Translation for JTF Flash Ads 1:
Text: "Give an independent state in the Land of Israel to these murderers?"
Picture: A Muslim Nazi terrorist showing his hands dripping with the blood of two Israeli soldiers who got lost and stumbled into Ramallah. [Background information on this incident: The "moderate" PLO-Fatah "police" took the two Israeli soldiers to the "police" station, where a mob of Arab Muslim Nazis literally tore the Jews' hearts, brains, guts and genitals from their bodies. "Moderate" PLO-Fatah television and radio then invited all Ramallah residents to come to the "police" station. PLO-Fatah announcers repeatedly proclaimed: "Come to the feast!" The entire town of Ramallah came to the "police" station where Arab men, women and children danced with the torn body parts of the two Israeli soldiers chanting, "Hitler was right!" and "Death to the Jews!"]
Text: "The phony right is not protecting our homeland."
Picture: Muslim Nazi terrorists dressed as suicide bombers strapped with explosives.
Text: "The phony right has no solution."
Picture: A crowd of Muslim Nazi terrorists giving the Nazi salute.
Final text: "The Real Right has a solution. All the details here." [JTF in Israel is called HaYamin HaAmiti, which means "The Real Right".]