If you follow politics, you may know the syndicated writer Michael Barone. He's a conservative, but he's far from alarmist, normally anyway. Baron's real speciality is following changing trends in politics, such as sharp red/ blue state divide that exists in America nowadays, and how relatively recent that divide is. For example, it was Barone who made this observation: Famed liberal Democrate McGovern was blasted by Nixon in 1972, but McGovern did better in Wyoming than Gore in 2000. And famed conservative Goldwater was blasted in 1964 by LBJ, but Goldwater did better in NYC than Bush in 2000. So, even the guys who were humiliated only a generation ago did better on their opponents home turf than the razor-thin contest of 2000. We have two nations today.
I mention Barone because his normal focus is statistics, such as I described above. Barone is FAR from an alarmist. And yet, Barone just recently penned an article entitled something like 'The Coming Thug-ocracy of Barack Obama', in which Barone candidly opined that we're entering a period of bare-knuckle politics, and literally, based on what Barone has observed about politics in Chicago.
This is the way that civilized nations collapse. I regret to say that this woman may indeed be at the leading edge.
If you're allowed to buy a firearm, then do so. If you have a firearm, get more ammunition. If you think that I'm being extreme, then just go to youtube or some site like that and view the videos from Katrina one more time. The animals are on the march.