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Rudy should be president

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Din Rodef:
Is this thread for real?

Rudy turned NYC into a sanctuary city for illegal aliens.

He is a traitor.

Din Rodef:

--- Quote from: islam_is_for_pedophiles on March 15, 2007, 10:39:51 AM ---He is a piece of filth. An adulterous, cross-dressing, abortion-supporting, socially liberal scumbag. Never again will a papist disgrace the Whitehouse. I am a gentile by the way.

--- End quote ---

 :) ....couldn't have said it better myself *thumbs up*

Joe Gutfeld:
If Rudy was in charge now, the illeagals will be run out of town.

Joe Gutfeld:
That's right

Din Rodef:
Sorry Joe...Unfortunately, you're misinformed about Rudy

Rudy stopped the NYC police from enforcing immigration law...That's what is meant by "sanctuary city"

Once an illegal alien makes it to a sanctuary city he knows he can only be apprehended by ICE (Immigrations and customs enforcement)

There are only about 2000 ICE agents dedicated to finding and deporting aliens in the entire United States. To put this in perspective....NYC has about 40,000 policemen

Guiliani supports illegal immigration. He is a traitor.


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