For all of you "know-nothings" who've never read an article from top to bottom, and for those who've never read a book of any kind cover to cover, you've apparently missed this one sentence:
"Kent's father, who died in 2002, is best remembered for saving dozens of Turkish Jews while he was serving as consul general in Marseille, France, during World War II."
This new head of Coke sounds like he's about as much a Muslim as Mayor Bloomberg is a devout and observant Jew.
An "internationalist" from one of Turkey's elite secularist families?
Who speaks FIVE languages fluently, and is obsessed with being a corporate CEO for Coca-Cola?
Give me a break!
I fail to understand why some on this forum can GANG UP UNFAIRLY against nikmatdam, demonize him, claim he is DIVIDING people...
And then immediately denounce some internationalist CEO, from a secularist Turkish family which BANNED ISLAM from Governmental participation in TURKEY, did away with the old style Turkish language writing and instead had it "Romanized" into English European characters, and devised a Constitution to ensure that their Government and Military would always be totally secular, anti-Islamist, and oriented towards the West.
Of course, you fifth-graders out there have never been concerned with facts or truth, so I doubt any of you idiots could concentrate long enough to read this far into my response.
You're all out to "'Save America"' when in fact it is your ignorance, your arrogance, and your uncouth attitudes, which are all symptomatic of why America needs saving in the first place!
Don't worry, you can all gang up together against me after "conspiring" together about how and why to do it, but first...aren't you missing your favorite video game or sports show?
Make sure you turn on Fox News to hear about the latest adventures of John McCain...the man who will turn against you and sell out Israel and America exactly one minute after taking the Oath of Office.
Hey, MasterWolf!...What do you have to say about those famous black and white photographs of the Vatican Priests Blessing The Holy Swastika in the presence of the SS Officials?
Just curious, you know....perhaps there's a "rather large chunk of reality" missing from your "historical data base", and from the history lessons of a few others here who deem the truth to be whatever they prefer it to be, less any facts, and smothered in pseudo-macho and jingoistic graphic logos (to infer that they are patriotic, good, and Real Americans!)
Those to whom I refer couldn't handle reality and truth; even if I myself were to gift wrap them in a box and hand them over as a present.