KWRBT, we won't get anywhere by pretending that we don't have any work ahead cut out for us. Chaim is making progress by the day with Israel's youth, and public opinion today is far more tolerant of Kahanism today than it was just two years ago, but most Israelis still are self-hating. If you honestly do not believe that, and feel that all Israeli Jews are rightists who are just jumping at the chance to vote for a Kahanist prime minister this instant, then why spend any time at all trying to make us a mass movement?
Maybe you don't understand exactly the complexity of this movement. But I would advise you to watch Chaim's videos more closely and listen to what he is saying. The elites who run the country, the self-hating leftists who have hijacked all the institutions, DO NOT represent the public at large. (and don't give me nonsense about "but they elected them." that banana republic is not a democratic state). It is not "public opinion" that is necessarily intolerant to Kahanist ideas, but it is the establishment that is. The ideas have appeal, and we strive to spread the ideas, because the general Israeli public is not scum, and so when they are exposed to the truth, they will be receptive to it. The label "Kahane" has a stigma attached to it thanks to the brainwashing, but the ideas themselves MAKE SENSE. And we can also break that stigma in time.
The establishment has brainwashed the public to a degree to think negatively of something that might be 'kahanist' whether they know what that means or not. It is not that we are going and convincing someone, hey your leftist ideas are wrong and silly, now become Kahanist. It's exposing people to an alternative that they've likely never heard. The right really offers no alternative in Israel. All they do is criticize the left. Presenting an alternative is key. You're into polls CF. Well I have seen in polls that the vast majority of Jews in Israel have completely lost faith in their "elected representatives" and the people running the state. There is a certain void developing where the people can see through these crooks and know that the olmerts will only bring treachery. The govt has lost the faith and trust of the public.
ANd by virtue of the fact that the Kahanist message is a universal message that can reach all Jews who are NOT self hating, they will naturally migrate toward these ideas and toward the truth. If the majority of the Israeli public was truly self-hating like you claim, then our work is hopeless, chas veshalom. You are not going to "convert" someone from piss now to be a Kahanist. Do you think CF that you can walk into Olmert's office, show him some Chaim ben Pesach videos and some writings of Rabbi Kahane and he's going to say "WOW CF, you were right all along, what was I thinking, I should really change. "

LOL But you can easily inform an otherwise righteous Jew who doesn't know any better or has never been exposed to Kahanist views, or thinks there isn't an alternative, or is fed up with the phony politicians, fed up with bowing to terrorists, or even one who has been accustomed to being capitulationist, show why this is not Jewish identity/behavior, you can easily inform him with proper information and truth, and he can strive for something greater than he has been allowed by his society and Israeli establishment to strive for or even think of. That person will find truth in our ideas.
You seem to say that the majority of Israelis are peace now traitorous self-haters but at the same time you somehow think we are transforming these same people into "tolerant of Kahanism" - This is fantasy land.
And No I did not and am not saying that the public is majority "rightists" jumping to vote for a Kahanist prime minister this instant. I am saying that many have traditional values, many are proud Jews, served in the army, want to defeat the enemy, want a proud existence, want a Jewish state of some kind, not a state of all peoples, etc. Are tired of arab terror, are tired of phony politicians and being lied to, etc. Presented with the true Kahanist message, because it has truth and Jewish values built into it, these people will find it appealing in many ways because they have the Jewish spark. THe peace now types are beyond help. They are actual traitors. G-d forbid if the whole population was like that CF, but that you think that shows you do not understand Israelis and that you are too quick to judge unfavorably. If the Kahanist message is appealing to the youth in Israel and if those ideas gain popularity, it shows that the people were genuine and decent in the first place, despite possibly being misguided. Otherwise it would be impossible.