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Oprah Winfrey:Every child in her school in South Africa is a Black. No whites
I agree with you JB as well the other posters on the other side of the coin. One too must think about the $40 million dollar "contrabution" will be worked by her Tax Lawyers and financial accountants toward her year end position on her billion. She'll probably get a refund to boot. Personally, I ask myself why she chose South Africa and not Senegal, Sierra Leone, Cameroon or Namibia but the wealthiest of all African States where there actually are Whites? Perhaps, she did wish to throw it in the faces of ol-whitey with the Communist Shvartza heading South Africa? If it was to really be for blacks the rest of the Black African nations are in much more need of aid, not AIDS, than South Africa. Oprah is a fat bigot pig who only got to where she is today thanks to people like Stephen Speilberg and Ol-Whitey wishing for an Affirmitive Blaction Feminist host. She's a pig, pure and simple although my sister had stated that Debbie Schlussel was wrong that there are a few white kids attending her school...although I don't know....
--- Quote from: Yochanan Zev on January 03, 2007, 04:16:27 PM ---Debbie Schlussel is a racist sack of poo. Oprah can do whatever she wants with her money. If she doesn't like it then she should put up her own money.
Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller are rich white Jewish women who have never done anything for anyone except themselves, wasting tons and tons of money on awful plastic surgery and gawdy jewelry. I'll bet neither one of them has given money to Israel. Why isn't Ms. Schlussel up in arms about that? Debbie Schlussel is fairly wealthy herself. How many little goyish whites girls is she spending her hard earned money on to help?
Considering all the poor white trailer trash she's doled out loot on her show, as nasty as you white racists react to her I wouldn't blame her if she never gave another white person the time of day.
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I happen to agree with your views on Joan Rivers and Phyllis Diller although I have never researched it personally. You could say the same about Stephen Speilberg or Noam Chomsky which doesn't offend me. If you are going to label one a racist please make sure you use it in the proper context. If those white trailer park trash lowers themselves to go to her show or watch it on television to hear hate Ol-Whitey, poke fun at uncle toms, black glorification, male bashing then Oprah deserves every penny for her work since all honest work is righteous no matter what color ones skin happens to be. Good for her! As for giving away that level do not do it out of pure kindness but out of a tax position. I actually feel it very good that Oprah gave from her own money because it is better than the never ending "wealth transfer" we tax payers HAVE to pay for. Good for her! I'm 100% for private charity and belive that all foreign aid should be ended.
Yochanan Zev:
What exactly is "black glorification"? How is it any different from all of that flag-waving, red state, patriotic middle-American diarreaha we've been inundated with over the last six years or so?
Black glorification is much like be kind and say nice things about your pet day. You see liberal whites and some blacks who consider themselves an honoary white, such as hoprah and bill cosby, they love to point out the extraordinary members of the species. Say, for instance when they find a black male that can recite all the words to martin lucifer king's (hey, where be them ho's and don't forget the gin) 'I gots the dream' speech', or can keep his pants up and tie his 'sneaks', they consider this a major intellectural achievement. Liberal whites in the 1980s used to walk around with a roll of nickels to dispearse to little africanus new yorkus who amused the liberals by break dancing on a piece of cardboard laid out on the sidewalk. This is negro glorification. You really see negro glorification in academia. Take for instance Bill (let me fell you up after I drug you) Cosby. Bill Cosby never finished high school but he paid 20 million dollars to the diploma mill known as temple university where they awarded him a BA, MA and a Ph.D for the cartoon he made called fat albert. Take also the crack pot , now dead, john henrick clark, everyone called him dr. clark when he never even received a ba. How many times have you heard the term rev. dr. By african glorification, these are word of mouth degrees that are given to the most illiterate of the species to make them feel good. If you need to know more about african glorification, ask the nearest black crack head you see, he call himself a pharmacist. Get the picture.
Yochanan Zev:
I think so. That's sort like claiming Jessica Lynch and Pat Tilman are war Heros, NASCAR being a real sport, and that whites like Elvis have "Blue-Eyed Soul". Our troops in Iraq are defending our freedom against Iraqi insurgents. These things are all contrived for the edification of white self-esteem.
On the other side of the coin is white victimhood. The fact still remains that there are a greater percentage of whites in this country who will still do absolutely nothing of any significance with their lives, since the very same victimized whites are quick to whine and dehumanize blacks with racist slander all the while boasting prilvilege and status that they themselves never had to exert any effort of their own to obtain.
If you don't believe me, just ask the nearest white methhead you see.
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