I have read that besides the possibilties of LHC leading to an immediate disaster or being harmless, there is also a chance that it could produce neutral black hole which would destroy Earth, not now, but in ten or hundred thousands of years. Is that chance is high, would you think scientists of today would care? I don't think so. We already know that no civilization lasts for more than a millenium (except for Israel). If they forsee a long time risk for Earth and Humanity, they would probably think that men of the future are not worth, since they will surely not be fron their civilization.
Most European policies are based on the idea tha Europe will be Muslim in less than a century. The most likely scenario is that (except for Jews) all nations would be destroyed by Muslims who at their time will destroy themselves, and civilization will be rebuilt in a different way by those who survive. Would Western bigotry care about a possible post Islam civilzation of the future, constituted by new righteous nations and Isarel? Suerely not. If they don't care to save their own civilization, they would probable not care to keep the Earth for a new mankind, and even prefer its destruction. Of course, this civilization may be saved by Redemption, and so, they should care about Earth. But those atheist scientists don't believe in Hashem, and so they see no future. No wonder if they don't care about the possible destruction of Earth or even wish it (as long as it is not so quick to kill them)
Let's pray to Hashem to save us from those heretic atheist and selfish men.
Here's a text:
The LSAG report states that:
“ Stable black holes could be either electrically charged or neutral. [...] If stable microscopic black holes had no electric charge, their interactions with the Earth would be very weak. Those produced by cosmic rays would pass harmlessly through the Earth into space, whereas those produced by the LHC could remain on Earth. However, there are much larger and denser astronomical bodies than the Earth in the Universe. Black holes produced in cosmic-ray collisions with bodies such as neutron stars and white dwarf stars would be brought to rest. The continued existence of such dense bodies, as well as the Earth, rules out the possibility of the LHC producing any dangerous black holes.[8] ”
They admit that a neutral black hole could remain on Earth and interact, though very weakly. They mention giant stars which exist for a long time, even when neutral nini-Black holes (if they exist) would surely have hit them, and been captured. The implications are clear!!!! Stars, (millions of times heavier than Earth) resist for millions of years, however our planet could only resist a few milleniums. It means that if nini black holes are electrically neutral, those ones produced by cosmic rays have never and will never remain in Earth, and could only remain on heavy stars. Those stars are not affected in a time we can see it, and Earth could be destroyed only by a black hole created in a collider.