Author Topic: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)  (Read 3851 times)

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Offline Dr. Dan

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For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« on: November 10, 2008, 11:29:38 AM »
I don't know. Except for us, it seems, there are a lot of happy hopeful people in the streets. There seems to be a lot of optimism on Obama.  Even from my point of view, he doesn't come off to be a creep like Bill Clinton or any typical politician (yet).

I do worry, however that some of his point of views can harm our nation and Israel and make it weaker...He has come from a background that none of us find to be acceptable. 

However, it seems there are a lot of motivated people out there.  I know Chaim mentioned in the last program  how some black children were all saying, "I wanna be a surgeon" or "I wanna be President" or "I wanna be an engineer" etc etc etc.  I can hardly believe how that is a bad thing that they want to be something that socially acceptable...and not a pimp or a drug dealer or gang rape rap artist or a giraffe basketball player or gorilla football player.  Don't we want to see blacks live accetable lifestyles and work hard and be motivated rather than lazy and annoying and angry? 

The only thing I want to see removed is affirmative action for blacks.  I would rather be a type of affirmative action for anyone who is gifted but poor irregardless of color.  That way, we won't have someone wanting to be a surgeon and beocming a surgeon but being a terrible unqualified corrupt surgeon, if  you konw what I mean.

However, how can it be bad if blacks are happy and motivated to live decent lives?  Better than anger and a life of crime.

What do you guys think?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2008, 12:09:15 PM »

When evil people are happy, it is a Chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d's name). Because when evil people are happy, it makes it seem as though their evil ways are correct, G-d forbid. Therefore, the fact that these black Jew-haters are so happy is a Chillul Hashem.

Barack Hussein Obama has already been congratulated on his victory by Hamas, Fatah, Ahmadinejad and Farrakhan. You can find Farrakhan's speech warmly praising Obama's victory on the internet.

Obama is a completely evil white-hater and Jew-hater. He has spent a lifetime befriending and supporting Arab Nazis and black Nazis. He detests both America and Israel.

For a monster like this to be elected president of the United States is a danger to all of us.

Offline briann

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #2 on: November 10, 2008, 12:23:18 PM »

Is that because of all of his post-election propaganda?   

Dont compare Clinton to Obama.  Clinton didnt have terrorist friends.  Clinton didnt belong to an America hating white-hating fringe left lunatic cult.  Clinton does not believe in redistributing wealth from whites to blacks.  Clinton doesnt refuse to where an American flag pin or put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance.  Clinton didnt attend Jew-bashing parties.  Clinton isnt declared the messiah by Farakhan.   etc, etc, etc, etc, etc

Offline Sparky

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #3 on: November 10, 2008, 02:04:51 PM »
"Don't we want to see blacks live accetable lifestyles and work hard and be motivated rather than lazy and annoying and angry?"

Of course.  But these traits of laziness and violence in blacks are part of their culture and evolution.  Four years of an Obama presidency is not going to change that. All races have their specific characteristics or sterotypes which took centuries to develop and will take centuries to change.  We certainly won't see an appreciable change in blacks in our lifetimes.  That said, I hope I'm wrong.

Offline q_q_

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #4 on: November 10, 2008, 02:25:56 PM »
people are overestimating what a govt or president can do..

It's ridiculous that people look at Obama(a former law professor), and think Oh, if he can become president, then they or anybody can achieve anything. 

Other black leaders can't even pronounce english correctly.

Offline Ulli

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2008, 02:36:34 PM »
The best that can happen in the moment is, that Barak Hussein Obama will be corrupted by power. Perhaps not only Jewish and WASP people get corrupted, but he too.

But let us wait a few monthes until he is in power. Then he will show his true face.

If black people want to advance, this is their natural right. But it is easy to say, but it takes lots of hard work to do.

I would like to see deeds instead of words.
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Offline Dr. Dan

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2008, 05:03:44 PM »

When evil people are happy, it is a Chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d's name). Because when evil people are happy, it makes it seem as though their evil ways are correct, G-d forbid. Therefore, the fact that these black Jew-haters are so happy is a Chillul Hashem.

Barack Hussein Obama has already been congratulated on his victory by Hamas, Fatah, Ahmadinejad and Farrakhan. You can find Farrakhan's speech warmly praising Obama's victory on the internet.

Obama is a completely evil white-hater and Jew-hater. He has spent a lifetime befriending and supporting Arab Nazis and black Nazis. He detests both America and Israel.

For a monster like this to be elected president of the United States is a danger to all of us.

I understand what you mean, Chaim.  What I'm trying to get at is the fact that there are many blacks who despair and get angry and choose crime...what if obama give some young blacks to get out of their doldrums and realize that even a black man can become president..and as a result of that, given them hope to work at something (hopefully) and get there?  Isn't that better than them encouraging crime and having 10 babies each from 10 different men and goign on welfare and creating more jealous religions?  Am I goign about this in the wrong logic?
If someone says something bad about you, say something nice about them. That way, both of you would be lying.

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Offline SavetheWest

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #7 on: November 10, 2008, 05:26:02 PM »
They want to be doctors so they can show up whitey.  The rightoeus blacks who become doctors don't talk about how great they are, they just do it. They are trying to make Obama's presidency have historical meaning and be an essential for blacks suceeding.  They want to show that only minority leadership can lead to sucess.

Also, when evil people become doctors and lawyers, they will be more exploitative, corrupt, arrogant thatn you'v ever seen.  They will be more indifferent to non black people who are in trouble than you will ever see. 
It's great that these kids are hopeful.  That will last a few weeks until they realize they have to work and memorize to get an education.  As dumbed down as education has become there's still the MCAT and the Bar exam.  They have removed the SAT requirement from Smith college and Wake Forest already so get ready for some black geniuses to say,

"I be a doctuh, what education you got?"

Offline SavetheWest

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2008, 05:28:23 PM »
and don't worry about Obama from month 6-12.  He will walk on eggshells until the idiots stop paying attention

Offline Chaim Ben Pesach

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2008, 06:29:35 PM »

When evil people are happy, it is a Chillul Hashem (desecration of G-d's name). Because when evil people are happy, it makes it seem as though their evil ways are correct, G-d forbid. Therefore, the fact that these black Jew-haters are so happy is a Chillul Hashem.

Barack Hussein Obama has already been congratulated on his victory by Hamas, Fatah, Ahmadinejad and Farrakhan. You can find Farrakhan's speech warmly praising Obama's victory on the internet.

Obama is a completely evil white-hater and Jew-hater. He has spent a lifetime befriending and supporting Arab Nazis and black Nazis. He detests both America and Israel.

For a monster like this to be elected president of the United States is a danger to all of us.

I understand what you mean, Chaim.  What I'm trying to get at is the fact that there are many blacks who despair and get angry and choose crime...what if obama give some young blacks to get out of their doldrums and realize that even a black man can become president..and as a result of that, given them hope to work at something (hopefully) and get there?  Isn't that better than them encouraging crime and having 10 babies each from 10 different men and goign on welfare and creating more jealous religions?  Am I goign about this in the wrong logic?

Yes, I think your logic is off-track.
Did the election of David Dinkins as Mayor of New York lead blacks in a better direction?
Did giving blacks control of South Africa and Rhodesia lead to blacks becoming better?
Did the election of Nelson Mandela improve black behavior in South Africa?
Did removing the European colonialists from Africa, and granting independence to dozens of African countries, lead to better black behavior?
Giving more power to evil people does not improve things. It only makes things worse. That's true with the Arabs and the Muslims, who have had enormous petrodollar power for decades now and who use their power for evil purposes. And it's also true for blacks, whose culture is very similar to the Arabs - violent, murderous, immoral, lazy and jealous.
You want more black doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers, teachers, businessmen? That is what we will be getting now and 99% of them will be completely unqualified. The standards will be lowered even further to let them in. Just look at "doctors" in Africa and other Third World areas. That is where we are headed now.
The only possible good result from this would be if an Obama presidency finally teaches whites a lesson on how crazy it is to put blacks in charge of anything. If there is a white blacklash that leads to a Palin victory in 2012, that would be a positive result.
The question is, can America and Israel survive this for the next four years with Iran building nuclear bombs?

Offline P J C

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #10 on: November 10, 2008, 06:33:08 PM »
"A wise man's heart directs him toward the right, but a foolish man's heart directs him toward the left." Ecclesiastes 10:2

Offline jaime

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #11 on: November 10, 2008, 07:32:02 PM »

Is that because of all of his post-election propaganda?   

Dont compare Clinton to Obama.  Clinton didnt have terrorist friends.  Clinton didnt belong to an America hating white-hating fringe left lunatic cult.  Clinton does not believe in redistributing wealth from whites to blacks.  Clinton doesnt refuse to where an American flag pin or put his hand over his heart for the pledge of allegiance.  Clinton didnt attend Jew-bashing parties.  Clinton isnt declared the messiah by Farakhan.   etc, etc, etc, etc, etc

what you said Briann.  you forgot about Al Queda.  the moron wants to shut down Quatanomo (sp.) Bay, bring the 9/11 terrorists into our judicial system and what if there's not enough evidence?  set them free into our society. 

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #12 on: November 10, 2008, 07:36:40 PM »
Dr. Dan is a really nice person who tries to see the best side of all situations. In this situation sadly there is no silver lining. Obama is nothing more than a puppet propped up by liberal society and the left leaning media who wish to destroy America. If it wasn't for them Obama would be on a Detroit street corner with the rest of the neighborhood agitators. Blacks are only glad to see Obama in office because they think he will give them everything under the sun. When he starts disappointing them they will turn on him like a snake. Obama will destroy America as we know it and rally countries through the evil UN to carve up Israel. I heard on the radio tonight he is already putting out feelers to policy making countries for a two state solution in Israel. Here in America evil blacks will feel  that the gravy train has arrived and sensible conservative blacks will be force to embrace a roll model that the know is a fake phony and a fraud. Obama has already started to stress out race relations between whites and blacks by giving black folks false expectations. I see things starting to turn ugly fast once the high expectations of blacks go un-addressed and Obama stops being the first African American American president and becomes a Mix breed Uncle Tom [censored]. I see nothing but problems ahead with Obama at the wheel.
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Offline RanterMaximus

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #13 on: November 10, 2008, 07:44:56 PM »
I am not scared of Obama now.  But I think when he gets in there and gets comfy, my fears will slowly return.

Offline briann

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #14 on: November 10, 2008, 07:57:57 PM »
He WILL have awesome power.  More power than any individual since LBJ... based upon his congressional support.   

AND, throw in the fact that the economy will be awful... this will give him justification to do awful things.

Most importantly... he is not even remotely close to a clinton.. or even a carter.  His background is MUCH more lunatic fringe.   I can't beleive anyone would be discounting his destructive power.

Offline jaime

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #15 on: November 10, 2008, 07:59:27 PM »
all of a sudden he is making an about face?  what happened to:

1.  when you go to court, you will have a disadvantage unless you are gay or a minority.  he said you will have a different economic outcome.  what happened to all men are created equal?

2.  he wants to take from the rich and give MORE to the poor.  how about some programs to get these people back to work?

3.  he is a Jew hater.  all of a sudden he loves us and can be trusted?  who knows what he will do in secret meetings and phone calls;

4.  he is an inferior black male.  where are his grades from Harvard?  was he on the pass/fail system that Harvard was implementing around the time he was attending that college.  Brandeis had a similar program: a pre-freshman year for blacks only;

5.  he did not win by a landslide.  1/2 the country didn't want him;

6.  he is devious, has showed the American public he is dishonest when he lies; and,

7.  look at his poor choices so far chosing cabinet members.  

Offline Xoce

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #16 on: November 10, 2008, 08:29:43 PM »
aka Someone Else

Offline JewishAmericanPatriot

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #17 on: November 10, 2008, 08:48:34 PM »

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Offline Americanhero1

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #18 on: November 10, 2008, 08:54:34 PM »

Offline Mishmaat

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #19 on: November 11, 2008, 12:32:03 AM »
all of a sudden he is making an about face?  what happened to:

1.  when you go to court, you will have a disadvantage unless you are gay or a minority.  he said you will have a different economic outcome.  what happened to all men are created equal?

2.  he wants to take from the rich and give MORE to the poor.  how about some programs to get these people back to work?

3.  he is a Jew hater.  all of a sudden he loves us and can be trusted?  who knows what he will do in secret meetings and phone calls;

4.  he is an inferior black male.  where are his grades from Harvard?  was he on the pass/fail system that Harvard was implementing around the time he was attending that college.  Brandeis had a similar program: a pre-freshman year for blacks only;

5.  he did not win by a landslide.  1/2 the country didn't want him;

6.  he is devious, has showed the American public he is dishonest when he lies; and,

7.  look at his poor choices so far chosing cabinet members.  

You're generally on track, but I have to correct point number four. We know what his grades were at Harvard. The question should be rephrased as: what were his grades at Columbia and Occidental? How the heck did he get into the ultra-selective Harvard Law School in the first place?

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #20 on: November 11, 2008, 12:43:01 AM »
I don't know. Except for us, it seems, there are a lot of happy hopeful people in the streets. There seems to be a lot of optimism on Obama.  Even from my point of view, he doesn't come off to be a creep like Bill Clinton or any typical politician (yet).

I do worry, however that some of his point of views can harm our nation and Israel and make it weaker...He has come from a background that none of us find to be acceptable. 

However, it seems there are a lot of motivated people out there.  I know Chaim mentioned in the last program  how some black children were all saying, "I wanna be a surgeon" or "I wanna be President" or "I wanna be an engineer" etc etc etc.  I can hardly believe how that is a bad thing that they want to be something that socially acceptable...and not a pimp or a drug dealer or gang rape rap artist or a giraffe basketball player or gorilla football player.  Don't we want to see blacks live accetable lifestyles and work hard and be motivated rather than lazy and annoying and angry? 

The only thing I want to see removed is affirmative action for blacks.  I would rather be a type of affirmative action for anyone who is gifted but poor irregardless of color.  That way, we won't have someone wanting to be a surgeon and beocming a surgeon but being a terrible unqualified corrupt surgeon, if  you konw what I mean.

However, how can it be bad if blacks are happy and motivated to live decent lives?  Better than anger and a life of crime.

What do you guys think?

Chaim's answer was concise and to the point. But have we forgotten already that Obama was an affirmative-action Presidential candidate? Do you honestly think he would have gotten this far if he were white? Dr. Dan, c'mon now. Barack Obama didn't make it on merit! How the heck can he inspire people to become legitimate professionals based on merit? I love your idealism, but you have to also be a realist. We're going to see an acceleration of racist affirmative-action programs under Obama!

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #21 on: November 11, 2008, 02:51:40 AM »
I understand what you mean, Chaim.  What I'm trying to get at is the fact that there are many blacks who despair and get angry and choose crime...what if obama give some young blacks to get out of their doldrums and realize that even a black man can become president..and as a result of that, given them hope to work at something (hopefully) and get there?  Isn't that better than them encouraging crime and having 10 babies each from 10 different men and goign on welfare and creating more jealous religions?  Am I goign about this in the wrong logic?

Yes, I think your logic is off-track.
Did the election of David Dinkins as Mayor of New York lead blacks in a better direction?
Did giving blacks control of South Africa and Rhodesia lead to blacks becoming better?
Did the election of Nelson Mandela improve black behavior in South Africa?
Did removing the European colonialists from Africa, and granting independence to dozens of African countries, lead to better black behavior?

You want more black doctors, lawyers, professors, engineers, teachers, businessmen? That is what we will be getting now and 99% of them will be completely unqualified. The standards will be lowered even further to let them in. Just look at "doctors" in Africa and other Third World areas. That is where we are headed now.
The only possible good result from this would be if an Obama presidency finally teaches whites a lesson on how crazy it is to put blacks in charge of anything. If there is a white blacklash that leads to a Palin victory in 2012, that would be a positive result.
The question is, can America and Israel survive this for the next four years with Iran building nuclear bombs?
This is a brilliant response!!!!!  And your very last sentence is what terrifies me most right now, because when a madman comes right out and says he wants the destruction of Israel, my heart sinks thinking that this same madman will be allowed a nuclear bomb.  If only Menachem Begin were leading Israel now, I could sleep a lot better.

Offline Zevida

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #22 on: November 11, 2008, 08:34:42 AM »

This is Sparta! LOL (Sorry, had to).  But while we're on the subject, maybe we should be kicking some people into a large pit?

Anyway, I am scared that Obama will be president in January.  I just hope he spends the first 4 years doing nothing so he can try to get re-elected.  Then we can get rid of him in 2012.
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Offline Daleksfearme

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #23 on: November 11, 2008, 11:40:30 AM »
Hello all,

Science has proven that all humans are 99.9 percent the same at our most basic genetic level. The remaining differences are minor variations based solely on geography. (people from different areas of the world have different resistance to certain diseases, or a tendency toward the same hair color etc as that trait is commen in that area.) It is also a commen misconception that modern science postulates that humans, or any other organism, adapt to their environment. Change is the result of random mutations that occur over very Long periods of time. Most of the time, these random changes are lethal, and the new trait is not passed on to the next generation. Every once in a while, one of these changes is of benefit, and thus passed on to the next generation.

African Americans or any other of the black population are therefore by no means a separate race. Any difference in worldview then becomes a social and cultural issue.  Cultural issues are a learned behavior, It is not hard wired into our genes. There fore I agree with Dr Dan. Why not be pleased when children aspire to become productive members of society? Members of the black community such as Bill Cosby have been very Critical of certain aspects of black culture for years. Unfortunately, their voices have been drown out by the allure of money and "status" that is associated with the music industry, sports etc.

Perhaps now this will start to change
"You must not have looked in the new dictionary for the word Genocide, Because Right next to it is a picture of me with a capton that reads...over my dead body!"

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Re: For some reason, I'm not scared of Obama (yet)
« Reply #24 on: November 11, 2008, 12:03:55 PM »
Hello all,

Science has proven that all humans are 99.9 percent the same at our most basic genetic level. The remaining differences are minor variations based solely on geography. (people from different areas of the world have different resistance to certain diseases, or a tendency toward the same hair color etc as that trait is commen in that area.) It is also a commen misconception that modern science postulates that humans, or any other organism, adapt to their environment. Change is the result of random mutations that occur over very Long periods of time. Most of the time, these random changes are lethal, and the new trait is not passed on to the next generation. Every once in a while, one of these changes is of benefit, and thus passed on to the next generation.

African Americans or any other of the black population are therefore by no means a separate race. Any difference in worldview then becomes a social and cultural issue.  Cultural issues are a learned behavior, It is not hard wired into our genes. There fore I agree with Dr Dan. Why not be pleased when children aspire to become productive members of society? Members of the black community such as Bill Cosby have been very Critical of certain aspects of black culture for years. Unfortunately, their voices have been drown out by the allure of money and "status" that is associated with the music industry, sports etc.

Perhaps now this will start to change

I heard homo sapience shares over 98% of Its DNA with the Chimpanzee.  Of course Blacks constitute a human race. Nevertheless there is nothing wrong with Blacks aspiring for high achievements, the thing is they aspire to high status and expect it to handed to them with little or no effort. This is how Sadam Hussein Obama, a stupid pot head, got into Harvard, was elected as the chief editor of the Harvard law review and eventually cruised all the way to white house.