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Jesus remins "found"

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--- Quote ---Every other Jew during the time of the Roman Occupation had the names Yeshua, Yochanon, Miriam, Yosef, Chaim,
--- End quote ---

Even today those are commen Hebrew names

I think you are all wrong.  I think his name was Yasiss(Yasus) because the Christians replace J for Y in biblical names.  Yakov=Jacob  Yehoushuah=Joshuah=Judah  Yasiss(Yasus)=Jesus. 

On the issue of names, I was under the impression that Jesus is a romanisation of Yeshua.(for the reference of anyone reading this topic who does not know, I am a christian)

Until Shiloh Comes:

--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on February 27, 2007, 02:04:14 PM ---I think Jesus's real name was Yehoshua (Joshua).
--- End quote ---

Hello Yacov, and good day to you.

It's a good guess, but it's impossible to know Jesus's real name since the only record of his name is found in the Greek Testament.   It's mostly the "Hebrew Christians/Messianics" who worry about it anyway, some going as far as to say all those who use 'Jesus' are pagans who will have no salavation.


--- Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim on February 27, 2007, 03:33:37 PM ---Romanizations end in s. That's why Moshe was changed to Moses. That's also why Christians say Judas instead of Judah.

--- End quote ---
Exactly, the name Jesus ends in an "s"


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