MANY Jews are worried about Barack Hussein Osama's candidacy.
It's true that 80% of American Jews are Democrats. But I will bet you that Osama does not get even close to 80% of the Jewish vote. Even many Jewish Democrats will vote McCain. The final Jewish vote may be 60% Osama to 40% McCain, or even closer, which is insane but among the 40% or so that will vote against Osama, JTF can gain new members and supporters.
This IS a tremendous opportunity for JTF to build up support among Jews.
As far as Israel is concerned, MOST Israeli Jews are worried about Osama. Israeli Jews are NOT American Jews. Israeli Jews do a lot of crazy things, but their main concern is Israel's survival. They know that Osama is anti-Israel despite frantic efforts by the self-hating Israeli Bolshevik news media to convince them that Osama is pro-Israel. In the McCain-Osama race, Israeli Jews would vote about 70% for McCain. If we play a major role in defeating Osama, G-d willing, some Israeli Jews would be impressed with that.