This is what is gathered re: the soldier "in QUESTION" Just in CASE of DEFAMATION.
CPT Jeffrey S. Porter Battle Captain TF Wasatch American Soldier -
married and father of 6 children.
Battle CAPT is equivelent of an Officer, the email COULD have said "OFFICER" which would have APPEARED of MUCH higher rank,
yet he claims he is an American SOLDIER- which is WHY I posted this. BECAUSE of the 'humility' this email amongst many others is not under the same type investigtion, as fraudulent emails, of COURSE
WE WOULD HOPE IT IS NOT A FRAUD, dont we Horselady??
Horselady, My G-Grandfather MANY generations (on the Scot side of my family): the Red Comyn- John Comyn- was to be crowned King of Scotland, The Bruce, killed him in the Church of the Dumfries, between 1302-1308- I have the family sword in MY possession. My Great Grandfather- WW1 was
right hand to General John BlackJack Pershing- Hero of WW2, who ended the Muslim conflict in the Phillipines, with wrapping the muslims in pigskins sending them to allah. Same Grandfather- WW2- in charge of the Port of NY- NOBODY got by the Ports in NY, WITHOUT permission of MY grandfather- or they were KILLED, on the spot, his son, my grandfather, SGT MJR- Hero of the Texas Towers, retired as SGT MJR of Westhampton AFB- MEDIC, His Wife, my Grandmother- W.A.C. My father a NAVY SEAL- in Vietnam, (I am NOT allowed to share more than this, AT ALL) My Uncle Frances, D.S. (D.I.) 32 yrs MARINE- Korea, Vietnam, Panama, Persian Gulf. My Brother MAST SGT Up for SGT MGR (ROTC) Panama, Persian gulf, Operation Iraqi Freedom, his Wife- RET SGT MJR, Panama, Persian gulf, & Operation Iraqi Freedom. Uncle David Bodner: During World War II he served in the Army Air Corps' 379th Bombardment. Uncle Edwin WW2- POW NAZI WAR CAMP- 2 yrs. traded for a carton of cigarettes, rcvd the Bronze star & at his recent funeral 15-gun Salute.
Lived to see the DEFEAT OF THE NAZIs. HOORAH was under recon with Pattons 3rd Army, when captured.
Uncle John- 4 Years NAVAL (Frogman) My sister- ROTC NAVY. Me: ROTC MARINE- Honorary SGT -Fort Ord 7th Infantry Division, and FORSCOM AWARD Winner & (Before I had this massive Operation)- I went to sign up in the National guard, in 2006- the Cut Off is 48 yrs old, misfortune ended me in surgery. **== **== **==
I suppose, that I am TRYING to be CAREFUL----Horselady.

OF COURSE we do NOT WISH this to be fraudulent.......................
OHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1000 POSTS! and NOT stupid (lol, lmao) posts.