Is "Jews Against Obama" a Terrorist Group?
by DowneastDem
Fri May 30, 2008 at 05:24:24 AM PDT
Back in the 1980s I worked at the US office of Deutsche Bank in New York City. For a time we were terrorized by the Jewish Defense League (JDL), who called in bomb threats nearly every day. We couldn't just ignore these threats, since the JDL did in fact carry out bombings in the NY area. The most notorious incident was the firebombing of Avery Fisher Hall at Lincoln Center in 1986. The leader of JDL - Victor Vancier, aka Chaim Ben Pesach - was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
Now Victor Vancier is back with his newest project - Jews Against Obama - and the German government is investigating.
The purpose of "Jews Against Obama" is clear. Vancier states it on the Jewish Task Force Forum: "Help Us Defeat The Black Muslim Nazi Presidential Candidate Barack Hussein Obama!" To get the message across in Europe, Vancier started placing ads on a popular right-wing German hate blog Politically Incorrect. I already been looking into the activities of Politically Incorrect as a clearing house for misinformation about Senator Obama and the Obama campaign.
Now the ads of Vancier and the Jewish Task Force have attracted the attention of some powerful politicians in Germany, who have requested that the Federal Office for Protecting the Constitution (Bundesverfassungsschutz) to monitor Politically Incorrect. Der Spiegel reportstoday on its Web site:
The chairman of the German Parliament Committee for Domestic Affairs, Sebastian Edathy, told Spiegel Online that he has made Heinz Fromm, head of the Federal Office for Protection of the Constitution aware of the activities of Politically Incorrect. "The are not just pushing the envelope, but have clearly crossed the line," he said. "They print the worst kind of Islamophobic content" and the blog promotes an "anti-democratic orientation." Edathy himself has been called an "Islamofascist" by commenters on the blog.
Whether this scrutiny by officials in Germany will slow the activities of "Jews Against Obama" remains to be seen. But given the background of Vancier and his followers it is important that we watch his group closely. If they truly believe that Senator Obama is a "Black Muslim Nazi" they may, in some delusional frenzy, resort to violent means.