Perhaps one of the things extant in this world right now which vexes my soul most is the predilection among young white females, particularly blondes, for black men.
Of course there is evidence all throughout history for white women finding black men irresistible, as a kind of kinky perversion or erotic/aristocratic taste, but today it is pretty much off the scale. All over America and all over Europe, young white women are literally mating with these sub-human beasts in their millions, nay, I daresay in their tens of millions.
And the natural corollary of this is that many white males are simply excluded from white female company, because these women are too busy lavishing their affections on their beloved negroes.
Now, I am 23 and life is an intolerable burden in my eyes.
In fact I am not worthy of life here, I am not worthy of anything. And perhaps nothing is worthy of me. But I am so disappointed in the white woman. She is, in my eyes, a wicked monster; a Semiramis who wishes us all to worship her beloved Nimrod's sexual potency.
Why do blonde women insist that we all smile and nod while they consciously reject and humiliate us? For blondes, life is but a game.
I beshrew white women and I beshrew the white race. I am not 'white', G-d forbid, that were a straw that might break my back.
Well, here is a little gorgeous creature of the negro race. I hope white women are happy with what they have inflicted on us. I hope they are happy that they have destroyed white men and brought forth abomination into this world, pure evil conceived in the womb of things most Divine in the eyes of the Holy One, Blessed be He.