Bless you Mills and thank you,

-I realise that there is a bit of a language barrier as well as a "real politic" barrier between the UK and the US, however a few things are universal:
-The last thing I mean, is to send people who are non-white back to their homelands who feel they are not British or American first and foremost.
-This would be ethnic cleansing and a hate crime.
All I am saying is that when the host society (ie. us) that gets its way of life pushed aside by people with sharper elbows than we have, then we have to make a stand. If you want Sharia law...go live in one of the 66 nations in the world that promote it, if you want black power and white suppression then your place is not in the US or UK, it is in the Congo or Nigeria.
-I think this is fair enough comment... It is basically put-up or shut-up and the great thing about America is those non-white folks who want to "put-up" do so in spades by joining the military. -These are true patriots, but there also comes a point where they cannot out-breed us in our own country.
I hope you see this point and that fundamenatly I am on your side...Just imagine if there was a Black/Hispanic majority running the US -(which is now a likely prospect...) How do you think they will treat the Jews?- With the same tolerance we have shown?- I sincerely doubt it....
Seems to me we are going to have to loose it all before we can start trying to win it back.