scum - mostly catholic organizations want to dismantle Israel.
The Action Platform Palestine (APP) is an initiative of 11.11.11 – Umbrella organization of the Flemish North-South Movement and of : ACW, Artsen voor vrede, Broederlijk Delen, Christenen voor het Socialisme, CODIP, FOS-Socialistische Solidariteit, INTAL, Oxfam Solidariteit, Oxfam Wereldwinkels, Pax Christi Vlaanderen, Protos, Socialisme Zonder Grenzen, Vlaams Internationaal Centrum, Vlaams Palestina Komitee, Vrede vzw

Two senators of the Flemish Christian democrats ad people of the multi-cultural organisation "kifkif" have today lanced a petition demanding legislation against "racist" people on forums of news-websites commenting on the current wave of shootings and beatings on Belgian public transport.
The petition gets a link from the websites of the national TV, and several of the newspapers.
KIFKIF is renowed of its muslims on their forums spraying Jew-hatred.
They are temporarily closed during this petition campaign.
How to cyber-sabotage these organizations' websites?
I have put on twenty times the text KIFKIF = JODENHATERS (kifkif = Jew haters) but they remove it every 2 minutes.