That good idea, we coud make the decleration of JTF principles to click before registering but the goal of this forum is to get atention and money for Chaim strugle into Israel, leting in people with oposing views are making this forum more popularin search engines so.... Sorry Raul for harsh words but I'm angry lately how far we woud allow this coranic animals to slughter us... what will be next church, hospital, kindergarden;
and all those politicans talking about peace and security as nothing happened.
Well enough of this rant; I find it on leftist Israeli blog:
S Haworth (05:30:49) :
Dear Yael -
this is a very long post, but please bear with me. The gist of it: Gellhorn was right, even though she didn’t see the half of it. She saw Arab hate, lies and rejectionism but not their ultimate source.
You, Israel, are exhausted because you have spent more than sixty years entangled with an adversary who plays goodcop/badcop, who alternates vicious ultra-violence with smiling deceit at will, and (to use Rowlings’ terminology) is absolute master of the three Unforgiveable Curses - the will to murder, the will to cause pain in order to enjoy the suffering of another, and the will to enslave; combined with proficiency in Confunding, aka Lying With a Straight Face.
If you read the Life of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq, as translated by A Guillaume, you will see that an ancient Muslim technique is to confuse and divide (by deceit; by buying traitors; by infiltration) those whom they are targetting for conquest, to ’split the camp’ by exploiting existing tensions and sowing discord.
You, Israel, are on the front line of the resurgent global jihad - which began circa 7th century AD, and has gone on, by means of extreme violence + fraud (with occasional rollbacks if it met sufficiently determined and united resistance) ever since. Eretz Israel was the first non-Arab land violently conquered by Muslim Arabs and crushed by the seven hells of dhimmitude (= religious apartheid). That’s why Muslims, not just Arab Muslims, are so bitter; they hate it that those uppity Zionist Jews rose up and de-Islamised the land, liberating its resident native non-Muslims - Jews, Samaritans, yes, and Christians too - from the Muslim yoke and restoring an Infidel polity. (Classic Islamic political theology teaches that NO Infidel polity is legitimate in the eyes of ‘allah’ and so must ideally be overthrown by Muslims and subjected to Muslim despotism, its laws replaced by the supposed ‘perfection’ of sharia - sharia with its stonings, handchoppings and headchoppings, death for ‘blasphemers’ and ‘apostates’, and institutionalised abuse of non-Muslims who refuse to convert).
The Jihadis - devout mainline Muslims to a man - hate you just like they hate the Spanish, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians and Indians - for having the unutterable cheek to throw off the yoke of the Empire of Islam. The Jihadis want Spain and India just as much as they want eretz Israel. Fake ‘Palestinian’ nationalism is merely a means to an end - as was fake ‘Palestinian’ socialism; pan-Arabism (1950s/ 60s) was just a Muslim agenda by another name, logically enough, as Islam is, from a certain POV, the Arab Imperial Religion, prescribing and sacralising Arab domination of the world by any and all means necessary. This is all very ugly and frightening - not just for Israeli Jews, but for all non-Muslims - but it happens to be fact, just as Hitler and Mein Kampf were facts, or Mao and the Red Book were facts.
See: Robert Spencer, ‘Onward Muslim Soldiers’, also ‘Truth About Muhammad’ (read there what the ‘prophet’ did to the Jews of Arabia… two of his women were Jewish girls he raped, each on the same day his thugs had killed her husband and destroyed her community ), and ‘Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades); check out his ‘blogging the Qur’an’; learn that Qur’an and Muslim tradition (Sira, Hadith) and their classic interpreters TEACH hatred & contempt for Jews qua Jews. (For more, google Andrew Bostom and Muslim anti-semitism).
The aggression, hatred, contempt and mind-boggling duplicity that so shocked Gellhorn about the Arab world in 1960 are rooted in - sacralised by - the texts of Islam; they saturate its recorded history, from Spain to India.
Read Bat Yeor - ‘The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam’ (be sure to read the foreword, by Jacques Ellul, on ‘dhimmitude’) and Andrew Bostom, ‘Legacy of Jihad’ (read what Muslims did to India - scores of millions of non-combatants BUTCHERED LIKE ANIMALS). Moshe Gil, ‘Legacy of Jihad in Palestine’, and James Parkes, ‘Whose Land’ - many chapters cataloguing results of Muslim invasion, occupation and oppression of Jews, Christians and Samaritans in eretz Israel. To understand the fix ‘Palestinian’ Arab Christians are in, and the warping of their minds, see Bat Yeor, ‘Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam’ - be sure to read its foreword, on Jihad as institution, by Jacques Ellul - money quote = ‘there is so much talk nowadays [in France] of the tolerance and fundamental pacifism of Islam, that it is necessary to recall its nature, WHICH IS FUNDAMENTALLY WARLIKE’. To go with Gellhorn, if you read French, try Jacques Ellul’s ‘Un Chretien Pour Israel’ - he brilliantly deconstructs ‘Palestinian’ propaganda and analyses the PLO’s 1968 charter, defining it as “a perfect expression of the Jihad”.
Then see two Muslim writers: Iraqi scholar Majid Khadduri, ‘War and Peace in the Law of Islam’; & Pakistani S K Malik, ‘The Quranic Concept of War’. The Arab Muslims (incl ‘Palestinians’ ) and their Arabised Christian dhimmis/ janissaries are making war on Israel as per the classic traditional Muslim recipes. Study up on: taqiyya, kitman, hudna, Treaty of Hudaybiyya (Khadduri explains that classic Muslim jurisprudence and war theory teaches all Muslim treaties with non-Muslims follow model set by Mohammed at Hudaybiyya - i.e. expediency, deceit, feign peace, sign fake agreement, bide time, then at will, when strong enough, break treaty and annihilate treaty partner). Visit Spencer’s jihadwatch website and google ‘Hugh Fitzgerald’ ‘Israel’ and ‘darura’ to get a bleakly realistic reading of Israel’s predicament and some good advice.
Israel. Your fight is our (all non-Muslims’) fight; it is the same fight India has in Kashmir, Serbs in Kosovo, Thais in S Thailand, Filipinos in S Philippines; Timor Lorosae will have to fight it again; Danes and French and Britons encounter it in their own Islamised districts where Muslim thugs reject and defy Infidel law and law enforcement. Gellhorn was right. As Czechoslovakia to the Third Reich, so Israel to the Ummah ; and as Sudetendeutsch to Czechs in the 1930s, so the (Muslim-dominated) ‘Palestinian’ Arabs [whether in Israel proper, OR in Arab/ Muslim-occupied Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem] to Israeli Jews, today.
The ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslims have stolen and perverted the image of David with his sling. But it is you, Israel, who - the instant you rose up again and seized back your homeland from the death-grip of Islam - have been David. David, facing the Goliath that is the Empire of Islam. The IDF is an army of Davids. May the Holy One of Israel grant to you to prevail.
S Haworth (05:30:49) :
Dear Yael -
this is a very long post, but please bear with me. The gist of it: Gellhorn was right, even though she didn’t see the half of it. She saw Arab hate, lies and rejectionism but not their ultimate source.
You, Israel, are exhausted because you have spent more than sixty years entangled with an adversary who plays goodcop/badcop, who alternates vicious ultra-violence with smiling deceit at will, and (to use Rowlings’ terminology) is absolute master of the three Unforgiveable Curses - the will to murder, the will to cause pain in order to enjoy the suffering of another, and the will to enslave; combined with proficiency in Confunding, aka Lying With a Straight Face.
If you read the Life of Mohammed by Ibn Ishaq, as translated by A Guillaume, you will see that an ancient Muslim technique is to confuse and divide (by deceit; by buying traitors; by infiltration) those whom they are targetting for conquest, to ’split the camp’ by exploiting existing tensions and sowing discord.
You, Israel, are on the front line of the resurgent global jihad - which began circa 7th century AD, and has gone on, by means of extreme violence + fraud (with occasional rollbacks if it met sufficiently determined and united resistance) ever since. Eretz Israel was the first non-Arab land violently conquered by Muslim Arabs and crushed by the seven hells of dhimmitude (= religious apartheid). That’s why Muslims, not just Arab Muslims, are so bitter; they hate it that those uppity Zionist Jews rose up and de-Islamised the land, liberating its resident native non-Muslims - Jews, Samaritans, yes, and Christians too - from the Muslim yoke and restoring an Infidel polity. (Classic Islamic political theology teaches that NO Infidel polity is legitimate in the eyes of ‘allah’ and so must ideally be overthrown by Muslims and subjected to Muslim despotism, its laws replaced by the supposed ‘perfection’ of sharia - sharia with its stonings, handchoppings and headchoppings, death for ‘blasphemers’ and ‘apostates’, and institutionalised abuse of non-Muslims who refuse to convert).
The Jihadis - devout mainline Muslims to a man - hate you just like they hate the Spanish, Greeks, Serbs, Bulgarians and Indians - for having the unutterable cheek to throw off the yoke of the Empire of Islam. The Jihadis want Spain and India just as much as they want eretz Israel. Fake ‘Palestinian’ nationalism is merely a means to an end - as was fake ‘Palestinian’ socialism; pan-Arabism (1950s/ 60s) was just a Muslim agenda by another name, logically enough, as Islam is, from a certain POV, the Arab Imperial Religion, prescribing and sacralising Arab domination of the world by any and all means necessary. This is all very ugly and frightening - not just for Israeli Jews, but for all non-Muslims - but it happens to be fact, just as Hitler and Mein Kampf were facts, or Mao and the Red Book were facts.
See: Robert Spencer, ‘Onward Muslim Soldiers’, also ‘Truth About Muhammad’ (read there what the ‘prophet’ did to the Jews of Arabia… two of his women were Jewish girls he raped, each on the same day his thugs had killed her husband and destroyed her community ), and ‘Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades); check out his ‘blogging the Qur’an’; learn that Qur’an and Muslim tradition (Sira, Hadith) and their classic interpreters TEACH hatred & contempt for Jews qua Jews. (For more, google Andrew Bostom and Muslim anti-semitism).
The aggression, hatred, contempt and mind-boggling duplicity that so shocked Gellhorn about the Arab world in 1960 are rooted in - sacralised by - the texts of Islam; they saturate its recorded history, from Spain to India.
Read Bat Yeor - ‘The Dhimmi: Jews and Christians Under Islam’ (be sure to read the foreword, by Jacques Ellul, on ‘dhimmitude’) and Andrew Bostom, ‘Legacy of Jihad’ (read what Muslims did to India - scores of millions of non-combatants BUTCHERED LIKE ANIMALS). Moshe Gil, ‘Legacy of Jihad in Palestine’, and James Parkes, ‘Whose Land’ - many chapters cataloguing results of Muslim invasion, occupation and oppression of Jews, Christians and Samaritans in eretz Israel. To understand the fix ‘Palestinian’ Arab Christians are in, and the warping of their minds, see Bat Yeor, ‘Decline of Eastern Christianity Under Islam’ - be sure to read its foreword, on Jihad as institution, by Jacques Ellul - money quote = ‘there is so much talk nowadays [in France] of the tolerance and fundamental pacifism of Islam, that it is necessary to recall its nature, WHICH IS FUNDAMENTALLY WARLIKE’. To go with Gellhorn, if you read French, try Jacques Ellul’s ‘Un Chretien Pour Israel’ - he brilliantly deconstructs ‘Palestinian’ propaganda and analyses the PLO’s 1968 charter, defining it as “a perfect expression of the Jihad”.
Then see two Muslim writers: Iraqi scholar Majid Khadduri, ‘War and Peace in the Law of Islam’; & Pakistani S K Malik, ‘The Quranic Concept of War’. The Arab Muslims (incl ‘Palestinians’ ) and their Arabised Christian dhimmis/ janissaries are making war on Israel as per the classic traditional Muslim recipes. Study up on: taqiyya, kitman, hudna, Treaty of Hudaybiyya (Khadduri explains that classic Muslim jurisprudence and war theory teaches all Muslim treaties with non-Muslims follow model set by Mohammed at Hudaybiyya - i.e. expediency, deceit, feign peace, sign fake agreement, bide time, then at will, when strong enough, break treaty and annihilate treaty partner). Visit Spencer’s jihadwatch website and google ‘Hugh Fitzgerald’ ‘Israel’ and ‘darura’ to get a bleakly realistic reading of Israel’s predicament and some good advice.
Israel. Your fight is our (all non-Muslims’) fight; it is the same fight India has in Kashmir, Serbs in Kosovo, Thais in S Thailand, Filipinos in S Philippines; Timor Lorosae will have to fight it again; Danes and French and Britons encounter it in their own Islamised districts where Muslim thugs reject and defy Infidel law and law enforcement. Gellhorn was right. As Czechoslovakia to the Third Reich, so Israel to the Ummah ; and as Sudetendeutsch to Czechs in the 1930s, so the (Muslim-dominated) ‘Palestinian’ Arabs [whether in Israel proper, OR in Arab/ Muslim-occupied Judea, Samaria, and Jerusalem] to Israeli Jews, today.The ‘Palestinian’ Arab Muslims have stolen and perverted the image of David with his sling. But it is you, Israel, who - the instant you rose up again and seized back your homeland from the death-grip of Islam - have been David. David, facing the Goliath that is the Empire of Islam. The IDF is an army of Davids. May the Holy One of Israel grant to you to prevail.