These animals have to be sent back to Africa where they belong. This BlacKKK Nazi crime rate is high, the highest in the country

Yeah! And all Japanese back to Asia and all Whites back to Europe, where they belong! Only Indians are real Americans, I'm sure, you learned it the way, why ist pro-Jewish equal to anti-Black? It doesn't make sense to me
Troll Alert..
pristax- FIRST of ALL- stop calling ME an "INDIAN" I am American Shcnectady Iriquois, my family roots can be traced to over 500 years in this fine nation. The "Indians" which you called ME, did NOT come from INDIA. TYVM. My tribe along with all North Eastern Tribes, fought WITH the colonists AGAINST the redcoats. The "INDIANS" (as you so nastily put it)
WHY DO YOU THINK THERE ARE SO MANY TRIBES? DUH. The Tribes in Ohio, went to ALL of the tribes, centuries ago, and WARNED them: Turn aside from the Other g-ds that you are worshipping, Come bck to the Great Spirit else a STRONG MAN will devour your tribes. the "Great Spirit" is Gd. They did NOT listen, so the prophecy came to PASS. They were NOT exempt, just like Israel is not exempt, and ANY other nation that turns from Gd- IS NOT EXEMPT. The LAST time I looked, people that are AMERICANS, are anyone that is here LEGALLY.. Black people need to STOP acting like SAVAGES, like these young THUGS, that were beating on a TEACHER that was 61!!!! <
SLAP> on your face for a WAKE UP call- the TEACHER was I N N O C E N T. Stop sticking up for people that are THUGS, no matter what dang race, you have an
UNG-DLY bleeding heart-
W A K E U P!!!!!