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Offline Cyberella

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Two State Department employees were fired recently and a third disciplined for improperly accessing electronic personal data on Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Barack Obama, Bush administration officials said yesterday.

The officials, all contract workers, used their authorized computer network access to look up files within the department's consular affairs section, which processes and stores passport information, and read Mr. Obama's passport application and other records, in violation of department privacy rules, State Department spokesman Sean McCormack said.

Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice was notified of the security breach yesterday, and responded by saying security measures used to monitor records of high-profile Americans worked properly in detecting the breaches.

Mr. McCormack said the officials did not appear to be seeking information on behalf of any political candidate or party.

"As far as we can tell, in each of the three cases, it was imprudent curiosity," Mr. McCormack told The Washington Times.

A similar data breach took place in 1992 when State Department officials looked up data on presidential candidate Bill Clinton, in an attempt to find out information from the late 1960s, amid unfounded political campaign rumors that Mr. Clinton had sought to renounce his citizenship to dodge the draft during the Vietnam War while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford.

That incident triggered a three-year investigation by a special prosecutor, who found that no laws were violated but officials exercised poor judgment. The 1992 search of Mr. Clinton's passport records was part of an effort to speed up Freedom of Information Act requests.

One administration official said the FBI is conducting a preliminary inquiry into the officials involved in the unauthorized access incidents related to Mr. Obama, Illinois Democrat. An FBI spokesman could not be reached for comment.

Obama campaign says 'outrageous breach of security and privacy... we demand to know who looked at the passport file, for what purpose'...

Offline cjd

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This guy seems to have quite a bit to hide. Although it was wrong for his file to be accessed by people with no need to do it he really should not make such a big deal over it. An old black gent I use to know always said "Suspicion is the worst thing" quote by Mr.Knox.  Obama's behavior raises a lot of suspicion :o
He who overlooks one crime invites the commission of another.        Syrus.

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Offline Cyberella

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Hmmm...makes you wonder just what they were looking for in peeking at his passport.

Offline Cyberella

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Remember Hillary's challenge to Obama (Mar. 12 Huffington Post: "You need to answer these questions"), asking, among other things: "As voters evaluate you as a potential Commander-in-Chief, do you think it's legitimate for people to be concerned that you have traveled to only one NATO country, on a brief stopover trip in 2005, and have never traveled to Latin America?"

Maybe they weren’t looking for travel info,but info originally submitted to get his first passport when he went to Indonesia.

Offline Madeline

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I'm glad they did it.  Let's dig out his hidden alliances to the angry third world.  Politicos deserve less privacy than ordinary citizens because of the public trust placed in them.  Look at the outrage around Gov. Spitzer's infidelities.  It matters so much because he has such influence on public affairs, so of course more is expected of him.

Offline SavetheWest

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I think the Obama campaign is behind this.  Anybody working for the state Dept or contractors of the Dept. know that high profile names are flagged when someone does a search.  I'm sure their superiors tell them this to prevent anyone from doing this out of curiosity during training.  By doing this, they take focus away from Obama's pastor and make him a sympathetic character at the mercy of the Clintons and the Republican attack machine trying to dig up anything on Obama.  They also got the information so they can respond to any FBI background check that is done before he's inaugurated, just in case any Muslim countries come up.  The Obama camp can quickly respond to any charges of him visiting any controversial countries instead of getting questions they're not ready for.  Maybe Obama hasn't shared some information with his staff (such as his pastor's speeches) so they want to make sure there isn't more stuff he hasn't talked about that could be found by the Clintons.

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re:  "...Let's dig out his hidden alliances to the angry third world..."

There is no need to "dig" for them...they're all public knowledge.

In fact, we citizens don't know who violated State Dept. policies, nor do we know their motives for doing so.

And if we don't want to live in the former Soviet Union, we had better stop with these "knee-jerk" reactions giving approval to a Big Tyrannical Government Out Of Control, with no oversight over their criminal actions.

In a civilized and sane society, Secretary of State Congoleeza would have already been FORCED out of office for such a breach of the public trust.

And no amount of digging up private State Department Records is going to prevent an Obamination from ascending to the Presidency.

There is a clear-cut case of "Mass-Psychosis" sweeping the American electorate today.

I have yet to know an "Obama supporter" who is even willing to consider the facts about him, even when put right in their face.

They're all on some insane "high"; having found their Yellow Messiah who's going to "stop the war" and "give them free health care" & "move beyond racism", etc...

This is the most dangerous of psychological phenomena, a form of 'mass self-hypnosis' exactly of the kind which ushered in Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, and Chavez.

It portends an ominous end to the American Republic.

Offline SavetheWest

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Re:  "...Let's dig out his hidden alliances to the angry third world..."

There is no need to "dig" for them...they're all public knowledge.

In fact, we citizens don't know who violated State Dept. policies, nor do we know their motives for doing so.

And if we don't want to live in the former Soviet Union, we had better stop with these "knee-jerk" reactions giving approval to a Big Tyrannical Government Out Of Control, with no oversight over their criminal actions.

In a civilized and sane society, Secretary of State Congoleeza would have already been FORCED out of office for such a breach of the public trust.

And no amount of digging up private State Department Records is going to prevent an Obamination from ascending to the Presidency.

There is a clear-cut case of "Mass-Psychosis" sweeping the American electorate today.

I have yet to know an "Obama supporter" who is even willing to consider the facts about him, even when put right in their face.

They're all on some insane "high"; having found their Yellow Messiah who's going to "stop the war" and "give them free health care" & "move beyond racism", etc...

This is the most dangerous of psychological phenomena, a form of 'mass self-hypnosis' exactly of the kind which ushered in Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Castro, and Chavez.

It portends an ominous end to the American Republic.

Yes!  Most of his supporters are brainwashed and have turned him into a god.  Anyone who doubts this, look at the cult-like following he got a a rally about a month ago.

Offline mord

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The contractors were supporters of obama :::D :::D
« Last Edit: March 22, 2008, 09:15:37 PM by mord »
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Has it occurred to any members here that this entire scenario was "staged" on purpose; timed perfectly to make people forget about OsamaBama's "Rev. Dr. Wright" scandal, and substitute instead a phony scenario designed to garner sympathy for "poor oppressed candidate suffering even more abuse from white people in government"?

Think about the timing of the release of this "news"...

"In politics, there are no coincidences."
-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

Offline mord

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The CEO of a company whose employee is accused of improperly looking at the passport files of presidential candidates is a consultant to the Barack Obama campaign, a source said Saturday.

Analysis Corp. President John Brennan, shown here in 2004, advises Barack Obama, a source tells CNN.

1 of 2 John O. Brennan, president and CEO of the Analysis Corp., advises the Illinois Democrat on foreign policy and intelligence issues, the source said.

Brennan briefed the media on behalf of the campaign this month.

The executive is a former senior CIA official and former interim director of the National Counterterrorism Center.

He contributed $2,300 to the Obama campaign in January.

When asked about the contribution, a State Department official told CNN's Zain Verjee, "We ethically awarded contracts. Political affiliation is not one of the factors that we check."

On Friday, the department revealed that Obama's passport file was improperly accessed three times this year, and the passport files of the two other major presidential candidates -- Democrat Hillary Clinton and Republican John McCain -- had also been breached.  Watch the secretary of state apologize for the breach »

Three contractors are accused in the wrongdoing, including the one who works for the Analysis Corp. and who was disciplined. That contractor accessed McCain's file in addition to Obama's. None of the contractors was identified.  Learn more about the companies involved »

The Washington Times, which broke the story Thursday night that Obama's records had been improperly accessed, reported Saturday that the State Department inquiry is focusing on the Analysis Corp. employee. Also, the investigation by the department's inspector general will include polygraph tests for supervisors in the passport section to find out whether there was any political motive.

Don't Miss
Obama urges inquiry into passport snooping
Passport cases 'imprudent curiosity,' spokesman says Access to passport files gets easier
The department spokesman said Saturday that he would not comment on whether the department was administering polygraphs to employees in connection with the investigation.

The other two contractors who worked for Stanley Inc. were fired.

"While this is a rare occurrence, we regret the unauthorized access of any individual's private information," the company said in a statement Friday.

Stanley has had contracts with the department since 1992 and was recently awarded a $570 million contract to continue providing support for passport processing. Its CEO, Philip Nolan, contributed $1,000 to the Clinton campaign.  Watch how contractor execs are linked to campaigns »

The department official said the three contractors worked in three offices in the Washington area that are involved in various functions. One office does consular work and visas on evenings, holidays, weekends and overnights; another office issues passports; the third office scans and files materials.

The source said there has been no problem in the past with the Analysis Corp. employee, who has "extensive" experience. The worker has been with the company for years and has always worked under a State Department contract.

Explaining that the department had "complimented" this person for work in the past, the source said the individual is considered a "terrific" employee, except for this one instance, characterized as an "aberration."

The department asked the Analysis Corp. not to take any administrative action against the employee while the investigation is under way.

On Friday, the company released a statement saying it would fully cooperate with the federal investigation. The source said the Analysis Corp. has told the employee to do the same.

Echoing the State Department spokesman Friday, this source said there is no indication the motivation was anything but idle curiosity.

The source said the Analysis Corp. first learned of its employee's actions Friday morning when it received a call from the State Department. In its statement, the firm confirmed that one of the contractors was an employee and called it "an isolated incident." E-mail to a friend
 :::D :::D :::D :::D
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

Shot at 2010-01-03

Offline SavetheWest

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Has it occurred to any members here that this entire scenario was "staged" on purpose; timed perfectly to make people forget about OsamaBama's "Rev. Dr. Wright" scandal, and substitute instead a phony scenario designed to garner sympathy for "poor oppressed candidate suffering even more abuse from white people in government"?

Think about the timing of the release of this "news"...

"In politics, there are no coincidences."
-President Franklin Delano Roosevelt

That's what I was saying!