is worse?

--Hanoi John wants our troops to continue to die like dogs in Iraq, Hitlery wants to send them all home now and let al-Qaeda win

--Hanoi John says our soldiers are all torturers

--Hanoi John helped the North Vietnamese while in prison and he then supported John Kerry when he was calling our troops "baby-killers" and marching for the Vietcong

--Hanoi John supports unlimited abortion, just like Hitlery

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both want legalization and the erasure of our borders

--Hanoi John and Hitlery are both Israel-haters, but John has a phony rep for being "pro-Israel", and thus Israel is much more likely to be bullied by him

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both oppose energy independence and are "global warming" freaks

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both would force states to accept fag marriages

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both want to ban guns

--Hanoi John and Hitlery are both anti-Serb, but McCain is worse on this issue

There you have it--ask Chaim. On all issues they are equally abhorrent, but on some of them John McAmnesty is worse. In general, Hanoi John is worse because people will all fall in lockstep behind his plans, whereas half of the public and Congress will always hate and fight against Hillary.

Offline White Israelite

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #44 on: February 03, 2008, 02:44:35 PM »
I see Romney and McCain as opposite sides of the same coin--phony conservatives, but both much better than Hillary who is unabashedly far-left.  That would be insane if Ann Coulter actually campaigns for her.  It would be funny if the situation weren't so dire.  Huckabee is the only one left in the race that is anywhere close to being a conservative.  No matter what happens now, the next president will be worse than Bush.
How can you say this? What makes Juan McPhony "better" than Hitlery? How do you figure that she is worse?

--Hanoi John wants our troops to continue to die like dogs in Iraq, Hitlery wants to send them all home now and let al-Qaeda win

--Hanoi John says our soldiers are all torturers

--Hanoi John helped the North Vietnamese while in prison and he then supported John Kerry when he was calling our troops "baby-killers" and marching for the Vietcong

--Hanoi John supports unlimited abortion, just like Hitlery

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both want legalization and the erasure of our borders

--Hanoi John and Hitlery are both Israel-haters, but John has a phony rep for being "pro-Israel", and thus Israel is much more likely to be bullied by him

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both oppose energy independence and are "global warming" freaks

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both would force states to accept fag marriages

--Hanoi John and Hitlery both want to ban guns

--Hanoi John and Hitlery are both anti-Serb, but McCain is worse on this issue

There you have it--ask Chaim. On all issues they are equally abhorrent, but on some of them John McAmnesty is worse. In general, Hanoi John is worse because people will all fall in lockstep behind his plans, whereas half of the public and Congress will always hate and fight against Hillary.

Actually Mccains gun reputation is better than Clintons though he claims he wants to ban "some assault weapons", still better than Romney but I wouldn't vote for Mccain or Romney anyways. I don't trust either of them and i'll be damned if I ever vote for a socialist dyke or a negro unless it's Alan Keyes.

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #45 on: February 03, 2008, 03:04:15 PM »
You are proving his point by banning him. I say let him stay.  I we are so "right" then we should be able to debate any person who comes here, instead it seems like opponents are banned. It is a sign of weakness on our part. It also makes our moderators appear to be paranoid power hungry passive aggressive losers.  I agree with what MassuhDGoodName had to say earlier in this thread.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2008, 03:08:59 PM by Baltimore »

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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #46 on: February 03, 2008, 03:08:45 PM »
You are proving his point by banning him. I say let him stay.  I we are so "right" then we should be able to debate any person who comes here, instead it seems like opponents are banned. It is a sign of weakness on our part. It also makes our moderators appear to be paranoid power hungry passive aggressive losers. 
I agree
Not a foreign land we took and not with foreign possession but a land that belong to our ancestors that was occupied without a trial. And when we had the opportunity, we took our land back.
-Shimon Maccabee's answer to Antiochus VII Sidetes.

"When fighting monsters, be wary not to become one... When you gaze into the abyss, it also gazes into you."
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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #47 on: February 03, 2008, 03:11:41 PM »
Hanoi John voted to ban partial birth abortions and opposes Roe v Wade, Hitlery is pro-abortion.

Hanoi John is always talking about controlling spending and keeping tax cuts permanent, Hitlery wants to give $5000 to every baby and increase taxes in order to socialize health care.

Hanoi John voted for an amendment banning flag desecration, Hitlery voted against it, and burns it as a regular ritual

Hanoi John is against adding homosexuality to the list of protected groups for hate crimes, Hitlery is for it and even marched in a gay pride parade

Hanoi John is rated 0% by the ACLU, Hitlery is rated 60%

Hanoi John is rated 7% by the NAACP, Hitlery is rated 96%

Hanoi John is against gun control, Hitlery is for it

Hanoi John is rooting for America to win in Iraq, Hitlery is rooting for Al Qaeda.

So if it's a tossup between the 2, I'll be holding my nose and voting for Hanoi John, who is not good but is the clear lesser of the evils.  Plus I'm in the navy and Hanoi John would increase my pay, which will be good for JTF, unless of course JTF ends up endorsing Hitlery.  Ann Crusader no longer has credibility with me.

lol, JTF endorsing Hitlery!!! >:( >:( >:( :o :o :o


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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #48 on: February 03, 2008, 03:50:09 PM »
You are proving his point by banning him. I say let him stay.  I we are so "right" then we should be able to debate any person who comes here, instead it seems like opponents are banned. It is a sign of weakness on our part. It also makes our moderators appear to be paranoid power hungry passive aggressive losers.  I agree with what MassuhDGoodName had to say earlier in this thread.


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Re: Coulter Ben Pesach says vote for Hillary Sodom
« Reply #49 on: February 03, 2008, 04:17:01 PM »

The whole idea of voting in Hitlery is giving the liberal leftist socialists enough rope to hang themselves. 4 years of Jimmy Carter gave us 8 years of Reagan, and 4 years of Bush Sr; The idea being 4 years of Hitlery and her disasterous policies will give us at least another 12 years of Conservatives running the Whitehouse starting in 2012.
Nuke the arabs till they glow, then shoot them in the dark.