Great message, Paulette. I listen to more and more people who know that this country is not what it was and what it should be; I am not sure that they realize why and what needs to be done. You clearly do.
RELL: they have NO respect for our G-d in church anymore- sorry- it is truth- very FEW and far btwn, many are here on the force, though. ~The church, unfortunately are now wells without water. I have many Christian friends, and they are coming under deception so that I cant even talk with them anymore. They REFUSE to look at their ROOTS: Judaism. How then do they KNOW anything about Holiness? Christian Church anymore, has HUGE movie theatres, they have ZERO Torahs in their churches- They dont KNOW the difference between 'kill and murder' That is WHY they cant stand against enemies (for one) .
They seriously live under this concept of grace, which is REALLY a process of 'making' you cant be made into someone great, while you repeat the same transgressions, offenses. Grace is also suppose to be a gift of G-d, it IS in the NT--- WHY SQUANDER this gift then? How can people walk in truth when they consistantly live a lie?
I know me, I am the Captain of the baddies, and
I TRY, seriously I DO. I realize that trying to 'earn points' with G-d is not right, sure, but I STRIVE to be a loving Jewish gal (
even though my roots are so cunfusing) that also is well read in the NT. There are also Temples and synogogues that are WAY OFF- but I feel led in my heart to reach out and implore, warn etc.. to the
Church in USA, (
I always go where I am UNWANTED). There are others I believe that HaShem will use for THAT mission. There are NOT many people like me, that
DONT' 'feel the need' to evangelize, or missionize, in Judaism, OR Christianity and
I CLEARLY DONT- my message is CLEAR:
REPENT USA CHURCH-- Sorry for the long post, I have so much to say, and little time