Manning never says once that Farrakhan is no good because he is a raging anti-semite, which Manning knows dammm well. He only says Farrakhan is no good, because the plight of blacks hasn't improved with Farrakhans leadership. I don't trust Manning for a second, not a half a second. Any so called Pastor who refuses to address that, is an enemy of the Jews. His silence about that speaks volumes!! So Jews on this forum should stop kissing his assss because he puts blacks down. Who the helll cares.
How do you know that he hasn't said or doesn't think that? He could think lots of things about Farrakhan that he hasn't said or that you don't know of him saying. There are thousands of Pastors that, to your or my knowledge haven't addressed Farrakhan's anti-semitism, so does that make all of them evil too, even if we aren't aware of all of the statements they've ever made about Farrakhan? For all you know, this pastor has addressed Farrakhan's anti-semitism in his sermons within the four walls of his Church. This guy Manning has taken lots of heat from blacks for his anti-Obama position, so why would he make a statement about Farrakhan that would make blacks angry while he is trying to show that he is against Obama not because he's black, but because he could be a closet Muslim or at least Muslim sympathizer?
It's one thing to dislike someone because of statements that he's made, but something completely different to dislike someone because of statements that he hasn't made. At least Manning has the guts to say the truth about Osama and take on the blacks face-to-face, 99.9% of people don't have the guts to do that, so he's far better than most people in my book.