Too funny.
Is there a good listing I could use as a resource out there that I can show family members this, and other issues about Barak?
I actually had a bit of an argument tonight with my family. My grandfather and Mother both were saying they are tired of republicans, and were considering voting for Obama.
I tried warning them of the dangers he poses not only to us, but to all freedom loving Americans (and people elsewhere too!).
I brought up the Farakhan, Sharpton, Wright stuff.
I told them how Hamas has endorsed him.
I told them how David Duke has endorsed him.
I told them I think he might be a Muslim, etc...
They want to see credible sources...I actually tried showing them some stuff on here but right away my dad started in about how you guys are "right wing extremists" and such, so they are not as inclined to believe this stuff coming from this website as they would from an accredited news source.
I did find the sticky in this section with some lists of things Obama has said and such, but I was wondering if there is a good repository on the Web someplace...preferably as I said from a credible news establishment of some sort, that I could email around to my family and stuff?
I am trying my best to make sure anyone I have any chance to convince among my friends and family to not vote for Obama.