Author Topic: What is Palin's position on Israel  (Read 3449 times)

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Offline takebackourtemple

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What is Palin's position on Israel
« on: August 30, 2008, 11:33:58 PM »
   So far I think she is a good pick, however, I don't know her stance on Israel yet. I'm looking forward to her candidacy contingent on her being pro-Israel. Also, can someone address her position on Pat Buchanan, I'm disturbed by some unreliable sites that state she is a Buchanan supporter.
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Offline Lisa

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2008, 11:50:40 PM »
Here's what I found.

McCain Camp Denies that Sarah Palin was a Member of the Buchanan Brigades in the 1990s

August 30, 2008 2:23 PM

A meme is developing out there among liberals that Gov. Sarah Palin was a supporter of Pat Buchanan in the 1990s, a charge that the McCain-Palin campaign strongly denies.

The evidence is the following, as first noticed by "The Nation": in an Associated Press story from July 17, 1999, titled, "Buchanan takes conservative message to Fairbanks."

"Pat Buchanan brought his conservative message of a smaller government and an America First foreign policy to Fairbanks and Wasilla on Friday as he continued a campaign swing through Alaska….In Wasilla, Buchanan took some shots at the "Republican establishment," saying it was willing to cast aside conservative ideals in a zeal to ensure the nomination for Bush.  'I'm hoping the people of Alaska will disagree that we need a candidate anointed by Washington, D.C.,' he said to a group of three dozen supporters. Among those sporting Buchanan buttons were Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin and state Sen. Jerry Ward, R-Anchorage."

Palin wrote to the AP that her presence at the rally and her wearing a Buchanan button were merely ways to welcome Buchanan to Wasilla, not endorsements of his candidacy.

But that's not quite how Buchanan remembers it.

Buchanan told Chris Matthews yesterday that Palin "was a brigader in 1996 as was her husband, Chris, they were at a fundraiser for me, she's a terrific gal, she's a rebel reformer."

McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Michael Goldfarb writes: "Governor Palin has never worked for any effort to elect Pat Buchanan -- that assertion is completely false. As Mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin did attend an event with Mr. Buchanan in her home town where reports described her wearing a Buchanan for President button. She wore the button as a courtesy to Mr. Buchanan and in an effort to make him feel welcome during his visit, but immediately sent a letter to the editor of her local paper clarifying that the button should not have been interpreted as an endorsement of any kind."

Buchanan of course has a long history of quite questionable comments, particularly about Jews.

Rep. Bob Wexler, D-Florida, took the AP report, and said "John McCain's decision to select a vice presidential running mate that endorsed Pat Buchanan for president in 2000 is a direct affront to all Jewish Americans. Pat Buchanan is a Nazi sympathizer with a uniquely atrocious record on Israel, even going as far as to denounce bringing former Nazi soldiers to justice and praising Adolf Hitler for his 'great courage.' At a time when standing up for Israel's right to self-defense has never been more critical, John McCain has failed his first test of leadership and judgment by selecting a running mate who has aligned herself with a leading anti-Israel voice in American politics. It is frightening that John McCain would select someone one heartbeat away from the presidency who supported a man who embodies vitriolic anti-Israel sentiments."

The McCain campaign says that instead of supporting Buchanan -- or even McCain -- in 2000, Palin actually supported Steve Forbes.

And indeed, another AP story from August 7, 1999 -- one month after the Buchanan trip to Wasilla -- states that joining state sen. Mike Miller of Fairbanks on the Forbes campaign's Alaska "leadership committee will be Wasilla Mayor Sarah Palin, and former state GOP chairman Pete Hallgren, who will serve as co-chairs."

-- jpt

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2008, 11:55:03 PM »
Here's what Yid With A Lid has to say about Palin's connection to Buchanan:

The National Jewish Democratic Coalition issued a statement saying that Palin is a poor choice because she supported Pat Buchanan for president in 2000 and she has never been to Israel. Both are stupid argurments. Look I think Pat Buchanan is an ugly bigot. But MANY republicans supported him in 2000. If you are going to use that as a benchmark, the entire leadership of the NJDC should resign because of their blind support of the Anti-Israel Jr. Senator from Illinois.

The only real thing we can point to is her interactions with Jews in Alaska, both AIPAC and Chabad in Alaska have issued glowing statements about her interaction with Jews and personal support for Israel:

    Jewish Republicans, Alaskans praise McCain's VP choice

    Aug. 30, 2008

    Skipping over two Jewish politicians under consideration as vice presidential running mates, John McCain selected first-term Alaska Governor Sarah Palin Friday.

    Palin, who has a reputation a reformer and high approval ratings but a low national profile, is the first female vice presidential nominee for the Republican party. Presumptive Republican presidential candidate John McCain announced his selection the day after Barack Obama accepted the Democratic presidential nomination, shifting attention to the GOP ahead of its convention opening in Minneapolis Monday.

    Palin's background corresponds to McCain's image as a maverick, both by his making a surprise selection and by choosing someone who was willing to buck powerful members of her own local party to clean up government. Her lack of foreign policy or national security credentials, however, contrast with McCain¹s own record of military service and government focus in those arenas.

    The choice left the two Jewish congressman reported to be on the list of possible VPs - Virginia Rep. Eric Cantor and Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman - out of luck, but several politically active Alaskan Jews praised Palin's ties to the community.

    "The Jewish community should be very excited that Sarah was selected. She has been very conscious of the Jewish community here in Alaska and now with the opportunity of her new position, she'll have the opportunity to look at the Jewish community globally," said Alaskan Republican Jewish Coalition member Terry Gorlick, who knows Palin well and has worked with her on several issues.

    "Sarah's absolutely pro-Israel," he said, referring to conversations with her and comments she's made about Israel's security and its importance to the United States. He noted that as governor she signed a resolution honoring Israel for its 60th birthday.

    Alaska¹s AIPAC chairman, David Gottstein, said that he had spoken to the governor about arranging a trip to Israel, but scheduling conflicts had kept it from happening to date.

    "She has ties and interests in the Holy Land," said Gottstein, and also described her as someone who could be effective across party lines, noting that he worked well with her despite being a Democrat.

    But the National Jewish Democratic Coalition used the fact that Palin hasn't been to Israel to attack her familiarity with the country and the crucial foreign policy issues connected to the region.

    "In Governor Sarah Palin, McCain chooses a running mate with zero foreign policy experience," said NJDC executive director Ira Forman.

    "For a party which claims it is trying to reach out to the Jewish community, McCain's pick is particularly strange. Prior to today's selection Palin apparently has never spoken publicly about Israel."

    And Obama surrogate Robert Wexler, a Jewish US representative from Florida, lambasted her for endorsing Pat Buchanan in 2000.

    But in a letter she wrote to the editor of a local newspaper at the time, she explained that she was willing to wear a Buchanan button "as a polite gesture of respect" during a visit, as she would for any visiting presidential candidate, but that it shouldn¹t be seen as an endorsement.

    Another news report from then lists her as serving on the leadership team for Steve Forbes, a free market conservative who ran along with Buchanan as well as McCain for the presidential nomination.

    Her conservative credentials have drawn plaudits from many on the Right, including many religious constituencies who were pleased that McCain chose a staunch opponent of abortion after suggesting he might tap someone who is pro-choice.

    Many analysts have argued that Palin¹s selection, perceived as stemming in part from an effort to attract voters who backed Hillary Clinton in the Democratic primary away from Obama, wouldn¹t succeed because of Palin¹s stance on abortion.

    Clinton herself issued a statement on the historic occasion.

    "We should all be proud of Governor Sarah Palin's historic nomination, and I congratulate her and Senator McCain," she said. "While their policies would take America in the wrong direction, Governor Palin will add an important new voice to the debate."

    Jewish Democratic political operative Steve Rabinowitz said that "wrong direction" would alienate Jewish voters.

    "Sarah Palin is completely unknown to the American Jewish community. There is no Jew outside of Alaska who has a relationship with her," he charged. "They supposedly vetted Eric Cantor, pretended Joe Lieberman was on the short list, and in the end chose someone who could not be more different from them."

    But the Republican Jewish Coalition defended the pick. "Senator Lieberman and Representative Cantor would also have been excellent choices," said RJC spokeswoman Suzanne Kurtz, but stressed that McCain¹s nominee was just a good.

    "They¹ll make a great team," she said.

    The RJC put out a statement on Friday saying that, "Palin has a proven track record of experienced and principled leadership. Palin has been a leader on the critical issue of energy independence and lessening our need to buy oil from nations not sharing America and Israel's foreign policy interests."

    And she received praise from other Jewish quarters, including from Anchorage Chabad Rabbi Yosef Greenberg. He recalled Palin's support for a Jewish museum he is building there and her hora lessons at the annual Jewish gala she has attended the last two years.

    He also spoke of her reaction to giving birth to a child with special needs.

    "She said, God doesn¹t give you something you can't handle," he said. "It was straight out of the Lubavitch book."

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #3 on: August 31, 2008, 12:11:17 AM »
Alaska Chabad:

 "We all feel that the Governor is a remarkable, energetic, and good person."
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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #4 on: August 31, 2008, 12:16:56 AM »
     takebackourtemple,   despite what the likes of the Pro- Obama supporter Robert Wexler are trying to do in associating Sarah Palin with Pat Buchanan,    I'm confident that Palin is Pro- Israel.    Palin is looked upon very favorably by a Lubavitch Rabbi ( Joseph Greenberg ) in Alaska and by Alaska Jewish businessman Terry Gorlick.

    Also,   Sarah Palin has a history of going to an Assembly of God church in her youth and I believe her church in Juneau is Pentecostal.    Both denominations are Pro-Israel /  Christian Zionist.    The following is the link to this church:

    In addition,    Dr. Richard Land ,   who is President of the Southern Baptist Convention,   recommended to John McCain to choose Sarah Palin as his VP.     Considering that Dr. Land is a major supporter of Israel,    that further reinforces my opinion that Sarah Palin is on Israel's side.  
"Israel's leaders seem to be more afraid of Obama than they are of G-d. Now we're getting to the real root of the problem. Secular politics won't save Israel. Denying the divine nature of the Jewish State has brought Israel neither stability nor peace. When that changes Israel will finally be blessed with both in abundance"-----------NormanF   ( Posted on Israel Matzav's Blog )


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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #5 on: August 31, 2008, 12:20:18 AM »
I don't like this, but we should give her the benefit of the doubt. There have even been a few people on this forum who were truly ignorant of what Buchanus stands for.

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #6 on: August 31, 2008, 01:17:17 AM »
Back then I had no idea he was an anti-Semite because I didn't have the internet to find those things out. Does anyone know if she knew his positions in that regard at that time?

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #7 on: August 31, 2008, 01:29:14 AM »
The only thing I can assume from a pro-life, pro-gun, strongly conservative positive young woman with five children is that more likely than not, if she has done her extensive study about Israel's history, that she would be very pro-Israel and very anti-"Palestine".
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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #8 on: August 31, 2008, 01:46:51 AM »
The only thing I can assume from a pro-life, pro-gun, strongly conservative positive young woman with five children is that more likely than not, if she has done her extensive study about Israel's history, that she would be very pro-Israel and very anti-"Palestine".

Shalom Dr. Dan, your assumption is correct. Call it a hunch.

                                                                           Shalom from Dox    O0

Offline nopeaceforland

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #9 on: August 31, 2008, 01:49:40 AM »
The only thing I can assume from a pro-life, pro-gun, strongly conservative positive young woman with five children is that more likely than not, if she has done her extensive study about Israel's history, that she would be very pro-Israel and very anti-"Palestine".

Shalom Dr. Dan, your assumption is correct. Call it a hunch.

                                                                           Shalom from Dox    O0

I third that assumption guys! O0

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #10 on: August 31, 2008, 01:59:57 AM »
She is  Bible Believing Christian full heartedly so through that she must be extremely pro Israel

Offline Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #11 on: August 31, 2008, 02:05:49 AM »
Good advice, Dan Ben Noah. It is entirely possible that she was ignorant of Buchanus' true identity. Many people have been over the years, including even some forum members. It is very possible for good people to support evil people for a period, owing to not knowing what they really stand for. As I recall, when she first came to this forum, Rubystars had a fairly favorable view of Ron Paul. She just truly did not know about his Jewish agenda.

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #12 on: August 31, 2008, 02:07:56 AM »

Offline RationalThought110

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #13 on: August 31, 2008, 03:07:23 AM »
Robert Wexler has a bad record on Israel.  He has no credibility to make accusations like that against someone.

When Buchanan ran for president in the 90's, I think he campaigned on mostly domestic issues.  So if she supported him, I doubt she knew about his views on Israel.  So I think it's wrong to assume that she because she may have supported Buchanan at one time, that she hates Israel. 

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #14 on: August 31, 2008, 03:13:21 AM »
Palin has a child who is serving in the military. 
That's an example of an issue where Pat Buchanan and her would probably disagree.

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #15 on: August 31, 2008, 04:24:08 AM »
Sarah Palin supported Steve Forbes a Jewish person from Alaska on another site told me.Who would you beleive Robert Wexler a vicious leftist or someone i know who is very pro Israel and has been there many times
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Offline RationalThought110

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #16 on: August 31, 2008, 04:27:24 AM »
Sarah Palin supported Steve Forbes a Jewish person from Alaska on another site told me.Who would you beleive Robert Wexler a vicious leftist or someone i know who is very pro Israel and has been there many times

I believe you over Robert Wexler.  Wexler is a carpetbagger who has no credibility.  Bill O'Reilly caught Wexler being a fraud.

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #17 on: August 31, 2008, 04:28:37 AM »
Sarah Palin supported Steve Forbes a Jewish person from Alaska on another site told me.Who would you beleive Robert Wexler a vicious leftist or someone i know who is very pro Israel and has been there many times

I believe you over Robert Wexler.  Wexler is a carpetbagger who has no credibility.  Bill O'Reilly caught Wexler being a fraud.
T/Y :)
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #18 on: August 31, 2008, 05:20:06 AM »
Here it explains Sarah Palin                         

Comment by Whatistruth? 3 hours ago
Sarah Palin is no slacker. She will prove herself during the next two months as the DNC mudslinging machine tries to take her down but she will only shine more brightly.

Regarding her "support" for Pat Buchanan, it's pure hogwash:

As mayor of Wasilla, Sarah Palin was seen wearing a Pat Buchanan for President button.

"This would be disturbing, if it were true. At the time, Ben Smith reports, Palin wrote a letter to editor of the local newspaper explaining that “the article may have left your readers with the perception that I am endorsing this candidate, as opposed to welcoming his visit to Wasilla. As mayor, I will welcome all the candidates in Wasilla.” Palin officially supported Steve Forbes. Smith produces a press release from Buchanan’s 1996 campaign listing his Alaska supporters, on which Palin does not appear. Nor has she ever contributed money to his campaigns, Smith reports."
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #19 on: August 31, 2008, 05:40:35 AM »
Parker is that your sister with the shvartza
Thy destroyers and they that make thee waste shall go forth of thee.  Isaiah 49:17

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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #20 on: August 31, 2008, 11:29:39 AM »
Sarah Palin belongs to a denomination called "Assemblies of God".  They are staunchly pro-Israel.  In 1927 itself they passed a resolution demanding Jews to have their own state in the land of Israel.  Christian Zionism runs in their blood.  So I would say Sarah Palin is definitely pro-Israel.
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Re: What is Palin's position on Israel
« Reply #21 on: August 31, 2008, 11:57:06 AM »
This should all become clear as we find out more about her personal positions on Iran, terrorism, and Israel.  If she doesn't share Pat Buchanan's positions, I don't see much of a problem.  But as I mentioned in the other thread, it is something I'd like to find out before getting too excited about her, because Pat Buchanan teaches us that being strong on social issues doesn't guarantee a good candidate.  However, before 9/11, the Muslim terror/Middle East issues weren't in the public eye to the extent that they are now, so theoretically it could be possible for someone to have supported Pat Buchanan before that time without even noticing that he thought Jews were a bigger threat to the world than Muslim terrorists.

I must admit, back in the early 90's, I was not only a Buchannan supporter, but worked on his first campaign. I was definetly in agreement with the America First theme. I was also a member of the America First party. Over time though I came to realize how the anti-semitism there was blinding them to the truth about other issues, i.e. our real enemy, communism and islam.
Even though I still believe in America doing what is in it's best interests first I have long left this party because hatred of the wrong people has blinded them from doing what is best for America first.
This is what I want to know, what is Palin's view on islam, terrorism, Iran, etc. now, not twenty years ago. Life is a learning experience, some people learn, others(democrats)never do.
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