Before I say anything, I just want to thank everyone on JTF. For listening to me, no matter how intolerant or narrow-minded some of my posts were. There are so many wars and conflicts in the world today and it’s because nobody listens to each other. Every single one of you has beautiful and interesting characteristics – I mean this sincerely- and I believe that is why many Jews are so successful and have flourished in today’s world, although I’ve haven’t been on this site for a long time, your words have had an extraordinary impact on the way I judge things and the understanding of my religion.
"Referring to Quote from mord"I don’t believe/ see the truth in many Christian concepts such as the holy trininity, however I am lacking details and knowledge of a lot of background information. Jews are not allowed to convert people but people can convert self willingly to Judaism, right? A Noahide?
Marzutra I don’t have a lot of spare time to research, I know that may seem pathetic but its true and I also find it extremely tedious, well some of it. I don’t seem to apprehend a lot of the information I find on the internet and a lot of it is very heavy in terms of understanding. Its almost as if they don’t want you to comprehend it. Typing random things into google seems to have better luck and so far I have found some interesting websites, which I’ll post the links for.

You’re right, I think I’ll start reading some religious books, I know large sections of the quran by heart but its not at all useful since the only thing I can do is ramble the verses off at high speed in Arabic, yet don’t know what the hell they mean. Lol I don’t think I want to be cremated or married to a hindu man…….or live in a remote village in the Indian jungle. Yes I believe that that Hadith is correct and I think I will certainly wait for a while…..i cannot imagine what would happen ………I read an extract from this book about apostates that left islam: "Leaving Islam: Apostates Speak Out".
I will certainly be asking you questions, you give a more then detailed answertx dude…
"referring to Yacov's post"Yacov…..i type and access jtf from the home computer on which my mother, father and family use and contains all my mothers work files. I go on the computer to research for work etc and sneakily minimise a browser -that I reshape into the smallest possible size- and then go onto JTF. My parents are always suspicious but gratefully they haven’t found out, if they did, im soooo dead. I got in serious trouble last year for speaking to an older boy online…….and I’m sure some of the things I’ve said are much worse, in their eyes. I sometimes access it from school as well and in that case I have to literally stand in front the computer to hide the david star and the Israeli colours……..its quite funny actually. Some of my friends know I come on here….they think nothing of it. Yacov menashe Ben Rashamim……I like saying that lol wasn’t menashe a jewish minority from some where in asia….
My clitoris- I had to look that up in the dictionary, didn’t know what it was- I don’t believe it has been cut off, if it was an Islamic rite of passage I would have probably heard of it but no, I haven’t lol nor do I believe my dad did it when I was 6 years old. Why do you ask? Is it meant to?
Ftf, you are extremely trusting and I can honestly say, from the bottom of my heart that I am not deceiving you. I will pray to God….i’ve had some very reflecting conversations with him already, in which my little brother told me to shut-up and go to sleep….the little voices in my head now take on that task. Chaimfan’s insults make me laugh, honestly, they’re very creative and frankly I consider them more appropriate then meaningless swear words…… quirky.:oO
Mord my british grandparents did become muslims but my father is an Arab, from Morocco to be precise. A lot of jews were exiled from there. It’s a very disintegrated country at heart. I travel there quite often, and the extended family there is innumerable. I feel so ready….