Not saying you did personally, but several posters seemed to lament the loss of a "good" man. He was a left-wing establishment crony who more than likely received what was coming to him.
Tim Russert-
Clinton's LAP DOG. All of these people and states supporting obama...makes a person wonder.. obama is a
CURSE on the American people, INCLUDING Tim Russert-
WHAT A SHAME. I feel bad for his dad, who he loved, and family. People need to STOP the MADNESS and NOT vote obama, PERIOD. Every state now that has had flooding, and disasters, their voting #'s for the left are overwhelming. Just go look yourself at Indiana. I am sorry for seeing things the way they are, but it is HISTORICAL that when you are for the evils of this world, you share in the same fate that Israel did in ancient times. SAD SAD SAD.

America PLEASE turn back to your ROOTS. Tim Russert was a pretty good journalist I use to leave voice mails on his machine, in 2001, and they were really NOT nice. BUT, because they were SO aggressive, I watched that things changed that year with his reporting, he was CLEARLY (that year) not biased.