Tzvi and Muman, how exactly does a Jew get "saved" (I know you don't use that term, but whatever the equivalent is in Hebrew)? What specific things determine whether a Jew goes to heaven or hell in Torah?
For sins- hell (but hell is a different thing then what most people believe- yes it is very painfull, etc. But its ultimate goal is cleansing process- cleaning one of all the impurities that one was not able to himself get ride of (that accumulate through different sins).
Another thing for sins (OR also many times, for not completing the Mitzvot or the level one had to accomplish)- Reincarnations. And it is in different things- all depending on what one did or did not accomplish. Could be things like rocks, or dogs (which is mostly only for forms of punishments) OR back as a Jew , which is also not the best (concidereing the alternative of being in Heaven- or World of Souls which is a better place), BUT the different thing is that a Jew once again has the opportunity to make a tikkun (or correction) for what he/ or she was missing. Also elevate the level of their soul.
The worst thing is Kah Hakella (but very very rarly a Jew would be in that category) - a soul has no rest for eternity, its the worst punishment ever. A soul kind'ov flies and has demons constantly hitting it.
Also another punishment- is even being in Heaven- But going through the shame. Which is very big, becuase you have no where to hide. Everyone Knows becuase the spiritual "body" is shows the good and the dificiencies. (Unless, one has a very special "Cloak" which is the cloak of Emuna, which is a garment, that covers the spiritual body, so others wouldn't be able to see the dificiencies.
Heaven- Torah and Mitzvot. Also Vidduy (confession) and Tishuva (Repentence- which on top of that gets ride of alot of the sins, and infact can even make the sins into mitzvot, if Tishuva out of true love for G-d.) Learning Torah every day. Getting other Jews to connect to G-d.