I read this quote and almost puked.
” Senator McCain and I disagree on some things like immigration and Human Life amendment, but I’ve never known Senator McCain to be dishonest,” Huckabee said to reporters, after a massive rally at Stamford University, outside of Birmingham.” Many things might be said about him but I would not attribute dishonesty to Senator McCain.
And Huckabee has praised McCain as "a true, honest-to-G-d American hero."
That's a load of bull if I ever saw it. McCain is a notorious liar and flip-flopper.
Maybe there is something to this claimed Huckabee-McCain alliance.
But Romney is still scum.
They're all scum the only question is who is the least of the evils. Romney would be another Bush. Huckabee seemed like he would be different. The pressure might have gotten to him.