Actually Leon, I realized that when i joined this forum what a huge liberal I am.
I am completely against double standards and I believe that either everyone has a say or no one has a say. Otherwise, i woudl be nothing more than a facist if I was only allowed an opinion and everyone else with a differing opinion had no right to it.
So on that note..if Blacks can make fun of whites and get away with it, whites maintain that right to do the same.
But in my perfect world, I would hope that all people can get along and respect each other and not make fun of each other and if they do make fun of each other learn to laugh also...And in my perfect world, we judge people not on the color of the skin but by their character...and I certainly know that we, at JTF, judge people and cultures and nations by their character and not the color of their skin...we do not view people as inferior because of their skin color or genetics...we view them as inferior based on their behavior.
1) Tks for your reply.
2) Actually, earlier in the day, I sent a private message to one Administrator to ask for my profile to be removed from this forum. I also included my phone number inviting the person to contact me if he wishes to discuss my concerns. Now I come to check and notice that this is not yet done so I might as well add to my comments.
3) The idea of allowing anything and everything just because the 'other side' does it is not sound. Because, we as jews as the first to complain of antisemitism when the others make fun of us. So if you want to maintain a civilised forum, you must prohibit clear cut racism instead of the 'anything goes' policy.
4) I came here becauise of a link "jews against Obama". Indeed, I was incensed that so many jews are seemingly stupid enough to support this Obama fraudster.
But then, when your forum contains so much racism and obvious biases against blacks, any visitor intending to vote against Obama will think : "oh ... then it is TRUE that the opposition to BHO is due to racism". In other words, the jews against Obama are only against him because of their racist views. A lot of jews and non Jews will never like this and I assure you it is counter productive.
5) On the website, I saw "Jews for McCain" as well as "Jews for Pallin" and I was delighted to see this.
Then, I come to the forum and what do I see ? Lots of criticism of the ticket McCain/Pallin because apparently 'they are not pro jews or pro Israel enough ...'
Apart from the fact that is is utter [censored] and slanderous to both McCain and Pallin, how do you reconcile supporting them with criticisizing and slandering them on the forum ? It makes no sense at all !!!
6) When I read the web pages, as well as the forum, I find A LOT of abuse of all sorts of people. Again, I find nothing clever or wise in name calling just about everybody who is not strictly in aligned with Kach.
For example of name calling : Sharon the bolchevik or Livni tge 'whore' ... etc .. etc ... please do read the website and see for yourself how many people you insult. My question is : do you think these insults will gain you support within the general jewisg population, let alone the non jews ? Of course not !
So just about every thing you do ends up being COUNTERPRODUCTIVE and my guess is that you create more enemies than you make friends.
7) this last point is extremely important. Imagine that any client who goes to Wallmart and ends up not purchasing (this time) is insulted on the way out ... do you think this prospective client will ever come back ? Of course not!
In other words, you must learn how to engage people who have a different opinion and even when you cannot convince them (yet?) you must leave the door open for another try later on.
This website fails to do this. As a result, it ends up putting off most reasonable people.
As a jew, a zionist and a person deeply committed to the preservation of jewish principles, I ressent the fact that your actions bring judaism, the jewish people and Israel in disrepute.
I could go on and on and on like that with 100's of examples I have found here. So in the end, I tell myself : "what am I doing here ?"

Lastly, if I did not care, I would not spend time and effort to write all this. I would just let you continue in your mistaken ways. If I were an opponent of your end goal, I would even be happy to see you make so many mistakes.
I trust that this message will incite you and all the group to rethink your presentation. I am 60, which is young enough to be an activist but old enough to recognize a mistake and declare it when I see one. The activists here are probably younger but I have seen enough intelligence among you to change your ways in order to achieve victory over our enemies.
Best wishes,