Author Topic: Top U.S. Commander briefed by IDF on 4 front strategy against Iran  (Read 2241 times)

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Offline The Shadow

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This made big news around the world. 

America doesn't feel that Israel is up to snuff against Iran.  Israel performed so badly in the last war in Lebanon, no doubt, she lost a lot of credibility.  How could Israel win a war when you have a self-hating, traitorous, kike- coward- that cost Israel the last war in Lebanon?  The Winograd commission found that Olmert's handling of the Lebanon war handled with gross incompetence, and that he is not fit to be Israel's Prime Minister.

I can imagine the miltary commander from the U.S. talking to that greedy, self hating, coward, Woody Allen, look alike. Olmert to commander-  "I'll make sure to risk Jewsh soldiers' lives, so we dont kill to many Arabs.  That way the world will like me."  (And I can stay in power as Prime Minister of Israel a little longer)

Offline The Shadow

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Re: Top U.S. Commander briefed by IDF on 4 front strategy against Iran
« Reply #1 on: June 29, 2008, 12:25:53 PM »
The U.S. military opined that Israel would need a 1000 fighter planes to destroy Iran's nuclear power plant, not a hundred.  Not only that, the Israelis need to leave planes in Israel to fight Hezbollah and Syria, who most likely will attack Israel,  after Israel attacks Iran.  Israel will be stretched very thin, with a incompetent, suicidal,  Prime Minister managing the war.

I'm not optimistic about this.