Neighbor: What do you mean? He’s a Senator (just like McCain) from Illinois. Not the Governor of, barely a state, Alaska. Being governor of Alaska is like being governor of Queens.
It amazes me what people will vote for just not to vote for a black man. Everybody has to get over it…it’s the 21st century. Jesus was black.
MY RESPONSE: Executive experience!...McCane was a general in the air force making life and death and executive decisions…in charge of multimillion dollar aircraft, and equipment, he was also a businessman Obama has no EXECUTIVE experience…Senators DON’T make executive decisions. Didn’t Saint John’s teach you that? (besides, Obama was in the senate for only 108 days)
As for voting for a black man….I’d vote for Roy Innis or Alan Keyes ( a matter a fact I did vote for keyes in the primary). I know you want change. But you don’t want to go from the frying pan to the FIRE..I don’t know how anyone can vote for someone who crept in the million “man” march with Farakhan..And had shady deals with Rescoe where Obama exchanged political favors for a below market priced house.
your thoughts? Not sure about the 108 days in the senate....And my neighbor's Italian...unbelievable.
Who knows what color Jesus was? Why was it not recorded in your NT? This kind of thing really bugs me, dont start with me about the J-man.
What color is G-d? G-d has no color, no shape, no size, no smell, no physicality. There is no debate about what color is Hashem.
This neighbor of yours sounds like his head is up his tuchas. People, once they believe their leftist fantasies about equality and secular humanism, are lost. They replace faith with hate and then they hate themselves. The only issue which is of paramount importance is Obamas positions on many very important issues. I just posted a talkback on a anti-Palin story by the WashingtonPost. I listed each of the reasons why it is impossible for me to vote for Obama, and every reason why I should vote for McCain. Obama has nothing, has done nothing, is only where he is because of his skin color, he has plans which will destroy our economy, our society, our faith. In every way Obama is wrong for America and the only reason people like your unfortunate friend will vote for them is, as he said, because he is black. This, my friend, is racism.