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Oprah Winfrey:Every child in her school in South Africa is a Black. No whites
We are like Joe Friday in the old dragnet tv series. 'Just the facts ma'am'. We tend to speak from experience and from what books and studies that we read. When you deal with us try and come armed with an intellectural defense or offense to make your point. Just because you 'think' something is true, doesn't mean it is true. I make sure that I have read what my enemies have written and I even question what some authors of the 'right' say. You cannot ignore facts, if africa is a basket case, that is what it is, and if you are dumb enough to think that an air head such as bono is going to fix it then there is no hope for you at all. We may argue with each other, but we do not use personal insults unless we get a real smart ass and then we will let them have it. I for one will not be politically correct, cultural sensitve or a phoney. I won't use foul language to make my point since I believe that that is nothing but an easy way to avoid of making cogent argument. So if you or anyone else wants to take us on, you are more than welcomed. Just be sure that you can take the heat without losing your cool. Ta, ta for now!
The fact of the matter ALL of our statements SOLELY apply to the NON-Righteous portion of the black community....NOT the righteous blacks. Cosmo is a supreme example of a righteous black man... It is not our fault that the vast majority of the black community, even now large sections of the white and other communities have embraced this black sub-human "urban" culture of crime, drugs, sex/rape, filth and deprevity.
If you are a righteous black man you will see the difference between shvartzas and blacks, Wiggers/trailer park garbage and whites and of course Kikes and Jews. "Those who are kind to the cruel, in the end will be cruel to the kind" - Qohelet Raba 7:16.
There is a very big difference. The EVIL deserve NO respect nor any whitewashing of their evilness..... This includes Socialist Judenrot scum. I hope I have approached this the proper way and presented it logically to you.
Its would be safe to guess said guy kanaga is not a evil nut case!
I sometimes wounder.....
everybody lets just take it down a notch, as I've said before we can disagree without it becoming personal.
Kononga, may I ask you a few questions?
Could you explain your views more thoroughly? I also oppose racism and bigotry from anyone, and I am not against Arabs because their Arabs, but I am against them because the vast majority of Arabs wish harm to the Jewish people. As for Africa and blacks I dont judge them as a group but most African nations and most blacks support people who wish to perpetrate another holocaust.
I recall you mentioning you are Jewish and I'd like to ask everyone to remember all Jews are brothers so lets debate ideas not throw insults.
How did you find this forum?
Since your Jewish how religious are you?
Have you ever learned the Mishne Torah? Because in Hilchot Melachim the rules of war are set down and they include the precept that we fight nations not individuals.
Yochanan Zev:
I was "googling" for jewish stuff one day and I remember finding the homepage first. I admit I was a bit taken back by all of the anti black propaganda, but at the same time it also made me very curious. I had heard of the Rabbi Meir Kahane before, but never knew that he and his supporters though of Black Americans as the enemy of Jews. All I can say is that it made me very curious, and I wanted to understand why. The thought sort of troubled me that I could be in shul Saturday morning bowing in unison during Aleinu with a bunch of guys who are only tolerating me for the sake of having an occasional AA decoration.
I originally joined on here as Yochanan Zev. I may have spent a month or so exploring the site before I actually decided to post a reply.
As far as other my conversations with other blacks go, well I would always speak up against unfounded criticism against Jews. So much so that people don't ever discuss these things with me, unless it's something they know I would defend. You are correct in that many blacks who are not knowlegable of the events and history of Israel identify with the Arabs who identify as Palestinians because they see the Jews as white oppresors and occupiers. A quick looking over much of the material on this site does little to dispell their claims.
I also get frustrated and angry at these unyielding types who insist on living in the past. By virtue of being Black and Jewish, I'm a natural outcast. A lone wolf. I honestly don't care about acceptance anymore, for in order to have peace with myself so I can do my best work I've learned to embrace my outsider status. My allegiances go beyond matters of race and religion but to try as much as I can to do what's right. I can only be but so lucky to have the opportunity to stand up, so the time is now to seize that opportunity. Having said that I believe that the Palestinians missed out, and will continue to miss out because of the unyielding desire to remain locked in the past, failure to seize opportunity, and to finally relinquish those paradigms that only serve to keep them stuck in a state of disempowerment. The same can be said for other groups including blacks, latinos, appalachian whites, and in some ways even Jews. And talk about dumbing yourself down, I never could see the sense in responding to hate with hate. I would like to stay above the fray so that I'm aware of the possiblities that opportunity may present so me, lest I allow myself to get pulled down with those who only know how to respond to hatred.
As far as the Mishnah Torah, I've only studied the Laws of Repentance which I'll read at the beginning of Elul. So I can't say I'm familiar with the section you are referring to.
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