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Rudy should be president

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Conservatives such as myself are in a real fix with the candidates for the up comming presidential elections. The left on the other hand has everything they might want in the two front runner candidates Hittlery or Osama. This said   if Rudy Guiliani were to gain the Republican nomination I would have little choice but to vote for him as president. My main problem with Rudy is his open border and gun control positions. All the other things are bugaboos that are blown out of proportion. A few years back I had the opportunity to chat with a lady of some means who traveled in the same circles the Guiliani people travel in. When she mentioned Rudy I made a remark about him living with the two men. She laughed and said that she wasn't going to get into detail about the the men but Rudy was simply living there temporally and there was nothing more to it than that. Honestly while not the best choice for president Rudy would not be the worse. His management skills are good however his social positions leave quite a bit to be desired. Who knows what the next few months will bring but to be quite honest Rudy may be the best game in town.

Din Rodef:

We CANNOT vote for a pro-open-borders GOP candidate like Guiliani. If we get a president like Rudy that gives amnesty to illegal aliens then they will vote the conservatives out of office all over the country. Example: California used to be a solidly Republican state. Reagan came from California. In 1986 amnesty was given to 6 million illegal aliens and the state turned liberal Democrat. Currently, there is no hope for California to ever be Conservative Republican again.

The exact same disaster that happened in California will happen to the entire country if the GOP doesn't support an immigration enforcement candidate in 2008.

Currently, there are 3 anti-illegal immigration candidates. They are Duncan Hunter of San Diego...Tom Tancredo of Colorado....and Ron Paul of Texas.

Duncan Hunter has voted for massive government spending in the past (like the prescription drug benefit. He is conservative on the immigration issue and on defense, but he is guilty of spending like a liberal.

Ron Paul of Texas has excellent fiscal conservative credentials...BUT...he is old (70s) and he is socially liberal (libertarian)

Tom Tancredo is clearly the best candidate of the bunch. Tancredo is a fiscal and social conservative. He founded the Immigration Reform Caucus in Congress. I happen to know that he is a very devout Christian, solidly pro-Israel and anti-muslim.

Tancredo MUST be the GOP candidate in 2008.

Din Rodef:
Do not assume that there will only be 2 major parties in the 2008 election.

There is a distinct possibility that Hillary Clinton will start her own 3rd party that merges "moderate" Democrats with "moderate" Republicans.

Check out this site:

The plans are already in the works to build a serious 3rd party for 2008. There is precedent for this...KADIMA in Israel merged Labour with Likud....The time is right for a similar thing to happen in America between the Republicans and Democrats.

Din Rodef, what you say is true about Rudy and hopefully one of the more Conservative candidates will generate enough  interest before the primaries. Its funny you mentioned Hittlery starting her own more moderate party. I was thinking that the other day when out of the blue she came out with the statement about leaving troops in Iraq under certain conditions for as long as needed. Very strange for her to be talking like that. This may change the dynamics of the election considerably and with something big like that a lot of different things are possible. Its to soon to tell but I hope and pray we get the right man for the job in 08

Everybody needs to remember one thing about the federal government: it's not just the President, but the Congress you elect along with it.  We need solid right wing conservatives to MAKE the laws.  I would like Guiliani to be president, but we need people to keep him in check.


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