Shalom Chiam,
Rabbi Meir Kahane, blessed be he in our memory, was concerned that creating such dramatic change in bringing sanity to Israel might spark a civil war. He felt that despite the need for a change in Israel's government back to the Torah true values was the only way to save the country, he would not go to that extent if, G-d forbid, a civil war was to develop; that it would be too much and he wouldn't put the country through that. Considering the atrocity that the Bolsheviks did to the righteous Jews of the Altalena, as well as the outrageous extent of their self-destructiveness and self-hatred in defending the muslim nazis at every turn, and the fact that they control the military and would probably not cede power easily due to their established cronyism, don't you think there's a high probability of a civil war in Israel if many of the proposals you put forth were to be implemented? If so, if you were the leader of Israel, how would you deal with resistance from the entrenched Bolsheviks currently in charge of the military?
Thanks for your immense sacrifice and for all you do for this righteous movement.