McCain is going to win. American's have already gotten a taste of what an "O" administration would be like. Examples:
1. Joe the Plumber investigated by 3 agencies, his life exposed and examined, just from having You Know Who walk up his front lawn w/a mike; one of those black authorities is being charged w/a felony for what she did to Joe;
2. Some web videos that are anti-O are now off limits;
3. Stupid infomercial w/him in his Oval Office

4. Barbara West's husband, dragged through the mud, because she quoted from O's marvelous memoirs, a quote, he wrote, on Marxism. immediately, Regular Joe lost his mind and soon thereafter, the station is now banned from ever interviewing the O Machine;
5. Libs calling into to talk show radios' programs, they seem to be everywhere, trying to change our minds, and the threat of no more talk radio; along, with spewing hate all over the web;
6. Philip J. Berg, Esq. being called a "kook" on the web. who did that? i listened to Atty. Berg, and he was very eloquent. he is pursuing a court case against O because he does not have proper citizenship papers;
7. Both O and his lovely wife shouting at us w/their mikes; where is that terrible video w/Glenn Beck I can't find with her spewing her socialism to non-suspecting folks. i hate being yelled at;
8. through repetitive words, messages, eventually, subliminally and unconsciously, this is indoctrination. it is unbelievable how the American public has been fooled by this imposter;
9. No one, no one, can do a thing about his decisions, he is the super power;
10. Reid, Pelosi, the gruesome twosome, along w/him, will have an entire democratic congress and will spend our money any way they see fit. they've done such a wonderful job up till now. then there's Barney Frank who has been in congress since i was a child

11. will assign only liberal judges and will change the constitution to suit their needs;
12. Open borders;
13. They tell us we can only keep $300K, then it was $250, then Biden, without his boss's authority, lowered it to $150K, after his disastrous television appearances, banning one station, not the PA station, yet.
Maybe, just maybe, Americans are waking up, and are going to elect the right man. When they get into that voting booth, they change their minds.